23rd November 2011, 04:28 PM
From where to get notes and reference books for CPT test?
From where to get notes and reference books for cpt test.
28th December 2011, 12:04 PM
here are list of CST reference books. for GA: There is no reference books for this subject. any text that covers the covers the above may be used for preparation. for COMPUTER ORGANIZATION AND OPERATING SYSTEM: 1. Operating system concept (5th edition) by silberschatz and galvin, wiley, 2009. 2. operating systems(4th ed) -internals and design principles by william stllings, prentice hall india 2000. 3. computer organization and architecture (4th ED) by william stallings, prentice hall, 1996. for data structure and algorithms: Data structure and algorithms in java by Adam drozdek, Thomson learning 2001. for COMPUTER NETWORKS: COMPUTER NETWORK (4TH ed) BY Andrew s. tanenbaum, prentice hall of India, 1996. for Database management: Fundamentals of database management systems (4th ed) by Ramez elmasri and shamkant navathe, addison wesely, 2004. for Java technologies: Thinking in java 4th ED by Bruce Eckel. for Object oriented programming and c++: c++ primer (3rd ed) by Stanley lippman, Adisson-wesley. THANKS..!!!!!!!!!! |
9th May 2013, 12:40 PM
How can I get CPT notes for corresponding course with 11th and12th