25th June 2014, 02:04 AM
Where to get IBPS question papers(old and New)?
IBPS question paper(old&new)papers are send my email id plz
26th June 2014, 02:06 PM
IBPS stands for Institute of Banking Personnel Selection.
Every year IBPS will conduct Entrance Exam in order to recruit the candidates for the following positions Clerical Positions Probationary Officers for all public sector banks. The selection procedure would involve IBPS written Exam Interview SBI and SBI Associate Banks have not joined hands with IBPS and they conduct their own written exam. From the past few years, the written exam is being conducted in online and so I am unable to provide you the previous year question papers. However I can suggest you some books which you can purchase and have good preparation for IBPS Exam. ![]() http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg One thing is sure that there is a healthy competition among the candidates who are writing this Exam. So, I suggest you to join in a Coaching Institute to have good preparation if time permits you. Wish you all the best. |