11th March 2010, 07:24 PM
What type of questions are asked in IPS Exam?
which type of questions are asked in IPS Exam?
and Do you show some model question papers? |
12th March 2010, 07:51 AM
you will get the previous years model question papers at the official website of upsc which is www.upsc.gov.in
all the best |
12th March 2010, 02:55 PM
dear friend
to download model questions visit www.ebookpdf.net/__model-question-papers-for-IPS-exam_ebook_.html all the best |
25th March 2010, 09:14 PM
dear friend, Syllabus for Preliminary Examination
This is the first stage of the recruitment process. This stage has two papers: Paper 1 General Studies: For this exam you will have must study current events, Indian history of India, global and Indian geography, Indian economics and polity. This paper will require you have an understanding of normal day to day issues. You are not expected to have specialized knowledge on any subject, but a common understanding is necessary. You must know current national and international events and have detailed knowledge of history of Indian political system, society and economy. Paper 2 Optional Subject: For this exam, each candidate has to choose one subject from a wide list and prepare for it. This optional subject depends on the type of job that he or she wants to take as an IAS officer. One can choose anything from animal husbandry to philosophy, from law to political science. There are about 23 different subjects from which the candidates can choose their favourite subject. The syllabus to each of these subjects is very diverse.................. for more detail just read the following attach file- |
28th March 2010, 08:08 PM
please download the papers from the sites given below and observe the type of question come in the exam
www.onestopias.com/indian-police-service/ www.iaspapers.info http://www.indicareer.com/competitive-exams/civil-services-ias-sample-question-paper-set.html http://www.civilserviceindia.com/subject/General-Studies/question-papers.html http://www.civilserviceindia.com/subject/question-papers.html http://www.educationobserver.com/forum/showthread.php?tid= |
28th March 2010, 11:38 PM
hi friend,
i am giving the some websites name from where you can find the model paper and syllabus. www.upsc.gov.in www.ebookpdf.net/__model-question-papers-for-IPS-exam_ebook_.html ok good luck |
30th March 2010, 12:57 AM
Dear friend, you can visit thelinks: www.onestopias.com/indian-police-service, www.indiahowto.com/pattern-format-of-upsc-civil-services-exam
There you can get the pattern of questions ok,good luck |
12th May 2010, 06:05 PM
dear friend
generally it is conducted by UPSC examination is conducted in three phase 1 prelims 2 mains 3 interview for the syllabus and pattern of the question asked please visit the link given below: 1 www.ebookpdf.net/__model-question-papers-for-IPS-exam_ebook_.html 2 www.onestopias.com/indian-police-service, www.indiahowto.com/pattern-format-of-upsc-civil-services-exam all the best |
24th July 2010, 11:43 PM
I am class 12th Science student, having CS as my optional subject. Can you please tell me about the procedure to get through IPS exam, i also want to know about physical test(what all is done in it) my height is 6'2, weight 70,chest 91. thanks |
31st July 2010, 10:42 PM
hello friend
for knowing the type of the questions asked in ips exam you can refer the old papers of upsc exam or you can join a good coaching centre also . here i am providing a paper containg the questions asked you can get a idea from here : Public Administration Multiple Choice Questions Test Paper (Solved)-part1 A D V E R T I S E M E N T Public Administration Multiple Choice Questions Test Paper (Solved) 1. Which of the following administrative thinkers has defined administration as "the organization and direction of human and material resources to achieve desired ends" ? (A) L. D. White (B) J. M. Pfiffner (C) J. A. Veig (D) H. A. Simon Ans : (B) 2. Which one of the following statements is not correct in respect of New Public Management ? (A) It has market orientation (B) It upholds public interest (C) It advocates managerial autonomy (D) It focuses on performance appraisal Ans : (B) 3. 'Good Governance' and 'Participating Civil Society for Development' were stressed in World Bank Report of— (A) 1992 (B) 1997 (C) 2000 (D) 2003 Ans : (A) 4. If the administrative authority within a department is vested in a single individual, then that system is known as— (A) Board (B) Bureau (C) Commission (D) Council Ans : (B) 5. Globalisation means— (A) Financial market system is centered in a single state (B) The growth of a single unified world market (C) Geographical location of a firm is of utmost importance (D) Foreign capitalist transactions Ans : (B) 6. By whom was the 'Managerial Grid' developed ? (A) Blake and White (B) Blake and Schmidt (C) Blake and Mouton (D) Mouton and Shophan Ans : (C) 7. Who among the following says that public administration includes the operations of only the executive branch of government ? (A) L. D. White and Luther Gulick (B) L. D. White (C) Luther Gulick (D) W. F. Willoughby Ans : (C) 8. The concept of the 'zone of indifference' is associated with— (A) Decision-Making (B) Leadership (C) Authority (D) Motivation Ans : (C) 9. Who has analysed the leadership in terms of 'circular response' ? (A) C. I. Barnard (B) M. P. Follett (C) Millet (D) Taylor Ans : (B) 10. Simon proposed a new concept of administration based on the methodology of— (A) Decision-making (B) Bounded rationality (C) Logical positivism (D) Satisfying Ans : (C) 11. Who wrote the book 'Towards A New Public Administration : The Minnowbrook Perspective' ? (A) Frank Marini (B) Dwight Waldo (C) C. J. Charlesworth (D) J. M. Pfiffner Ans : (A) 12. Who rejected the principles of administration as 'myths' and 'proverbs' ? (A) W. F. Willoughby (B) Herbert Simon (C) Chester Barnard (D) L. D. White Ans : (B) 13. The classical theory of administration is also known as the— (A) Historical theory (B) Mechanistic theory (C) Locational theory (D) Human Relations theory Ans : (B) 14. How many principles of organization were propounded by Henry Fayol ? (A) 10 (B) 14 (C) 5 (D) 9 Ans : (B) 15. Simon was positively influenced by ideas of— (A) Terry (B) Barnard (C) L. D. White (D) Henry Fayol Ans : (B) 16. Negative motivation is based on— (A) Fear (B) Reward (C) Money (D) Status Ans : (A) 17. 'Job loading' means— (A) Shifting of an employee from one job to another (B) Deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge (C) Making the job more interesting (D) None of the above Ans : (B) 18. The theory of 'Prismatic Society' in Public Administration is based on— (A) Study of public services in developed and developing countries (B) Institutional comparision of public administration in developed countries (C) Structural-functional analysis of public administration in developing countries (D) Historical studies of public administration in different societies Ans : (C) 19. Who among the following is an odd thinker ? (A) Taylor (B) Maslow (C) Herzberg (D) Likert Ans : (A) 20. Which of the following is not included in 'hygiene' factors in the Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation ? (A) Salary (B) Working conditions (C) Company's policy (D) Responsibility Ans : (D) 21. The 'Gang-Plank' refers to— (A) Discipline (B) Initiative (C) Equity (D) Level jumping Ans : (D) 22. The history of evolution of the Public Administration is generally divided into— (A) Three phases (B) Four phases (C) Five phases (D) Six phases Ans : (C) 23. Henry Fayol's General theory of Administration is applicable at— (A) Policy management level (B) Top management level (C) Middle management level (D) Workshop management level Ans : (B) 24. F. W. Taylor, the founding father of Scientific Management movement propounded the theory which was conceived to be a scientific methodology of— (A) Careful observation (B) Measurement (C) Generalisation (D) All of these Ans : (D) 25. In which of the following are public and private administrations not common ? (A) Filing (B) Managerial techniques (C) Scope and complexity (D) Accounting Ans : (C) 26. Bureaucracy that is committed to the programmes of the political party in power is called— (A) Depoliticised bureaucracy (B) Semi-politicised bureaucracy (C) Committed bureaucracy (D) Fully politicised bureaucracy Ans : (C) 27. The principle of 'span of control' means— (A) An employee should receive orders from one superior only (B) The number of subordinate employees that an administrator can effectively direct (C) The control or supervision of the superior over the subordinate (D) The number of people being controlled Ans : (B) 28. Which of the following is not a function of staff agency ? (A) Planning (B) Advising (C) Consultation (D) Achieving goals Ans : (D) 29. Which of the following is not a staff agency in India ? (A) Cabinet Secretariat (B) Cabinet Committees (C) Planning Commission (D) Economic Affairs Department Ans : (D) 30. In hierarchy, the term 'scalar' means— (A) Step (B) Ladder (C) Position (D) Process Ans : (B) 31. The 4Ps theory of departmentalization as advocated by Luther Gulick are— (A) Purpose, process, plan, place (B) Place, person, programme, process (C) Purpose, process, place, programme (D) Purpose, process, person, place Ans : (D) 32. One who tells one's supervisor anything detrimental to an associate is called— (A) A squealer (B) A rate buster (C) A chiseller (D) None of these Ans : (A) 33. According to Urwick, where the work is of a more simple and routine nature, the span of control varies from— (A) 9 to 12 (B) 8 to 12 (C) 7 to 9 (D) 10 to 12 Ans : (B) 34. Delegation of authority by a Sales Manger to his saleman is an example of— (A) Upward delegation (B) Sideward delegation (C) Downward delegation (D) None of these Ans : (C) 35. A virtual organisation is— (A) One which has profit as the major goal (B) One in which leadership always tends to fulfil psychological needs of the subordinates (C) A small, core organization that outsources major busi-ness functions (D) One which has concern of the employees as its top priority Ans : (C) 36. The most effective means of citizen's control over administration is— (A) Election (B) Pressure Groups (C) Advisory Committees (D) Public Opinion Ans : (A) 37. The Santhanam Committee on prevention of corruption was appointed in— (A) 1961 (B) 1964 (C) 1963 (D) 1962 Ans : (D) 38. The first country in the world to introduce the right to information was— (A) Norway (B) USA (C) Sweden (D) Finland Ans : (C) 39. What is meant by the Doctrine of State Immunity ? (A) The State is immune to being sued (B) The State can be sued but not in the national courts (C) The State cannot be sued in its own court without its consent (D) None of the above Ans : (A) 40. 'Habeas Corpus' literally means— (A) To have the body of (B) To command (C) To prohibit (D) None of the above Ans : (A) 41. The system of 'Rule of Law' was propounded by— (A) A. V. Dicey (B) Lowell (C) W. F. Willoughby (D) H. Finer Ans : (A) 42. Who says that "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" ? (A) L. D. White (B) Lord Beveridge (C) Lord Acton (D) Josiah Stamp Ans : (C) 43. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament in India consists of— (A) 15 members (B) 22 members (C) 25 members (D) 30 members Ans : (B) 44. If a public servant imposes upon the citizens duties and obligations which are not required by law, it can lead to— (A) Error of law (B) Abuse of power (C) Error of authority (D) Error of fact finding Ans : (B) 45. Of which of the following administrative systems is the absence of judicial review a feature ? 1. USA 2. UK 3. France 4. India (A) 3 (B) 2 and 3 (C) 1 and 3 (D) 2 Ans : (B) 46. The present constitution of the USA was adopted in— (A) 1786 (B) 1778 (C) 1787 (D) 1789 Ans : (C) 47. 'Grand Corps' in French Civil Service stands for— (A) Senior level of specialist administrators (B) Senior level of generalist administrators (C) Senior level of generalistcum-specialist administra-tors (D) Senior level of defence administrators Ans : (C) 48. In France, the term of the President is— (A) Four years (B) Five years (C) Six years (D) Seven years Ans : (D) 49. In England, the Cabinet must resign from office as soon as it loses the confidence of— (A) The King or the Queen (B) The House of Commons (C) The House of Lords (D) All of these Ans : (B) 50. Under their service rules, the British Civil servants— (A) Are required to be neutral in politics (B) Can be partisan (C) Can be partly neutral and partly partian (D) Can pursue active party politics Ans : (A) 51. The term 'Performance Budget' was coined by— (A) Administrative Reforms Commission of India (B) Second Hoover Commission of USA (C) Estimates Committee of India (D) First Hoover Commission of USA Ans : (D) 52. During passing of budget in the Parliament 'Guilotine' is applied to those demands which are— (A) Discussed and approved (B) Discussed but not approved (C) Discussed and reduced (D) Not discussed for want of time Ans : (D) 53. Audit of State Government is— (A) A state subject (B) A union subject (C) In the concurrent list (D) None of these Ans : (B) 54. In which year was the Committee on Public Undertakings constituted by the Lok Sabha ? (A) 1953 (B) 1956 (C) 1963 (D) 1964 Ans : (D) 55. The number of demands in the general budget for civil expenditure is— (A) 103 (B) 106 (C) 102 (D) 109 Ans : (A) 56. The rule of lapse means— (A) All appropriations voted by the legislature expire at the end of the financial year (B) All pending bills in Parliament lapse with its prorogation (C) The demand for grants of a ministry lapse with criticism of its policy by the opposition (D) The appropriation bill lapses if it is not returned by the Rajya Sabha within 14 days Ans : (A) 57. The C & AG of India does not audit the receipts and expenditure of— (A) Municipal undertakings (B) State Governments (C) Government companies (D) Central Government Ans : (A) 58. The role of the Finance Commission in Central-State fiscal relations has been undermined by— (A) The State Governments (B) The Zonal Councils (C) The Planning Commission (D) The Election Commission Ans : (A) 59. The Railway Budget was separated from the Central Budget in the year— (A) 1920 (B) 1921 (C) 1922 (D) 1923 Ans : (B) 60. The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament is appointed by— (A) Speaker of Lok Sabha (B) Prime Minister of India (C) President of India (D) Chairman of Rajya Sabha Ans : (A) 61. The question asked orally after the question hour in the House is called— (A) Supplementary question (B) Short notice question (C) Starred question (D) Unstarred question Ans : (C) 62. The economy cut motion seeks to reduce the proposed expenditure of a demand for grant by— (A) Rupees one hundred (B) Rupee one (C) A specified amount (D) An unspecified amount Ans : (C) 63. Who was the Chairman of the Economic Reforms Commission (1981-84) ? (A) Dharam Vira (B) L. K. Jha (C) K. Hanumanthiya (D) B. G. Deshmukh Ans : (B) 64. In which year was the decision of separating accounting function from audit function taken by the Central Government for its financial administration ? (A) 1950 (B) 1965 (C) 1976 (D) 2000 Ans : (C) 65. In which recruitment, in a system for higher position is open to all the qualified candidates who may wish to apply is known as ? (A) Direct recruitment (B) Recruitment by promotion (C) Ordinary recruitment (D) Passive recruitment Ans : (A) 66. 'Position classification' is the classification of— (A) Salaries (B) Duties (C) Departments (D) Personal status of incumbents Ans : (B) 67. The civil service was defined as "professional body of officials, permanent, paid and skilled" by— (A) Herman Finer (B) O. G. Stahl (C) Felix Nigro (D) E. N. Gladden Ans : (A) 68. A new All India Service can be created by— (A) An amendment of the constitution (B) An executive order (C) A resolution under Article 312 of the Constitution (D) A statute Ans : (C) 69. The British concept of Civil Service neutrality is laid down by— (A) Fulton Committee (B) Assheton Committee (C) Masterman Committee (D) Northcote-Trevelyn Committee Ans : (C) 70. The 'spoils system' in the USA began during the period of— (A) Jefferson (B) Jackson (C) Washington (D) Adams Ans : (B) 71. Promotion in Civil Services indicates— (A) Such changes in the situation which indicate difficult work and more important responsibility (B) Change in the place of work (C) Transfer of work from field to Headquarters (D) Always an increase in pay Ans : (A) 72. Which of the following is not an All India Service ? (A) Indian Foreign Service (B) Indian Administrative Service (C) Indian Forest Service (D) Indian Police Service Ans : (A) 73. The Union Public Service Commission of India has been established under the— (A) Article 315 (B) Article 320 (C) Article 325 (D) Article 335 Ans : (A) 74. Which of the following reports deals with the relations between the specialists and generalists ? (A) Haldane Committee Report (B) Sarkaria Commission Report (C) Fulton Committee Report (D) Kothari Committee Report Ans : (C) 75. Reservation for the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the services has been provided in the Indian Constitution under— (A) Article 315 (B) Article 335 (C) Article 365 (D) Article 375 Ans : (B) hope this will help you . |
26th August 2010, 01:43 PM
dear friend,
from 2011 onwards in preliminary test of IPS there will be two papers.one is general studies paper and other is aptitude test. so you have to prepare for that.you can get previous papers of general studies by log on to official website of UPSC www.upsc.gov.in. for papers of aptitude test you have to wait.but you can solve the problems of RS AGGRAWAL. all the best. |
31st October 2010, 09:15 AM
dera friends,
there is two phase of the ips exams. PT and MAINS. In the PT exams the question is objective type and in the mains exams the question is basically subjective or descriptive type.you can see the question paper and syllabus on the websites www.upsc.gov.in |
2nd November 2010, 06:10 PM
IPS exam pattern :-
IPS exam is carried out by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) and carried out by two stages: 1) The Preliminary Examination. 2) The Main Examination. Preliminary Exam consists of multiple choice questions and is also a qualifying exam for appearing into second exam. Syllabus includes one optional paper and one compulsory paper on General Studies. Main Examination which consists a written exam and an interview. Preparation for the exam :- You prepare at least eight subjects of high importance properly. These subjects include Mental Ability, Economy, Political Science, Science, Current Affairs, Geography, History and General Knowledge. You have to start with NCERT books of 6th to 12th standard. |
3rd November 2010, 05:45 PM
Dear friend
IPS officers are selected through UPSC exams........a preliminary exam consisting of various sections such as aptitude.a main subject supplied.......then we have 9 exams during mains..........and finally an interview..... ALL THE BEST |
20th January 2011, 01:16 AM
You can become IPS by qualifying UPSC CS exam which consist of three phases
phase 1 is preliminary round which consist of multiple choice questions after passing phase 1 you can write phase 2 which will be of subjective type and after passing phase 2 you will face interview round in phase 3. good luck!! |
13th March 2011, 11:30 AM
Exam Pattern for IPS exam: All India Combined Competitive Examination for the Civil Services conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) comprises of two successive stages: •Preliminary Examination: It is of objective type, which is a qualifying examination. •Main Examination: It consists of written examination and interview. For details : http://www.onestopias.com http://www.upsc.gov.in |
5th January 2012, 08:49 PM
dear friends i want to be an IPS Officer i am very confuse about my optional subjects for mains. pls tell me the sub. is indian history or history and the 2nd is political or indian polity. pls give me the ans.
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