24th February 2012, 12:13 PM
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Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

my interested to become an IAS officer .he is now preparing for 10th exams.after 10th which group is advaisable to take

24th February 2012, 03:50 PM
kirtana mudaliar
Join Date: Aug 2011
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my interested to become an IAS officer .he is now preparing for 10th exams.after 10th which group is advaisable to take
U can do the course by taking 'commerse' feild also. Or by joining NDA after 12th standerd. Its much beter dooing by joining NDA as u'll have much experiance through this field.
24th February 2012, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my interested to become an IAS officer .he is now preparing for 10th exams.after 10th which group is advaisable to take
it is better to take mec group or cec group because to become a ias officer u need to have knowledge in economics civics and maths so i think its better to take those groups and do ur degree and attend for group exams
24th February 2012, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Careers after 12th
Career Planning and Choice of Courses

Career planning is one of the most crucial factors in your life, which needs no emphasis. It is important at least for two reasons. First, whether you opt for a career in jobs or prefer to be on your own, you must appreciate that there is fierce competition for getting a space in the world of work. Remember the old adage, "Survival of the fittest". Second, in view of new developments primarily triggered off by the information technology (IT) and globalisation of the economy, there are now more options than ever before. You will have to look for these options. Remember also that these are days of specialisation.

When should you begin the career planning? The age that could be considered appropriate for making a start is the age of 14-15 years when you enter the Ninth Class under the 10 + 2 pattern of education. This is the formative age to shape your career. Much more important reason, however, is that it is after the 10 + 2 level that a wide variety of course options are available to choose from. This means that as the first step you will have to choose from the three streams viz., science, arts and humanities, and commerce and the appropriate combination of subjects, when you enter the 10+2 level. To a great extent, this choice would determine the course options available to you after the 10 + 2 level. For example, if you want to take up engineering degree course, you should not only join the science stream but should also opt for the combination comprising Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.

Before you enter the 10 + 2 stage, you may like to consider which syllabus provides wider options. As you are aware, there are three Secondary Boards viz., the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE) and the State Boards, each having its own syllabus. While the CBSE and ICSE syllabuses permit combining biology and mathematics, not all the State Boards provide similar opportunity. For example, the Andhra Pradesh Board for Intermediate Education (equivalent to Higher Secondary Board) does not. It limits your option, because at this stage itself you will have to decide whether you want to join the engineering college or medical and agricultural colleges. However, as the number of CBSE and ICSE affiliated schools in States is small, you may have to opt for the State Board syllabus.

Before you embark upon planning your career you may have to consider two issues:

1. Do you need an immediate job because of some adverse family circumstances?

2. Is your family financially sound enough to pay for your professional education?

If you need a job, say after you complete the secondary stage, but still want to pursue higher education, you may like to take up a suitable course through distance learning mode. There are now many options available. You can study according to your own pace and convenience. You can even study both the secondary (Class 10) and higher secondary (10 + 2) courses through the distance-learning mode. As regards the second issue, the stark reality is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for many middle class families to meet the spiralling cost of professional education. Scholarships, freeships and other financial supports are scarce. You may be aware that in professional colleges there are two categories of seats "free seats" and "payment seats".

Since the tuition fees for "free seats" are highly subsidised, you pay much less compared to those for "payment seats". Generally, "free seats" are allotted to students on the basis of the performance at the entrance tests. You will, therefore, have to strive very hard if you want to get a "free seat" in professional colleges. If your family is unable to bear the cost of "elite" professional courses, you may choose a professional course, which also promises a reasonably good career at an affordable cost. It is prudent to cut your coat according to the available cloth. However, the financial consideration alone need not determine this option. There are other good reasons too for seeking a career in these professions. This option should also be considered if you cannot get through entrance tests for professional courses. Career planning should be preceded by two steps:

1. Assess your strengths and weaknesses, likings, aptitudes and interests.

2. Gather as much information as possible about the various educational opportunities and choose one that conforms to your assessment.

Both are easier said than done. Therefore, it is necessary for schools establishing their own career and course information centres and provide guidance and counselling to their students. In the absence of such facilities in your school, try to collect information from different sources. Here is a note of caution. Never take the claims of flashy advertisements in newspapers and other media at their face value. More often than not, they are issued by fly-by-night operators to allure unsuspecting students. Ascertain the status of these institutions.

If you do not intend to pursue university education, you may opt, after the 10th class, for various Vocational Courses available in different areas. The most sought after ones of course are the polytechnic courses of three-year duration leading to diplomas in different branches of engineering and technology. The advantage of polytechnic courses is that in some branches a diploma holder can make a lateral entry into degree level engineering courses. A clear idea about the vocational courses, therefore, would be helpful in taking an appropriate decision.
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24th February 2012, 06:45 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

To become an IAS officer you have to appear for the Civil Service Examination which is conducted by UPSC every year.

The candidate for Civil Service exam must be an Indian National having either appear for the final Graduation Degree exam or pass in any discipline from a recognised University within the age of 21 to 30 years of age.

The selection of Civil Service exam is through three phases:-

CSAT- Civil Service Aptitude Test-Preliminary exam comprises of all objective type questions.

Civil Service Main Exam which comprises of all subjective type questions from the prescribed syllabus for Civil Service exam.

Personal Interview

There no specification regarding subjects to take after completion of 10th to become an IAS officer. The subjects to which you are comfortable and good should be adopted. However as you are interested and planning to become an IAS officer from this early stage of your education then you should take Arts subject and be a graduate in this. During this period you should give at least two to three hours in preparing your self for Civil Service Exam and before sitting in the Civil Service exam you should do at least one year rigorous practice for this.

For more information you may log on to official website of UPSC i.e. www.upsc.gov.in
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24th February 2012, 06:53 PM
4G Solutions
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Post Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
my interested to become an IAS officer .he is now preparing for 10th exams.after 10th which group is advaisable to take
I appreciate your interest for IAS(Indian Administrative Service) being a 10th class student. Well you can take any group whether science or maths or commerce or art according to your interest because IAS does not have any restriction here.

~To eligible for IAS you have to pass graduation course in any stream.

~To eligible for IAS, your age must be between to 33 years(21 to 35 for OBC, 21 to 35 for SC/ST)

~To eligible for IAS, you must be an Indian national.

So first complete your 10th, 12th & Graduaion if want to become an IAS officer. After completing graduation you will be eligible for IAS. And one more thing to tell you that there is no marks restriction at all.

To join IAS Service,you will have go through UPSC Civil Service exam conducted every year for recruitment to various services including IAS/IPS/IFS etc.

>>You can get exam detail of IAS on UPSC official website:


For complete information regarding IAS see attachment included in this post.

Good Luck...

4G Solutions
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24th February 2012, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

He,IAS exam for all graduates ,so please complete first 12th and graduation and than go for IAS,but you can start preparation for it.If you want become IAS office than commerce is best for that exam,but you can prepare for it through any stream.Best of Luck
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24th February 2012, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

IAS (Indian Administrative Service),

Dear Aspirant,

IAS officer is a Great Ambition for you, You have to do a lot of work for to reach your goal. Which group is not a mandatory for to write IAS exam. You have to choose on your wish. My better suggestion for you that is you have to choose less pressure group depending on your ability.

So you have to join in good institute for reach your goal in a less time. Institute faculties provide you lot of suggestions and guides you well.

Generally coaching fee institutes is more than 50,000/-rupees for this coaching..

You have to follow CSR(Competition Successes Review Magazine).And gather NCERT Books below 10Th class and 10Th class also and Inter Economics books. And you have to read above prescribed books for preparation

Coaching must for to crack civil service exam

Eligibility Criteria:

Educational Qualification:

Any Graduate from recognized University with minimum pass marks candidate eligible for to write this exam.

Age Limits:

Candidate have attained minimum 21 years age and not more than 30 years as on 01-Aug-2012/Exam conducting year.

Upper Age limit is relaxation for SC/ST/DA candidates upto 5 years that means Maximum age for those candidates is 35 years

For Back ward category candidates Maximum age is 33 years.

Selection Procedure:

Preliminary Exam: This exam have two papers those are as follows 1).General studies Paper-I
2).General Aptitude Paper-II
Preliminary exam have objective type questions

Mains Exam: Main exam have descriptive type questions


Application fee for this exam is 100/-

For SC/ST students Application fee is free.

Generally Notification releases in February month and Preliminary Exam conducts in MAY/June Month

For more details you have to follow official website is http://www.upsc.gov.in/

If you have any doubts, contact this forum. My team numbers always help you as early as possible..
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25th February 2012, 12:41 AM
ajyendra singh
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

it totly depend on you in which subject you are inetrested.but history and geography are the most common and easy subject to qualify the IAS exam,and now you are started to read the competition success magzine
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25th February 2012, 02:04 AM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

You can eligible to take test to become IAS after graduation . So, Its up to you to decide which group to choose up tp graduation. To become IAS, you need to undergo a two phase exam organized by UPSC, first phase is preliminary, if you clear that exam, then you are eligible for mains exam. You have only 4 attempts to take that exam , if you are from general category. Enclosing advertisement along with post . Check out and decide hoow to do that.
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25th February 2012, 08:34 AM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

hai friend................
If you need a job, say after you complete the secondary stage, but still want to pursue higher education, you may like to take up a suitable course through distance learning mode. There are now many options available. You can study according to your own pace and convenience. You can even study both the secondary (Class 10) and higher secondary (10 + 2) courses through the distance-learning mode. As regards the second issue, the stark reality is that it is becoming increasingly difficult for many middle class families to meet the spiralling cost of professional education. Scholarships, freeships and other financial supports are scarce. You may be aware that in professional colleges there are two categories of seats "free seats" and "payment seats".Well you can take any group whether science or maths or commerce or art according to your interest because IAS does not have any restriction here.

To eligible for IAS you have to pass graduation course in any stream.
To eligible for IAS, your age must be between to 33 years(21 to 35 for OBC, 21 to 35 for SC/ST)
To eligible for IAS, you must be an Indian national.

all the best....................
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31st March 2012, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

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30th April 2012, 09:12 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Are there any books for a 10 class boy who wants to become an IAS Officer.
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26th May 2012, 12:12 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

should i opt for art faculty in cbse board in order to prepare for ias?
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17th November 2012, 01:51 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

My baby is in 5th std now.but she wants to be an IAS OFFICER.as a mother how i can modulate or help her.
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17th March 2013, 09:38 AM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Dear, I. A . S exam is not just like your school exams.
U can pass this exam only when u have good command on your subjects. U know allmost every thing which is in your subjects. And u are a good commander of your sub.or u know every thing only when u work hard or give more time to your study. And u can work hard only when u are intrested in that work.
Soooo... Dear i want to say that choose those group in which u are intrested.

Best of luck dear........
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27th March 2013, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

now i have completed my 10th class in a CBSE board,,,,,,, i wanna ask that if i change my school board i.e from CBSE to PSEB ....THEN will there any problem for me while becoming an IAS or not????????? plz tell me as soon as possible on my mob. no. 08054378585........
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10th June 2013, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Could I choose microbiology in graduation to prepare for ias
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20th June 2013, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

if iam interested in science and math then it is important to give the same concentration towards civics,history,eco,geo
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23rd June 2013, 01:59 AM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

You can opt for any group to do graduation course after which you will be eligible for UPSC exam for IAS.

To become an IAS officer,you have to appear in Indian Civil Service Examination held once in a year.
This Exam is offered by Union Public Service Commission(UPSC).

IAS(Civil Service Exam) has three stages:

1.Preliminary Exam
2.Main Exam
3.Personal Interview

Eligibility :


Must have Graduation degree in any discipline from recognized University.
Must have Pass Graduation with fair percentage.
One can also apply forIAS while in Last year of Graduation course.

AGE limit:-

Age must be between 21 to 33 years for General category.
Age must be 21 to 35 for OBC category.
Age must be 21 to 35 for SC/ST category.


Both Male & Female.


Must be an Indian Resident.
Number of permissible for attempting IAS Exam:-
4 for General
7 for OBC
No limit for SC/ST

For further exam details, refer to the UPSC official website.
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24th June 2013, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

IAS means Indian Administrative Service.

You can do any course after 12th.

After passing 12th and graduation u r eligible to opt for IAS.

You have to attend an exam conducted by the UPSC.

And the u can become IAS.

all the best
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2nd October 2013, 05:54 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

Hi i am ajay sundar studing 110th standard [samacheer kalvi] after completing 10th std what group is preferabe for ias
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8th October 2013, 09:45 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

hi iam d.lakshmi devi i have completed my 10th after 10th i want some job i want do some job so please give suggetion
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19th January 2014, 09:57 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

I Sania Abbas want to become an IAS Officer which subject is better for me after completion 10th exam?what i can do plz suggest me.
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19th January 2014, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

I Sania Abbas want to become IAS Officer which subject i should choose after completion of 10th exam?what i can do, plz suggest me .
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1st June 2015, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

i am aslam from thrishur my ambition is become a IAS officer now am studying in 2 my stream is computer science.
what i will do after the 2class?
plzzz hlp me ....
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3rd June 2017, 06:41 PM
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Default Re: Which group to opt for after completion of 10th class to become IAS Officer?

I am Lavanya. Now I am studying 10 the class. I want to become an I.A.S can you please suggest me the groups which supports for future in preparing I.a.s. Can you please tell me the answer and help me.
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