19th May 2013, 01:01 PM
Which are the exams for which I can apply? I have written B.Tech 1st Mechanical branch
sir iam sandeepchandran, iam written exam btech 1st in mechanical branch sir which are the exams i can apply now and how btech students get direct entries.
2nd July 2016, 01:30 PM
You are in first year of engineering and now you can apply for examinations whose minimum academic qualification required is 10+2. You can apply for examinations like:
1. Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary level examination. 2. NDA examination if your age is between 16.5-19.5 years. 3. Intelligence Bureau Security Assistant examination. Other than these exams you can apply for Technical Entry Scheme for entry into wings of Defence like Army, Navy etc. You can become eligible to apply for many exams in final year of bachelor's degree on graduation basis. |