2nd October 2010, 12:37 AM
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Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?

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2nd October 2010, 09:47 AM
rahul k
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

dear friend

You will have to work about 3-4 years and gain work experience in the business field before getting your MBA. but many accept students right out of college if they have good grades and a high MAT and CAT score.

So, Yes Work experience is helpful before doing MBA, have work experience helps to increase your changes of getting accepted. What would be wonderful if you get a job that actually has a tuition program and will pay for you to go to school part time while you work full time.

Thus, all in all it will be advantageous for you to work before applying to an MBA program regardless.
2nd October 2010, 10:15 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

you have more gain industrial experience before mba so you have no problem in the job so many company have to be get experience letter for every student...
2nd October 2010, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

MBA in a good college is very important but many people get confused wether to do job first or MBA degree first....I suggest both are equally good in their own ways...Because...suppose if you do a job...you gain work experience and in MBA counselling..the person with a work experience is prefferred...But some also think...that since we are studying....we can maintain a continuity and carry on further studies and do <MBA directly.....But here you need to study harder thn before case...

Good luck !!
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2nd October 2010, 10:29 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Yes it is very important because it gives a experiance about the practical knowledge
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2nd October 2010, 10:42 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Many rush into MBA immediately after graduation is true but many others do it after doing some job for some experience and then go for MBA is also true.........
work experience in a organisation as a professional increases the understanding of the organisation and after that stepping into MBA will give you immense knowledge,because you already understood the necessities drawbacks etc., in your job and you can compare them while studying......this is one of such cause
Because Management with good understanding or organisational functionality is preferred than management with just knowledge of business..........
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2nd October 2010, 01:56 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Dear friend,

full-time work experience from a good company always helps students at the time of taking admission in MBA as well as after completion of course in getting placements.
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2nd October 2010, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Yes, dear
offcourse the work experiance is count for plcement after completion of MBA.
And they are always prefered then freshers one. Because all firms wants to hire experianced candidate rather then fresher.
Yes, it is dificult to study with job. But, my dear if u want to get a higher package after your MBA degree. Then have to manage this.
Anyway, there nothing possible.
Best of luck.
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2nd October 2010, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

yes, having work experience for mba students is very much valuable but if you don't have it need not to worry but those having work experience get more weightage over non experienced.
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2nd October 2010, 06:55 PM
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Cool Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

yes work experiance very imp for mba
it will make you understand the market problems
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2nd October 2010, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

i think it's the need of today's world.as competition is increasing day by day so work experience is today's demand.if before doing MBA u have work experience it will increase ur quality n good companies will like to work with u as u will have good knowledge in your profession.after taking experience n then doing MBA will increase your stars in having good packages in good companies.experience will also help u understand your MBA well n score good in exams n increase more interest in your studies.
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2nd October 2010, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

work experience does not provide you a reservation in MBA but it makes the thing much easier to understand.you can understand the subject well in short time
and then you will score good % and finally you will get good to do
all the best
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3rd October 2010, 01:00 AM
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of course it is very important but not necessary. if you score good in CAT or MAT, then also you will get admission
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3rd October 2010, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

200% ur work experience always help........u should first take peparation for cat,mat,xat etc..............
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3rd October 2010, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

dear friend,

Work experiance is good before MBA but there is no condition to take seat in MBA.
Yes,it should be helpful for you in MBA. you can do.

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3rd October 2010, 06:53 PM
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There are two things which you should keep in mind......
Firstly from where you want to do it.......
& Secondly when you want to do it......
For reputed institutes you require work experience (IIM's and many noted institutes prefer mostly work-ex people)
but when you are out of studies doing a job studying for an MBA entrance is not a cup of tea. it gets tough.
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3rd October 2010, 11:39 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?


"Experience makes man perfect" is the right answer for your question.

I think for this purpose only finishing of project is mandatory to obtain MBA certificate for some universities...think about it..friend.
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4th October 2010, 11:28 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
This year only I have completed my part time MMM from mumbai university, TIMST college Kandivali.
MBA for fresher is difficult, he need to imagine the things. He does not know the actual practises in organisations. It is all about managing.
The experience helps to understand the person theory with practical examples of company and the person understands it in a proper way called learning.
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7th October 2010, 01:09 PM
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Smile Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
dear friend,

doing MBA is now a days best for every one who want to make money and want an AC cabin early.

MBA counts those which is full time course from best institutes.otherwise rest of all more or less same.and experience is an essential thing for MBA persons.You will have to work about 3-4 years and gain work experience in the business field before getting your MBA.

some of those companies want fresh students who are just out of college because of their fresh mind and good CAT or MAT score.

i suggest you experience MBA are most valuable.
good luck.
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31st October 2010, 01:34 AM
Sushant Roy
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

hi friend,

Work experience in before MBA is helpful and productive in that case when you have taken it in managerial or administration side. For example you work in an institution in a managerial team or as an executive, obviously you will be forced to have a MBA degree after some years (means it is impossible for you to wait for 10 years!!). So in order to get increment you have to do MBA.
However at graduation level, a student have apparently two option , either he go for a job or another degree. So if you have opportunity for a better college then you should go for a better college but if it is not in your hand then you should do a job and meanwhile always be in touch with institutions which offer MBA(either via regular or correspondence mode). At right time of your experience , just enroll yourself in MBA. In this case , if the college has potential enough then your name will be the first among the list of students who got placed in companies.
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1st November 2010, 12:25 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Carrying work experience while doing MBA can definitely help to understand the theories and terminologies well as you can always relate them with the actual scenarios faced or seen. It also differs as per the work profile, type of organization, etc. accordingly. But the practical knowledge can anyways help to gain better understanding while learning managerial concepts.
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1st November 2010, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

hi friend,
Work experience is really crucial if at all u want to opt for elite mba colleges.
It will not only help you in gettin to good collges also provide higher packages than any other fresher. all the best..
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2nd November 2010, 08:21 PM
Minal malhotra
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

[QUOTE=nav367;209190]many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?[/QUOT

hey dear listen why a one person doin mba what a reason behind dem.....is only dat 1stly dey want to get perfect in communication nd presentation skills .. both the things is an art of day to day life
2ndly after mba dey want a g8 job dats why dey do mba .. but dey forget opportunities r already in ur hand if u hv a guts 2 apply it
3rdly after gainin exp of 0-10 year dey think dey r nt perfect dats why dey do mba.. nd may be dey also think dey want 2 polish their skills nd may be dey also think dey get a big opportunity nd get new techniques but i hv to tell u it is already fix in ur mind.
so, in last it does'nt matter u hv exp or nt .. do'nt ever think ur competatior r exp person.. in actually dey r doffers who does'nt hv skillls.. only 2 inc dem dey sittin in front of u..............................exp does'nt matter .. presence of mind is matter lot.....................do'nt get confuse regaedin ur future....think only positive.......................................... .............................exp does'nt matter but ur way of donna a things matter a lots
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3rd November 2010, 07:03 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

yes experiance is always important. but if your marks in cat and mat is good then no need to worry. you will easily get job. however your experiance can only help you in getting job.
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3rd November 2010, 10:47 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

hey what the others have posted is utterly true...its like the gospel truth of management. because you see, its a people and situation related work field so the more people yoiu meet and the more situations your'e in the more comprehensible will be the knowledge you gain at MBA
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3rd November 2010, 11:57 AM
Sachin Narayan
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

work experience is always helpful in every way, its always productive, but here its kind of helpful but not completely helpful. reason being, if u pursue MBA first then job opportunities will as usual increases. The value of work experience increases or we may say its beneficial in every aspect as u have the master degree course with job experience. Without MBA u'll not get up to mark job, MBA with a good work experience will just make ur C.V glitter like star, so if u want to do a job pls pursue MBA first.
thank you
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3rd November 2010, 02:33 PM
megha ram singh
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Red face Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Now a days people are opting MBA toget a good job,but they themselves are not aware what they actually want to do.one can persue MBA after doing job for a period of time, work experience is helpfull. but i feel that one should first do his/her MBA & then go for a job because after MBA u'll be aware of that "what u have to manage"..and then u'll get a quality work experience..
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3rd November 2010, 11:27 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Before doing MBA working experience is really helpful. Nowadays there is too much rush about MBA.So if you go for MBA while having experience than you will definitely sure your top carrior.
Most of freshers go for MBA after graduation but if anyone go after 2-3 years experience than that person's carrior is safe.
My suggestion is that just do MBA after having atleast two years experience than and also there is no limit to do MBA. You can do any time. But do with your job. Nowadays there is 1 year executive MBA program is also availabe for the person who has almost have 3 to 6- years, depends on a choise of institution whatever you chose.
NIIT and IGNOU also providing this kind of MBA and thats really helpful for experienced guys and get better chance.

with best wishes
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4th November 2010, 02:13 PM
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Post Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

hi friendssssssssssss.......

yes work experience is helpful before doing MBA...

MBA means not only studying theory or content that what in the text books and getting MBA certificate but also u have to apply this in your business after your MBA.

but if you have a job experience,u have a clear idea how the system of business..what r the problem arrives in business ,to overcome those what to do ,how to do...like these type of questiuons arises in your mind.
so this MBA study gives the solutions to your questions that arised in your mind.

its very to get success in your life also.

thank you friendsssssssss
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15th November 2010, 08:01 PM
chandana Reddy
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

work experience is definitely helpful for doing MBA...
it gives you practical knowledge...its productive always..

good luck
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16th November 2010, 12:48 AM
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Yes your work experience will be count and it also help to take admission in most of university like IIM or Symbiosis like institute prefer more experience candidates.......
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16th November 2010, 03:31 PM
Satwinderpal Singh Sandhu
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
ya work experience is counts for mba u cn get good jobs instantly by showing ur work experience
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17th November 2010, 01:40 AM
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why you want to waste your time
i know exp. is very essential in life but you can take it during course or after complete it
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16th December 2010, 11:38 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

i have completed my regular mba in june 2010 from a recognized university ,i also did a job in my final year,will my experience count?
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28th March 2011, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Is doing MBA is good for mechanical stream engineers? And which course like finance, operation etc. will be good for mechanical engineers??
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20th April 2011, 01:29 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my regular mba in june 2010 from a recognized university ,i also did a job in my final year,will my experience count?
the work experience is count only after you graduation.
so, if you did job in final year your work experience is not count.
so, try to get experience after graduation it will count but only full time experience is count not part time.
all the best
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12th May 2011, 05:36 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

i am having full time work experience of 8 months in I.T company.But due to some problem i have to leave job.But the company does not provide the experience certificate less than 1 year.I am deciding to go for M.B.A,as i will not hae any exp. certificate i will be considered fresher or payslip can do
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13th May 2011, 01:32 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Hi dear,
You will have to work about 3-4 years and gain work experience in the business field before getting your MBA. but many accept students right out of college if they have good grades and a high MAT and CAT score.

So, Yes Work experience is helpful before doing MBA, have work experience helps to increase your changes of getting accepted. What would be wonderful if you get a job that actually has a tuition program and will pay for you to go to school part time while you work full time.

Thus, all in all it will be advantageous for you to work before applying to an MBA program regardless.

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1st July 2011, 10:17 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

is the experience for mba should be a buisness field, is the IT iexperience can acceptable?
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3rd August 2011, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

One question to every one, kindly give your suggestions, I have almost two years work experience in a MNC. I want to ask that what should be better for me, to do MS after giving GRE or to do MBA full time. In whch case it will be more valuable for me.
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3rd August 2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
if you have such vast experience you can do MBA by distance learning programme form IMT, Symbiosis, Ignou etc. then you can count your experience in a such manner.
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3rd August 2011, 06:38 PM
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Yes, your experience is very helpful to achieve your goal when you will enter in any organisation you will get first priority to get any job. Due to your experience you have more chance to get a good job.
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3rd August 2011, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

yes...defeneitly...your work experience counts a lot before you apply for your management degree...the recruiters will obviously rely more on you than the inexperienced...the company also prefers experienced people over the inexperienced...after 5 year experience you can also apply for executive MBA..
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3rd August 2011, 09:58 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Most individuals pursing an MBA are already in the workforce. While work experience is not a requirement, is does give the coursework much more meaningfulness. This is not to sway you from pursuing the MBA without work experience, but understand that you will have to pay particular attention to what students and faculty discuss within the classroom and do not assume until you have all the facts.
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4th August 2011, 11:42 AM
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Smile Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

hi friend,

* Experience is a big thing, if you have experience in anyfield it does help you a lot .

* If you have good range in MAT and CAT score then it will help you.

* Yes Work experience is helpful before doing MBA, if have work experience helps to increase your chances of getting accepted.


* 3 TO 4 YEARS

* If you have this much experience before going for MBA then there is no chance of getting rejected , you will get a good job and with reasonable salary.

* Thats it, this may help you .

Best of luck !
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5th August 2011, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

yes experience is helpful for any field not only for MBA.
If you have a work experience than after MBA this is helpful for getting good job.
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5th August 2011, 10:45 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
MBA is always much more beneficial if you have such experience like 10 years which no need to any explanation
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11th August 2011, 01:03 AM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

what is normal package limit after MBA for mechanical engineer??
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15th August 2011, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Originally Posted by nav367 View Post
many freshers rush for MBA. but it can also be done long after 10 years of completing graduation. does experience really counts for mba? if yes, then how must one maintain studies and job, which in practical cases seemed quit difficult?
hi friend,the best idea is to go for a job for 2 to 3 years after the graduation .Then you can do your MBA.It will be helpful for yu to get a good job as you have also gained experience.The other best way is to study in part time or correspondence which would not affect your job at the same time you can study.
Good Luck.
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15th August 2011, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: Is work experience helpful before doing MBA?

Hi dear,

Work experience in before MBA is helpful and productive in that case when you have taken it in managerial or administration side. For example you work in an institution in a managerial team or as an executive, obviously you will be forced to have a MBA degree after some years (means it is impossible for you to wait for 10 years!!). So in order to get increment you have to do MBA.
However at graduation level, a student have apparently two option , either he go for a job or another degree. So if you have opportunity for a better college then you should go for a better college but if it is not in your hand then you should do a job and meanwhile always be in touch with institutions which offer MBA(either via regular or correspondence mode). At right time of your experience , just enroll yourself in MBA. In this case , if the college has potential enough then your name will be the first among the list of students who got placed in companies.

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