13th November 2011, 12:26 PM
When will be the result of BTC? |
13th November 2011, 05:51 PM
State Council of Educational Research & Training Uttar Pradesh Conduct The SCERT BTC Programme for Recruitment of Teachers for 2011. Merit List Of All Cities Announced At The Official Website Of SCERT I.E. http://scertup.org/btc2007.html on 10th November2011. |
16th November 2011, 11:47 AM
what process is of visist btc 2011-2012
23rd June 2012, 12:39 AM
State Council of Education Research and Training UP (SCERT) conducts the BTC test to select candidates for the teaching posts in various state level schools. BTC- Basic Training Certificate Now the results of BTC is not yet declared, its likely to declare the results of 2012 and the shortlisted candidates names would be given for the 2 year BTC training program. But the declaration of the results take about 1-2 months for it to come out. So you can Click Here to visit the official SCERT website and when the results would be published you can check it from here. Hope this helps All the best Regards RANJEET |
24th June 2012, 07:22 PM
-->BTC stands for Basic Training Certificate. * The scert , uttar pradesh will declare the BTC merit list on their offical website you can log on to the official websit:- --> www.scertup.org thanks...all the best...!!!! |