19th December 2009, 12:35 AM
Reservations should be there or not?
As all of us know that at many stages in our life we usually face the effect of reservation on our lives.
So why can't we make a poll on reservatons whether to be there or not and there consequences. |
19th December 2009, 04:00 PM
Good topic for disscussion.
I totally appreciate you and your thought. In my opinion I vote for the no reservation in any institute or jobs |
19th December 2009, 05:23 PM
there are few people who are really in need for reservation for their higher studies.......some people don't have financial support and unless and until the reservation is made the whole community of those people will not be able help India progress.........so for the development we need people from all communities to come together and work for progress...........
19th December 2009, 07:43 PM
i think there should be no reservation on basis of cast,it can be there on basis of economic background,
or else the government can provide scholarships to economically poor people |
20th December 2009, 01:48 PM
there are many Indians who really needs it,specially students from rular aereas and poor section of society,who cant afford expences for tutions etc for scoring good in exams,or cracking entrances which are highly competitive today.
21st December 2009, 02:33 AM
I always use to oppose this that there must be a reservation .we all are citizens of india our law gives equal rights to all of us what that reservation means its like a creamy layer over milk it must be ended as soon as possible
21st December 2009, 04:03 PM
few people who are really in need for reservation for their higher studies.......some people don't have financial support and unless and until the reservation is made the whole community of those people will not be able help India progress.........
22nd December 2009, 01:47 PM
its right that behind the name of reservation politicians used to cast votes.
its right that people living in rural areas have financial problem but the people in urban areas are also not rich talking to the clearance of entrance exam all the competitors try thier best to qualify person having reservation and low marks gets good rank but a general person whon have gained more marks did not get the seat as it is reserved for the reservation.we all equal in eyes of law but there is an another story................ |
22nd December 2009, 10:06 PM
its nice to have a responce from all of you..
but in my view reservation should be there in the economical basis and that to there should a great responcibility of government also needed in enuiry process of economically poor people while providing scholorships.. thanks. |
24th December 2009, 12:51 PM
would like to appreciate the idea of the author for making a poll on reservations as per my opinion no reservation provision should be there for any community or class of people but at the same time provision for scholarships or any kind of financial aid should also be made stronger in case of financially weak groups of society. Last edited by Esha Sharma; 25th December 2009 at 01:24 PM. Reason: text not properly entered last time |
16th January 2010, 01:00 PM
Well simply reserving seats for people just because they belong a to a community is a really bad idea.
Reservations are completely ruining the country's growth as lot of unskilled people get access to realy scarce resources like seats in IIT ,IIM ,IAS ,IES ec. Well instead of reservations ,only financial support should be provided to the really needy people ,so that if they are hardworking, then by using that money they can come at par with others. But simply providing seats to them based on thier caste and community is a real waste of national resources. |
16th January 2010, 11:51 PM
no it should not be there
it shows some difference frm child hood see whether any developed nation has any reservations act accordingly |
16th January 2010, 11:59 PM
reservations should be given only on the basis of financial conditions and not on any cast or religion.....because a person whether he belongs to open or backward category, deserves help only if he can't financially afford higher studies.....
2nd February 2010, 04:22 PM
really is a very good question and also a great issue,
i think the reservation should be given but that should be on the basis of the financial situation of the person.not on the basis of cast,creed,religion. |
2nd February 2010, 06:43 PM
i think it is more important to provide the down-trodden societies of our country good education rather by fixing their jobs . infact jobs are there for skilled mass not for the untrained and unskilled people rather by giving reservations we are not improving our status or uplifting any class in particular but providing weak and vulnerable clas of our society jobs instead of the right or correct person who deserves it through merit . moreover i will like to add by saying that one cannot improve by reservation but can improve by good education..thanks
2nd February 2010, 09:38 PM
reservations should not be there .. all human beings are equipped with their own stuff.. and all human beings have only one brain .. so there should not be any reservations
2nd February 2010, 09:53 PM
reservation should not be there in higher education definately true instead obc and sc and st shud be given support from primary to 12th class they should given all the info all the money (depends on financial status) support regarding education they shud be informed about iits nits and various other xams related to their field and shud be given knowledge exposure just as much as we have till 12 class and then u can remove all reservations and let the competition flourish
7th February 2010, 09:11 PM
i whole-heartly support reservations but not in its present form...its too vague
the criteria of reservation should be wholly economic-based and irrespective of caste, religion and poltical affiliations |
11th February 2010, 12:09 AM
i dont support reservation.....i thnk because of reservations only india was not yet developed.because of reservations worth ful candidates are loosing their opportunity.
11th February 2010, 11:03 PM
well constitution have given the right to states to formulate policies and take necessary action for amelioration and upliftment of deprived classes, and therefore i suppose central government should withdraw it. every reservation is for a specific time period and when there is apparent improvement in conditions of deprived classes these should be immediately withdrawn and only economic condition be the criteria to give this cover.....
instead of giving reservations and playing sluthy vote-bank politics the government should bolster the education system of school so that in future there is no need for any reservations |
15th February 2010, 02:26 PM
True potential of a person can be judged oly if fair competition is allowed..n if our NETAS cant really live without it...so guys plez b practicle an consider d economic status instesd of d caste one.........
15th February 2010, 06:20 PM
reservations were created to help out the backward part of society but now it has become the tool for creating communism and direst among others. reserved categories get undue advantage over non reserved ones..govt is not working out in this part rather than its accelerating it.. reservations are no more required in nation.it is making more unequal distribution of things, why just to each time keep blaming Britishers for creating differences wen there are differences in mindset of people of India too.
16th February 2010, 11:44 AM
in my opinion there should not be any reservation. On one side we are supporting that all the persons are equal & simultaneously we are skitching a line of reservation among us producing different levels of people in society.
16th February 2010, 12:45 PM
There should not be the reservation on the basis of castes as India is a country of unity in diversity and all Indian citizens are equal. But reservation on the basis of castes can create discrimination. As most of the people are suggesting that there should not be a discrimination on the basis of castes & creed then how some people are favouring this type of reservation. In my opinion the reservation should not be there and if it is then it should be for economically weak people so that there children shall also get the opportunity to study & to stand along with the other citizens of the country. And it will also help in improving the poverty in our country.
19th February 2010, 05:45 PM
Reservations are really a bonus for any castes people..
but i think when it comes to studies there must not be any kind of reservations everyone has a brain of himself..he must try n polish his knowledge rather to depend on reservations... many unknowledged people get into institutes like the iit's because of this only.. its so unfair to the other students who work a lot harder than them |
19th February 2010, 11:51 PM
according to me there should be reservation but not on the basis of cast but on the basis of economical back ground of the student,the cast reservation system brings more hatred among the students
20th February 2010, 10:00 AM
Reervation is fraud for following reasons.
Nobody should be denied opportunity because his great grand father disciminated against some; even for ths there is no proof - there can e other reasons for backwardness. Reservation benefits only the powerful among the lower cases. They hog the benefits. The large percentage of the disadvantaged who cannot send their children to school, mostly due to poverty, will never benefit from reservation. Those from lower caste who beneit through reservtion use the opportunity only to advancethemselves out of the lower caste. Brahmins are treated as the jews were treated in Europe, may they form their own Israel. |
20th February 2010, 10:31 PM
hello everybody i would like to go with all that there should be no resevations in any institute or colleges ...these are not needed and sometimes makes others feel injustice
24th February 2010, 03:27 AM
i think instead of giving reservation to the SC/ST & OBC casts they should get financial support for e.g they should get 70-80% concession in fees in gov. & private colleges....
in schools they should get the books for free etc..in this way we gov. can help them in a better way & yes there financial background should be consider before giving these facilities!!!! |
19th March 2010, 06:38 PM
there must be no reservation in our socities as it only causing a biggdifference between the socities and dividing it into two ,moreover the students belonging to the middle class and comming under genral quata are only facing the problem as having talent and intelligence but not having much bolsom amount to pay to the universitis.....so reservation should be removed,fee consasion can be given to the people of SC,ST,OBE and below poverty line only.....
16th April 2010, 10:57 AM
i think reservation is the thing which is really taking back words because due to it many talented students are being deprived of chance to study in good colleges and the one who dont deserve any thing are being taken to good colleges ,which is bringing the standards of the colleges also down
17th April 2010, 01:44 AM
I don't stand in favor of reservation. I think that there should not be any reservation in higher studies. In case of merits, there must not be any consideration. I know some meritorious students from backward societies really need some helping hands, but that does not mean to drive the general students towards problems. If there is reservation, general students have to fight for lesser amount of seats. So from my point of view ,i think that all the students should be given the same priority. If the government feels to help them then they should help by giving them some financial supports. And for that if they provide good facility,faculty,library etc in every standard of the education system all of those students will be helped. In many schools in rural areas the schools does not have a good library facility. Thus helping some of the students is nothing but the "politics for getting votes". The politicians are just hiding there worthlessness.
I know I'll get some strong replies for my these view. ![]() ![]() |