12th October 2015, 08:12 AM
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How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

How can i prepare for aiims i am a student of 11th what are important topics and which type of questions generally asked how can i keep learn 11th and 12th syllabus for 2 years

12th October 2015, 07:49 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

# All India Institute Medical Sciences is the full form of AIIMS.

# As name AIIMS MBBS clearly depicted that it is meant for MBBS Course. It is a national level medical entrance examination.

# The important dates regarding AIIMS MBBS Entrance Examination 2016:
* March 2016 : Advertisement for application form
* April 2016 : Last date for submission of application form
* May 2016 : Availability of admit card
* June 2016 : Date of examination
* June 2016 : Declaration of result
* July 2016 : Counselling of first round
* August 2016 : Counselling of second round
* September 2016 : Counselling of third round

# Required educational qualification and other eligibility conditions are:
* Intermediate in subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English as compulsorily subjects.
* Minimum required 60% marks in aggregates for general category.
* Minimum required 50% marks in aggregates for general category.
* Must have attained the age of 17 years on or before 31.12.2016 at the time of admission.

# Details about AIIMS MBBS Entrance Examination:
* Maximum marks for computer base objective type entrance examination.
* The duration of examination three hours and 30 minutes.
* Each and every correct answer/response awarded with one mark.
* There is a provision of deduction of 0.33 marks for each and every incorrect/wrong answer.
* The examination is bilingual i.e. in Hindi and English language only.

# The different sections/topics in written objective type test are:
* Minimum 60 marks for subject Physics
* Minimum 60 marks for subject Chemistry
* Minimum 60 marks for subject Biology
* Minimum 60 marks for subject General Knowledge
12th October 2015, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

AIIMS stands for the All India Institute of Medical Science and to get the admission in it for the medical courses you need to give your best to the study.

As you are in 11th now if you will work hard then definitely you will qualify in the examination. To qualify in the examination you have to go through all the topics of the NCERT nicely of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

You also need regular practice of these topics and try to solve the questions on these topics. Along with the PCB there are also 20 questions of the General knowledge. So you need to prepare for it also.

For more information about the examination visit at the www.aiimsexam.org.
12th October 2015, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

AIIMS MBBS is one of the important medical exam for almost every medical aspirant.

Apart from AIIMS, you can appear for AIPMT, CPMT, etc.

Make a proper strategy to crack AIIMS Exam.

Give proper time to Physics, Chemistry and Biology at regular intervals.

Focus more on your weak sections in subjects.

And, solve at least last 10 years question papers of AIIMS and AIPMT. Because, some of the questions are repeated.

For preparing AIIMS exam, you can refer following important books like:

Objective Physics Vol 1 for Medical Entrance Examinations (English) 6 Edition (Paperback)
Released: 2015
Publisher: Arihant
Price: Rs.530

27 Years NEET / CBSE - AIPMT Topic Wise Solved Papers (Physics / Chemistry / Biology) (1988 - 2014) (Set of 3 Books) (English) 9th Edition (Paperback)
Author: Disha Experts
Released: 2014
Publisher: Disha Publication
Price: Rs.695

Board + PMT / IIT - JEE Foundation (Physics / Chemistry / Mathematics / Biology) Class 10 (Set of 4 Books) (English) 3rd Edition (Paperback)
Author: Disha Experts
Publisher: Disha Publication
Price: Rs.858

Chapterwise-Topicwise Questions-Solutions Chemistry For Medical Entrances (English) (Paperback)
Released: 2015
Publisher: Arihant
Price: Rs.455
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12th October 2015, 09:23 PM
ranjan Ayush
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Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

There is no such list of important topics for the AIIMS entrance exam. It is a national level exam and if a candidate wants to do better in this exam, he/she needs to cover all the topics of Physics, Chemistry, Biology.

If you will leave any topic, there may be some possibility that question might come from that topics, so you can not take risk in competitive exams. Multiple choice questions are asked.

Do not leave any topic, read and cover each and every topics of NCERT Physics, Chemistry and Biology from class 10+1 to 10+2. Proper revision at regular intervals is necessary to crack the exam. Also read current affairs and general knowledge books as 20 marks questions from G.K.
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12th October 2015, 11:17 PM
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Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

**you can follow the following books for different Medical entrance test====>

**For AIIMS preparation you can go through the below books:

-2004 Nov by Sumer Sethi and Siddhartha Sethi

- LP Golden Excel with AIIMS Previous Years solved Papers by by Dr. J.K. Juneja, S. Jawa, Dr. J. P. Sharma

- Oswaal 10 Mock test Papers for AIIMS Delhi (Medical)

- Speed AIIMS Nov. 2009

- Target AIIMS

- Universal Self Scorer Biology for AIPMT, AIIMS, AFMC & Various Medical Entrance Exams

- Edusys Advanced Explorer AIIMS 2008

- Arihant AIIMS MBBS Entrance Examination (Solved Papers 1997-2008)

- Mtg AIIMS Explorer (With Solved Papers 1994-2006)

>>Apart from the above listed books, books for different Medical entrance exams are also helpful in the preparation of AIIMS exam...
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13th October 2015, 02:19 AM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 26
Default Re: How can I prepare for AIIMS MBBS entrance?

All India Institute Of Medical Science is the full form of AIIMS. It is a national level exam and one of the most important medical exam.

If you are studing in 11th then you have proper time to make stratergy and time plan to crack the AIIMS Pre Medical Test.

You should give proper time to Biology, Chemistry and Physics on regular interval.

Give time to your weakest points and
solve previous years AIIMS questions papers and others PMT Papers.
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