16th July 2010, 03:11 PM
Yes.Reservation should be hear.Because of the reservation the student and the people of backward classes will come ahead.And this is a big thing for the progres of INDIA.
16th July 2010, 04:48 PM
In the name of cast reservation we are giving to few uneligble people, where lot of poor and talented students from other catgeory r be ignored.. reservation should be based on economic and mark basis means good
16th July 2010, 10:10 PM
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as wen govt proposed it ,it was fr improvement of backwards but in actual the people who shd benefit it are not aware of it due to illiteracy. if govt is ready fr reservations i on behalf of all dose who are not supporting it say dat thn govt shd promise dat each n evaery surgery building shd be done or made by an sc candidate for vip people if dey r good den dey shd be treated equaly..... |
16th July 2010, 11:28 PM
yes, reservation is very important for those u who come from small states with good talents... In our india there are many young talented students who are still working because of the finiancial problem.... but when the reservation is up its makes young talented people to come up...and our government should make this possible by helping the talented peoples to show their knowledge ...........
18th July 2010, 09:04 AM
i think there should not be any reservation because it kills the chances of meritious general students.
if at all, govt can abolish reservation there should be some cut off marks for reserved candidates also, which should not differ for more than 10% than general candidates |
18th July 2010, 10:31 AM
Our pledge says that all Indians are equal then why this reservation is made.
Person who don't have reservation have to face many problem but person with reservation kota without so hardwork got job or admission in any institute. |
19th July 2010, 10:48 PM
In my opinion reservations should not be there as it is a form of discrimination which is contrary to the right to equality. Caste based reservation only perpetuate the notion of caste in society, rather than weakening it as a factor of social consideration. The 60% of India that is rural needs schools, health care and infrastructure in rural areas, not reservation in urban institutions.
20th July 2010, 09:15 PM
according to me no reservation should be there..
Because of this reservation the general merit students are suffering ..as i am a general merit student i will strongly oppose ...based onthe marks and their abilities the desired fields should be given...not only in case of education system but also in other fields like employment oppurtinites... |
19th August 2010, 04:53 PM
I am opinion the style of reservation is not quite well but reservation should be for them , who really need it, Not to all who are in the same caste. Because they can have all facilities comprising to general. Thanks Hsakapandit |
24th August 2010, 06:53 PM
Yes we know due to some financial problems some students cant study.Instead of giving these SC or BS students reservation government should give them financial support so that they can study hard to compete with the students and fight to get their own seat without any help.Moreover benefit of these reservations are taken by the higher class persons of SC or BC community which is very untrue because they have got all means to study and still they dont study.Instead they go for reservatipon seats.This is a shame for India.Thats why quality of education in India is decreasing day by day.
30th August 2010, 10:26 PM
in my views reservations should not be there................ 'in this case i would like to quote charles darwin theory that the fittest one should survive'.............. there is no word like caste, relidion....etc type of word in my dictionary.... so i strongly oppose the idea of reservation
' its really disheartening to see people( who support reservation) to have young heart but old minds. |
31st August 2010, 03:43 AM
This topic is very offensive as reservations to OC people is concerned...
But reservation is helping many poor people to come out as world class standard employees.. remember this. if people feel selfish we cant help it.. So, I'd say reservations must be there but should not become a hurdle for others... |
29th September 2010, 11:37 PM
hello friend,
The concept of reservation is applied for the grow up the people who belong to backward area as well as belong to those society from they are betraying. But, i think the reservation is diluting our merits in everywhere. & i am not agree with reservation system. But if possible the reservation should be applied but on the basis of income only not by cast. |
2nd October 2010, 07:59 PM
they should be necessary. Because they are many ways useful to many poor,who are worthy you may say some are'nt not worthy,they lack their worthyness by lack of guidence . and you may ask it is not reaching all right persons,but it might be helpfull for atleast one person. So,reservations should be necessary |
3rd October 2010, 04:48 PM
yes they are necessary
because they help to the people who are poor and unable to study higher education .but it is is not reaching to the people who are really in need.so,necessary action should be taken that they should reach to right persons.so,they are necessary, with their help atleast one person is able to reach their goal. |
7th October 2010, 10:59 PM
reservation should be on the basis of economical status not on the basis of casts/religion. Because we cannot say this cast is poor/rich. God has given mind to everyone the only thing matters is money those who have not enough money , reservation should be for them
14th October 2010, 04:00 AM
Definitely not.India is the only country which follows this system.Instead the poor should get the benefits.This system not at help the poor but it is dividing the country.political parties are gaining through this.
15th October 2010, 01:18 PM
there should be no reservation bcoz mainly students in gen. category suffers a lot,and i am sure that if reservation will not be there children of gen. category will acquire good ranks in all competitive exams,and i appreciate your thought,keep it up..
15th October 2010, 10:14 PM
All of them said the best answer for this reason, we should not have the reservation seat, so that priority student won't get get the seat, did you politics and money reason
Best of luck |
16th October 2010, 06:54 PM
there should be any reservation in studies especially
*students who r having less capability getting better institutions through reservations *students who r not hvng enogh capabilities getting jobs which leads failure in the work. |
16th October 2010, 08:47 PM
No,reservations shouldn't be there in our education system.1st of all after 63years of independence,even if we are not able to give enough opportunities
to the lower castes,then it clearly points out that the whole system is useless. Why we should reserve seats for them on the basis of caste??This is not fair becoz we should provide facilities,better infrastructure,good education rather than providing reservation to them. And the basis of this should be economic conditions not caste. |
16th October 2010, 09:11 PM
I appreciate the moderator for starting this discussion.
For any economy reservation is not good practice. Reservation causes many problems for those who don't have them . Firstly,the entire society have to be motivated upon the effect of this on other as well as for the development of the country.The main cause for the reservation is not because of the caste or religion but the main cause is money.The government instead of giving reservations can take the people of the weaker sections and provide them with good education as what a rich fellow can get with .This will in first hand remove the facts that are related with the money regarding reservation and when both the catogries are studying in same type of environment there wont be any varation in their results and hence the reservations can be removed .But instead of that the government is encouraging the variation and is always the main cause for the problems faced by the people without reservation though having good results. |
16th October 2010, 09:32 PM
I want to say that this is very bad for student. and reservation of student divides talents of the student due to reservation many talented student do not get opportunity and less talented student will get chance.
so "resevation does not mean equality" |
16th October 2010, 09:56 PM
I think that there should not be any resrvation if resevation it shold be on the basis of poverty means those who are poor they can apply for the exam but it should not be there at the time of results.
17th October 2010, 05:50 PM
Hello friends....
just give a thought why india started this reservation system ? Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar made this reservation amendment in the constitution through his efforts .. think about the untouchable children who were segregated and given no attention or assistance by the teachers. They were not allowed to sit inside the class. Even if they needed to drink water somebody from a higher caste would have to pour that water from a height as they were not allowed to touch either the water or the vessel that contained it... i would not say more but the conditions were so worse that today we all cant think about.... we can just protest that there should be no reservation and all that stuff...right !! |
17th October 2010, 11:41 PM
good students have no hindrances due to reservation...what i think !!
If reserved candidate is creating hassels for a good student... then this implies that the reserved candidate himself is a good student..(just a thought,at a macro concept) |
18th October 2010, 08:24 AM
In my opinion there should be no reservation in any field. Due to reservation so many tallented students face difficulty. As for example-in iit the cut off marks for general candidate is 180 and for sc/st is 38 . Reservation shouldnot be implemented in entrance exams. Students should be selected on the basis of performance. If gov. Wants to raise the condition of bpl people then conssession should be provided in terms of fee after cracking exam.
Reservation should'nt be given. Because so many talent are wasted due to reservation quota student .let us suppose that a general categorie student secure 130 but fail for the job and a reservation quota student just secure 50 mark and get the job. How demoralising is it for that candidate. Our country need highly qualified people so the candidate should only be selected on the basis of merit not on the reservation . If gov. Want to raise the condition of bpl people then concession should be given in terms of fee. |
18th October 2010, 10:42 AM
i think there should be no
reservation on basis of cast,it can be there on basis of economic background, or else the government can provide scholarships to economically poor people it should on economic basis |
18th October 2010, 06:58 PM
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Reservations should be given to people who are actually in need (even open category students) are poor who should be given otherwise a BIG NO. |
19th October 2010, 01:01 AM
According to me reservations in higher is not at all bridging the gap between all social classes, rather its widening the gap. Students are not getting paid for their hard work and perseverance. There is no harm in reserving seats for them but the marks cut off should be increased at same time. They should also be expected to score more in order to get the reserved seat.
19th October 2010, 11:07 PM
Dear friend
You brought up a very good topic. The reservation system in India should be removed. We should get the equal rights as a human rights. Ok, i do understand the reasons for reservation. Off course there are some communities or people who really need such reservation. Indian Government can take up other steps foe them. In India, people doesn't deserve reservation are the ones who takes the benefit for reservation, not the people who really needs such reservation. The world is so developed now and I feel we should get equal rights. |
20th October 2010, 08:05 PM
Strictly speaking reservation is seen as a negative point from point of view of general category students, But think of people who dont have access to modern facilities , educaton etc. It is true that there are some affluent people in SC/ST category but these are just 1-2%.
so , the recent concept of creamy is very good to exclude affluent people fro benefits of reservation. |
23rd October 2010, 11:53 PM
If we indians support for Equality among our's country members and even we have adopt it in our Constitution Of India then what is the need of this reservation. Every student of India should get equal chance to appear and take admission in any of indian universities or collages. I am agree with fee concession for poor masses but seat reservation for backward section of society is not acceptable for me. By implementing reservation we are promoting inequality among our country and also we are promoting that difference between high class and low caste peoples.
27th October 2010, 02:58 PM
There should be the criteria of reservation for the poor peoples who can not afford education or other facilities. It should not be on the basis of caste but on the factors like earnings, livelihood,etc. |
2nd November 2010, 03:56 AM
In my opinion it should be no reservation for the anyone on the basis of caste, gender, etc.
It should be equal opportunity given to every one. If govt. want to help then give coaching to those people give money to student give scholarship but reservation should be removed from colleges and jobs. |
2nd November 2010, 08:43 PM
relaxation in fee , age limits and even qualification is enough reason to erase the the reservation quota