2nd September 2011, 10:50 PM
Akash lakhmani
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Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Can anyone will tell me that what is the best way for preparation of banking exams in short time..........

4th September 2011, 09:10 AM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

For any exam it is important that the candidate prepare well in each section. If you are planning to appear for the CWE clerical exam then probably purchase books by R.S Agarwal, Wren and Martin. You need to cover all the areas in these books and also solve the past papers. If you are referring to the CWE PO exam then as there is less time you can try solving past papers. The areas you find difficult you can referred to the solved answers to understand. If possible solve additional questions in the weak areas.
4th September 2011, 10:32 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Originally Posted by Akash lakhmani View Post
Can anyone will tell me that what is the best way for preparation of banking exams in short time..........


Some of the tips which might help you to prepare for banking exams are as follows....

-> REFER PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS : By referring previous year papers you can learn the pattern of the exam, which helps you to prepare according to the pattern of the exam...

-> I have attached some of the common bank exam papers in this post for your reference... just check it over...

-> REFER GOOD BOOKS : There are many books available in the market which helps you to prepare for the banking exams....

-> Some of the recommended books are as follows....

Bank Probationary Officer Exam
ISBN: 8178125013

Bank PO Planner
ISBN: 8192051706

Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
ISBN: 8174828389

Bank Clerks Solved Papers Up To 2011
ISBN: 8183484468

Common Written Examination For Bank P.O/ M.T
ISBN: 8183555209

Banks Probationary Officers Examination
ISBN: 8174821511

-> SPEND VALUABLE TIME DAILY FOR PREPARATION : Prepare a schedule for each day and try to cover those topics and finish it in time... just put your hard work then for sure you can clear the exam....

-> If you feel you are not able to concentrate well, then its better to go for some good coaching class too where they will help you out with their teaching..
Attached Files
File Type: pdf All Bank PO paper .pdf(153.7 KB, 357 views)
File Type: pdf 5295_Bank_Clerk_Sample_2010.pdf(616.5 KB, 279 views)
File Type: pdf Bank-PO-exam-Sample-Paper.pdf(184.5 KB, 243 views)
File Type: pdf clerical_exam.pdf(1.21 MB, 280 views)
File Type: txt books for clerk exam.txt(972 Bytes, 188 views)
4th September 2011, 12:06 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

For preparation of bank exams in short time just prefer the books of R.S AGARWAL (quantitative aptitude,reasoning,general awareness)

gud luck.
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4th September 2011, 02:17 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Dear friend,

each and every bank conducts exams for selecting employees to their branches . For better preparation you can follow bank exam preparation tips by which you can face the exam without fear.

-don’t get frightened upas preparation for the bank exam is not so difficult as it sounds.
Make a habit to practice the previous question papers.mainly you have to consider the type of choices,length,number of questions and the time provided ,these little things will help you to crack the exam..

-it requires a long term preparations ,so you must not lose your confidence..

-some students study well but still may be much afraid of exams and due to this reason they get distracted and won't be able to score marks.so leave all your fears and free your mind before starting the study.

-try to prepare atime table chart which would include all the subjects which may not be of equal priority.divide your time and give more stress to the subjects you are more weak. While preparation, there should be sufficient intervals between each subject.

-try to make notes of each subject which should include the imprtant terms and formulae .

-you have to sleep well.sleep deprivation study shows that optimum hrs for sleep is 6hrs. Especially on the night before exam you have to sleep well, atleast 6 hours and not more than 8 hrs.

-speed and accuracy is the main thing needed which is one of the main bank exam preparation tips. In the exam you have to try to complete maximum questions as the time duration will be less for bank exams. There are chances for negative marks for wrong answers so it is a must to avoid answering anything without reading the question in multiple choice questions.

Hope this helps you..

Good luck..
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18th September 2011, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

ibps question paper clerical model any new types of reasoningquestions.
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17th November 2011, 12:56 AM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?


Some of the tips which might help you to prepare for banking exams are as follows....

-> REFER PREVIOUS YEAR PAPERS : By referring previous year papers you can learn the pattern of the exam, which helps you to prepare according to the pattern of the exam...

-> I have attached some of the common bank exam papers in this post for your reference... just check it over...

-> REFER GOOD BOOKS : There are many books available in the market which helps you to prepare for the banking exams....
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15th July 2012, 06:36 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Dear friend,

Bank exams are consists of Five sections each of carry 50 objective type questions namely

2.Logical Reasoning


4.General Awareness

5.Computer/Marketing Knowledge

One should get minimum required marks in each section for passing the exam.

You have to choose following books for each section preparation.
Quantitive aptitude: R.S agarwal

Reasoning: M.K pandy

English: Wren and Martin

General awareness: Prathyogitha darpan

Computer knowledge: Vijeta competitions

All the best...............
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26th December 2012, 10:51 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

is it possible to make preparation for the bank exams along with job...
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26th December 2012, 11:35 PM
Cool Srk
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Cool Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?


Banking exams are as Objective types.
It is very simple.
  • Bank Probationary Officer Exam
  • Bank PO Planner
  • Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
  • Do study hard and give time to difficult subjects.
  • Refer previous Papers
  • Refer good Books

Book to refer :
  • Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam
  • Bank Clerks Solved Papers Up To 2011
  • Bank Probationary Officer Exam
  • Bank PO Planner

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27th December 2012, 01:44 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is it possible to make preparation for the bank exams along with job...

Dear Aspirant,

Yes you can surely do the preparation while doing your job.

Best Method for preparing while doing Job is :

  • Internet Learning

Because you dont get time to refer the books and prepare for the bank exams so i suggest you to prepare on the online procedure. i.e internet Learning

I can guide you few websites which can help you on the aptitude,logical reasoning,English and Many more.


  • IndiaBix.com- Helps in aptitude,logical reasoning,English,verbal ability,puzzles and GK
  • WiziQ.com- Provides Top Questions for Bank exams.

This not only requires preparation and also implementations of your learnt knowledge.For that you can take online exams on these websites and know where you stand in your knowledge.

By that you can assess your knowledge and develop on your weak points and know your strong points.

And also a careful and planned timetable needed to be maintained so that your job work and your bank preparation doesn't effect your mental stress.

All the best for your future endeavor's.

Any more Queries.
Don't Hesitate to ask me. Am happy to help you always. Just ping to my profile.

Best Regards,
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25th January 2013, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

what are the best sites to prepare for bank exam...as i m doing job want to get through SBI PO 2013!
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7th July 2013, 04:57 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

im from ap. my studies wil completed in karnataka can i eligible to write exams in andrapradesh
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2nd August 2013, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

During bank exam time,there is not enough time for finishing the exam? what can we do?
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19th November 2013, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

i have to start my preparation for bank exams by my self ...please anyone tell me the best tips to me...
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2nd January 2014, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Sir I got 54 % in intermediate and 63% in graduation .am I eligible for bank exams ... please replay me
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6th January 2014, 04:13 PM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Sir,i have secured 60% in 10th(maths&computer), 61.6%(pcm,english) in 12th, 54.8 %(maths & information technology) in graduatn u.p.board & kanpur university, can you tell i should try/apply for which govt.job where i'll get success or in which job i'll get the more chances to be successful?
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21st January 2014, 06:12 PM
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Unhappy Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

Originally Posted by imira View Post
For any exam it is important that the candidate prepare well in each section. If you are planning to appear for the CWE clerical exam then probably purchase books by R.S Agarwal, Wren and Martin. You need to cover all the areas in these books and also solve the past papers. If you are referring to the CWE PO exam then as there is less time you can try solving past papers. The areas you find difficult you can referred to the solved answers to understand. If possible solve additional questions in the weak areas.
i given many bank exams but not crack any one so please tell me how doing prepare and crack bank exam
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22nd January 2014, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Best way for preparation for Banking Exams in short time?

There is huge competition among the candidates who are applying for bank jobs. So, one should have strong preparation towards the written exam to get job opportunity in Banks.

The entry level positions in various bank are
Clerical positions
Probationary Officers

The selection procedure for both the positions would involve
Written Exam

The written exam consists of questions from the following sections
Numerical Ability
General Awareness
Computer Knowledge
General English

My suggestion is always to have strong preparation towards the written exam. Then only you can get good score in the written exam which will let you to be eligible for the Interview

If you don't have much time towards preparation, then please follow below guidelines

-Put much efforts towards the concepts which are having more weightage like
Problem figures in Reasoning,
statements and conclusions etc.

Try to finish General Awareness first. The reason being if you have strong preparation in this area, you can easily answer the questions in quick time.

The reason why i am suggesting this instead of Aptitude is even though you are having strong preparation in Aptitude, it will take much time for you to answer the questions and sometimes you may not get the right answers.

Time Management is very essential with related to Bank Exams and as there is negative marking you should have to answer the questions for which only you are confident.

Practice mock tests and previous year question papers as there is every chance that the same may be repeated again.

Wish you all the best.
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