21st May 2012, 12:10 AM
Which are the colleges in Maharashtra for Hotel Management? What is the fee structure?
my name is gaurav. I choose hotel manegment as my future. So plz tell me the colleges in Mharashtra hotel manegment and there fees structure.
21st May 2012, 09:34 AM
Hotel Management Colleges in Maharashtra :
H K C C Shivali Maharaj Institute of Management Research & Rural Development http://www.imrrd.com Indian Institute of Hotel Management http://www.ihma.ac.in Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's Institute of Hotel Management & Catering Technology http://www.mgv.edu Shri Balasaheb Terpude College of Hotel Management & Catering Technology http://www.tirpudehmct.org Tuli College of Hotel Management & catering Technology http://www.eduattuli.com LAD College for Women of Arts , Commerce & science http://www.ladsrpbiotech.org Amro Tourism Academy AMro College of Hotel Management http://www.amroinstitutes.com |
9th May 2014, 06:58 PM
my name is swapnil shahare chose in hotel management as my feture plz tell me the cllg in mharashtra hotel management an their fees structure