16th September 2016, 02:07 AM
List government job opportunities for OC caste students?
What are the main jobs in government allotted for OC caste candidates? Can you please list all the government jobs which I can apply for? Please let me know what are the relaxations available for OC candidate and how to get them? What is the procedure followed?
28th September 2016, 02:51 PM
OC stands for Open category. Government jobs depends on your qualification, if you posse that much qualification then apply. OC or UR category are same & can apply for any government jobs. There is no benefits for OC candidates & will have to face tough competition from other candidates. If you are planning to apply for the government job then prepare your self for the entrance exam. To get the job must clear entrance exam with good marks & then interview.
For all the jobs you need to apply online as offline mode has been discarded. But employment news for the updates of jobs. Also note that you must be graduate to apply for the jobs. Your qualification should be from valid board & university. |
6th February 2017, 12:35 AM
YEAH! I receive information regarding the govt jobs for oc caste, i was so glad to see this information. But, let me know the jobs for mba students related to the marketing specilazation
7th February 2017, 11:13 AM
Dear candidate,
There are lots of government jobs. OC means opened category. Central government jobs are provided by Staff selection commission. Every year there are many candidates who join Intelligence bureau, central bureau investigation, railway, ministry of external affairs, comptroller and auditor general of India, central board and direct taxes etc. These jobs are available by staff selection commission,combined graduate level exam. Apart from these you can apply for job in Indian Navy, Indian Army, Indian Air force, Banking Sector etc. The cut off is high for opened category or unreserved category. If you have high qualification then there are lots of jobs for you. Thank you. |