14th August 2011, 02:52 AM
Previous year question papers of SAIL Management Trainee Exam for Computer Science stream?
please give me previous sample paper for prepration of sail management trainee for computer science
18th August 2011, 09:25 PM
please send previous year papers of MT 4 computer stream
19th August 2011, 01:41 PM
plz send me sail syllabus and previous questions for Mt(t) computer science stream
28th August 2011, 05:03 PM
Plz send me previous year question papers for sail mt technical exam for mca branch based on the pattern of exam which is going to be held in september and send the syllabus of this exam.
Emailid : sahu.jeeban5186@gmail.com |
6th September 2011, 12:27 AM
kindly send me the syllabus and the model question paper for sail mt technical exam for computer science engineering. this is my id sharmanitika790@gmail.com plzzzzzzzzz send me
8th September 2011, 10:40 PM
plz send previous paper of sail mt exam of computer science branch
email-id ![]() Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/previous-year-question-papers-sail-management-trainee-exam-computer-science-stream-327476.html#ixzz1XNFWS88f |
9th September 2011, 09:58 PM
Technical (Section 1) 100 marks, 0.25 negative for every wrong answer. 1. main() { Printf("main"); main(); } What is the output ? 2. Which one is the OOP language a. Small talk, b. Pascal. c. Basic 3. Which is not the featues of OOP a. Reflection b. Encapsulation, c. Abstraction d. Inheritence 4. What is the typed language of C++ a. Static b. Dynamic c. Link-binding 5. Which property of OOP makes let the user know only the functinality of method but not the detail how it is working a. Abstraction b. Encapsulation c. Inheritence 6. How you define abstract class in C++ a. Using abstract mentod b. By writing keyword "abstract". c etc 7. Which one is the two way linked list a. Circular linklist b. Node having header and trailer in the list C. Array 8. Which one uses the indexing a. Linklist b. Arrays c. Stack d. Queue 9. Which is having many to many mapping a. graph, b. tree, c. stack etc 10. Which one is not the behaviour of binary search a. Deletion of any node. b. comparing with the middle value. etc 11. When data moves from lower layer to upper layer in OSI then what happens to headed a. Removed b. Added. 12. What is called packets in network layer a. Datagram b. Frame. etc 13. What switching is used in conventional land line a. Packet b. Circuit. etc 14. What scheduling algo is used for real time OS a. Round robin b. FIFO. c. Pre-emptive. etc 15. How many layers are there in OSI model a. 7 b. 8 c. 6 etc 16. Repeaters work in which layer a. Datalink b. physical c. Network etce 17. Process to process communication happens in layer a. Session b. Transport c. Application d. Network 18. Which one is not in application layer a. FTP b. TFTP. c. Virtual network terminal. 19. Which one return the acknowledgement a. UDP. b. TCP etc 20. Which one is DDL a. Trancate b. Delete c. Both d. None 21. Which one is true/false for using indexing in data base a. Slow b. Fast C More space 22. Four DML given to find out the where indexing need not be used. 23. Which one create the deadlock a. Mutex b. Semaphore c. Hold and wait 24. One numirical to find out the effective average access time where the cache and RAM memory speed given with hit/miss percentage 25. Which one do not require the context switcing a. General registers b. PC. c. Look aside table buffer 26. What is the size of address location for 8085 a. 1MB b. 128kb c. 64KB etc 27. What is the layer where the user comes in picture a. Session b. Application c. Transport d. Network 29. Why NAND gate is called universal gate. a. Using this, all other gates can be realised b. This is largely used c. etc etc 30. For 3 bits adder, what is the number of adder required a. 2 full adder& 2 half adder b. 3 full adder and one half adder etc 31. One numiraical to find out the number of address bit from the 32 segments of 1MB memory location 32. What comes previous to this 10000 a. 1111 (binary) b. FFFF (hex) c. 7777 (Oct) 33. Questions related to full binary tree to find the number of nodes in leaf 34. What does parity bit a. Error detect b. Header c. Trailer 35. How to create and interface in C++ a. by virtual functions b. by abstract class/method c. by creating the class using "interface" keyword 36. What is for namesapace used in C++ a. To resolve the name clashing b. To create different name etc ALL THE BEST |
9th September 2011, 10:17 PM
plzz send previous year of sample papers of sail mt technical for computer science branch. n plz send me the syllabus n topics of aptitude and reasoning
my email-id is dubeyshikha020@gmail.com |
9th September 2011, 10:17 PM
please send me computer application papers
9th September 2011, 10:19 PM
[QUOTE=Unregistered;1055455]please send previous year papers of MT 4 computer COMPUTER APPLICATION PAPERS
10th September 2011, 02:14 PM
Dear Sir,
plz send previous five year of sample papers of sail mt technical for computer science branch. my email-id is tyagi.suresh@rediffmail.com With Regards Suresh Tyagi |
10th September 2011, 03:33 PM
i need sail MT Q paper with their answer. If any one have related information them please send them at kumar147shubham@gmail.com . i will be thankfull of u. shubham |
10th September 2011, 03:35 PM
i need sail MT Q paper with their answer. If any one have related information them please send them at kumar147shubham@gmail.com . i will be thankfull of u. shubham |
15th September 2011, 06:14 PM
plzzzzz send previous year of sample papers of sail mt technical for computer science branch and plz send me the syllabus n topics of aptitude and reasoning
15th September 2011, 06:21 PM
plzz send previous year of sample papers of sail mt technical for computer science branch. n plz send me the syllabus n topics of aptitude and reasoning
Mail to : sanjay.reliable@gmail.com |
20th September 2011, 11:09 PM
Dear Sir,
plz send previous five year of sample papers of sail mt technical for computer science branch. my email-id is rnpvbalaji1091@gmail.com.com With Regards Balaji |
24th September 2011, 09:42 AM
i have applied for sail mt, i have some misunderstandings about technical paper, thats why i need your help,plz send me last question paper for thechnical to
ratnakanaparthi@gmail.com |
17th March 2012, 03:51 PM
i want to know which type of technical questions comes 4 cse branch in the sail exam mt(t).For that i request u to send me plz the previous years questions IN MY EMAIL - sushhsony@gmail.com
22nd March 2013, 12:05 AM
please send me technical questions comes 4 cse branch in the sail exam mt
For that i request u to send me plz the previous years questions IN MY EMAIL - shirishbbs@gmail.com |