3rd September 2012, 07:55 PM
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Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

give me full detail for ias
i want to know about ias exam

3rd September 2012, 09:11 PM
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Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

There is no separate IAS Exam for the candidates to be placed in IAS.

But instead, there is a common written exam for the candidates by cracking which the candidates can join any of the civil services like
-Indian Administrative Service
-Indian Revenue Service
-Indian Foreign Service
-Indian Police Service etc.

It is civil services exam.

The complete selection procedure for this is by
-Civil Services Aptitude Test
-Civil Services Main Exam

You should have completed Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university in order to be eligible for CSAT Exam.

Your age should be between 21-30 years.

You should be a native of India to give this exam.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category.

You did not mention the stream in which you have completed your Graduation.

I suggest you to opt for the optional subjects on the basis of your stream in Graduation and where you have good knowledge.

Have good preparation for the same and crack it.

Wish you all the best.

For updated information on this exam, I suggest you to visit
3rd September 2012, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
give me full detail for ias
i want to know about ias exam
Nice to see your interest in the Civil Services examination. Indian Administrative Services (IAS) examination which is come under Civil services examination and conducted by the UPSC in every year. Here for your help i give you the details information about the Civil Services examination.

Indian Administrative Service (IAS) is the consider as the one of the best job of India. In every year the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil service examination for the selection of the talented candidates of India. If you are interested in this field and want to appear in the IAS examination then you need following criteria.

Eligibility Criteria for the IAS examination.
---> The minimum educational qualification to appear in the Civil Services examination is pass graduation in any stream.
---> The age must be between 21 to 30 years at the time of examination. Age relaxation is applicable for reservation category candidates.

These are the basic eligibility criteria for the Civil Services examination. If you satisfy the above eligibility criteria then you are eligible to apply for the civil Service examination. For details information regarding civil services examination please visit the official website of UPSC. :~ http://www.upsc.gov.in
3rd September 2012, 10:52 PM
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Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

Hi dear................
AS you are interested for IAS exam for this you have to appear for Civil Service Exam .
The eligibility criteria for Civil Service Exam:

Age Limit:

A general category candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st August 2012

upper age limit relaxable for SCs, STs, OBCs .

Education Qualification:

The candidates should be a graduate in any discipline from a recognize university.

Number of attempts permitted:

For General Category - 4

For OBC - 7

For SC & ST - No Limit

IAS Exam has three stages Preliminary Exam, Main Exam, and an Interview

IAS Preliminary Exam Pattern 2012:-

The prelims are held around May-June.It has objective ie multiple choice questions. There are two papers (duration of each being 2 hrs). a) General studies and b)Optional subject: you can choose from Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Agriculture, Maths, Phy, Chem, Stats etc. Important: It is not compulsory to choose the same subjects of your graduation. The results are declared in July-August and the successful candidates are called for the main examinations. PS. The prelims score has no bearing for determining the final merit list for the services.

AS Mains Exam Pattern:-

The main written examination usually takes place in Oct-Nov, it comprises of 9 papers in all (a lot more strenuous than CAT!) Duration of each paper is 3 hrs. Language: one of the Indian languages, English, Essay GK and Current Affairs: 2 papers on general studies Optionals: papers from two subjects that fall in optional-1 and two papers from optional-2 (a choice of subjects is listed by the UPSC in the prospectus) Candidates who are successful in the main examinations are eligible for an interview which plays a crucial part in the selection.

IAS Interview 2012 :-

The interview calls are sent in March-April of the following year and they take place in the month of April-May. The Board of interviewers look for a well-adjusted personality with the social traits, integrity and qualities of leadership . PS. The number of candidates called for the interview is normally twice the number of vacancies.

For more details visit official website of UPSC.

Good luck............
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4th September 2012, 02:44 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
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Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

there is a common written exam for the candidates by cracking which the candidates can join any of the civil services like
-Indian Administrative Service
-Indian Revenue Service
-Indian Foreign Service
-Indian Police Service etc.

It is civil services exam.

The complete selection procedure for this is by
-Civil Services Aptitude Test
-Civil Services Main Exam

You should have completed Graduation with any of the stream from a recognized university in order to be eligible for CSAT Exam.

Your age should be between 21-30 years.

You should be a native of India to give this exam.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 3 years for the candidates of OBC category.

Relaxation is there in upper age limit upto 5 years for the candidates of SC/ST category.

You did not mention the stream in which you have completed your Graduation.

I suggest you to opt for the optional subjects on the basis of your stream in Graduation and where you have good knowledge.

Have good preparation for the same and crack it.

Wish you all the best.

For updated information on this exam, I suggest you to visit

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4th September 2012, 12:18 PM
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Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

Hi Friend.............

Information about IAS : -

** IAS Stands for Indian Administrative Service

** IAS Aspirant Candidates first appear for Civil Examination

** Civil Examination is organized by Union Public Service Commission in
yearly ones

Basic Educational Qualification : -

** Candidate must have a bachelor of degree in any stream from a recognized university

** Candidates age should between 21 years to 30 years and age relaxation as under

For SC/ST candidates 5 years

For OBC Candidates 3 years

** Candidates should be a citizen of India

** Maximum 4 attempts for General candidates, 7 attempts for OBC Candidates and no maximum limit for SC/ST candidates

Selection Procedure : -

** Preliminary Exam

** Mains Exam

** Interview..............

Syllabus for Preliminary exam : -

Optional Subjects in Mains Exam

Physical Standard : -

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4th September 2012, 06:58 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 86
Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

To be an IAS officer one has to follow the below given steps:-
Step 1
As a first step the aspirant has to procure the UPSC's Civil Services exam “Application Form” along
with “Information Brochure” from any of the “Head Post Offices or Post Offices” spread throughout the
country and sent the filled Application form to:
The Secretary,
Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,
New Delhi - 110011.
Step 2
In the month of May or June the aspirants have to take the Indian Civil Services “Preliminary
examinations” renamed as Civil Services Apptitue Test i.e CSAT Consisting of two papers. The
papers are on:
Paper Marks Time
1. General Knowledge 200 2 Hr.
2. Comprehension and logical reasoning 200 2 Hr.
Note: CSAT is just a qualifying exam for the Final exam and scores obtained in this exam are not
added to prepare the final result.
Step 3
Those candidates who are declared qualified in the “Civil Services Apptitude Test" are supposed to
take the final exam (normally held in the month of October) having following papers:
1 Essay type Indian Language Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
1 English Qualifying Paper (300 marks)
1 General Essay type paper (200 marks)
2 General Studies papers (300 marks each)
4 Optional subjects papers (300 marks each)
Step 4
Once you are through, the final stage is the interview. The aspirants are grilled in the interview to test
their personality and mental ability. Then the final list of the successful candidates is prepared and
the candidates who have secured very good rank out of 400-450(approx.) selected candidates are
admitted to National Academy of Administration at Mussoorie (now renamed as Lal Bahadur Sastri
National Academy of Administration, LBSNAA) to impart training to IAS probationers. After
completion of their training in various fields of administrative importance, they are posted as per
requirements of the Central and State Governments.
Being All India Services the new IAS incumbant's services are alloted to various state cadre under
Cadre System. The Cadre system is alloted on a basis of lottery and the topper of each state may
get a chance to get their home state if he had applied for one.
IAS Officer Salary
The IAS or the Indian Administrative Services officers are supposed to handle affairs of the
government at the various level in its capacity. At the central level, this involves the framing and
implementation of policy of the apex government. At the district level, this involves the affairs of the
district concerned, including development functions. At the divisional level, the IAS officers look after
law and order, general administration and development work of the division they are handling.
Members of the Indian Administrative Service hold various administrative posts like District Collector,
Heads of Departments, and Heads of Public Enterprises at the state level etc. They can also be
posted on deputation to the Central Government to various posts.
The Government of India has fixed salary grades for Civil Servants. However, these keep on changing
with new pay commission. Presently the range of salaries drawn at various levels is as follows:
Junior Officers Rs. 8000-275-13500
Senior Officers Rs. 10650-325-15200
Junior Administrative Grade Rs. 12,750-375-16,500
Selection Grade Rs. 15,100-400-18,300
Additional Secretary Rs. 22400-525-24500
Secretary/Cabinet Secretary Rs. 26,000/30,000
Note:- The above figures only provide an idea of the pay scales. Different branches of the service have
different scales of pay. Even personnel of same branches may have different pay according to their
area of posting and responsibility they are holding at a particular time.
In addition to the salary civil servants receive various types of allowances such as Dearness
Allowance, City Compensatory Allowance, Leave Travel Allowance, Medical and Subsidized Housing.
Duties and Responsibilites of an IAS Officer
Career in Arts, Entertainment and Media
Career in Banking, Insurance and Investment
Career in Basic & Applied Sciences
Career in Beauty Care & other Lifestyle
Career in Civil Aviation
Career in Computer Science and Information Technology
Career in Consultants and Counceling Services
Career in Defence and Paramilitary Services
Career in Designing
Career in Economics, Accounts and Finance Services
Career in Education and Library Science
Career in Engineering and Architectural Services
Career in Fashion and Modeling
Career in Forestry, Wild life and Animal Husbandry
Career in Hospitality and Tourism
Career in Journalism and Mass Communication
Career in Judicial, Law and Legal Services
Career in Management Services
Career in Medicine
Career in Merchant Navy
Career in Police, Law Enforcement and Investigative
Career in Secretarial & other Government Services
Career in Skilled and Semi-Skilled Labour Services
Career in Social Services
Career in Sports, Athletics and Physical fitness
Career in Surface Transporttargetstudy.com/professions/ias-officer.html 3/4
Being on the highest level of administrative services in both the State and Central Government, the
various level of IAS officers have almost similar duties with increasing responsibility as level
increases from a Junior Officers to a much Senior of the level of Under Secretary, District
Magistrates, Directors of public enterprises and Directors of government departments to the
Their duties involves:
1. Planning in their district, making decisions on action to be taken.
Making plans on drawing board and modifying them as and when required.
2. It is the IAS Officer's responsibility to implement the policies made in best possible way and
ensure rules and regulations are followed.
3. IAS Officers must also supervise the progress of a wide range of projects, from the public to
the corporate sectors.
4. IAS officers are also responsible to monitor funds allocation and proper utilization for various
projects, assuring that the funds are used for the intended purposes.
5. IAS officers must assess projects, make recommendations and provide relevant information
about projects, especially to parliament as and when called for.
6. Besides all these routine responsibilities, IAS Officers will represent the government of India
via boards of public corporations or institutions at national or international forums.
IAS officer Career prospects
Hierarchy in the Indian Administrative Services at the Central level.
Designation Time in Service
Under Secretary 4 years
Deputy Secretary 9 Years
Director 12 Years
Joint Secretary 20 Years
Additional Secretary 30 Years
Secretary 34 Years
Cabinet Secretary (TOP MOST POST)- This is the apex of the administrative setup in India.
Hierarchy of the Indian Administrative Services at the State level.
Designation Time in the Service
Deputy Secretary/ Additional District Magistrate Entry Level of the Services
Joint Secretary/District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioner 6 Years
Special Secretary 9 Years
Secretary 16 years
Principal Secretary/ Financial Commissioners 24 years
Cheif Secretary(TOP MOST POST) 30 Year
1. There is no equivalent post of Cabinet Secretary in the State Administration.
2. The time span given above is the time period to reach to the designation given against it. But
surely this is not the only criteria to reach at a particular designation.
3. Reach at an equivalent position in the Central administration takes longer than in the State
administration because there are lesser vacancies at the central level than at the state level.

1. Indian History - India Struggle for Independence by Bipin Chandra; NCERT Books ( XI & XII )
2. Geography - Spectrum
3. Indian Polity - Constitution of India by Bakshi
4. Indian Economy - Plus One, Plus Two Books, Pratiyogita Darpan
5. General Science - Tata Mc Graw Hill Guide
6. Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal
7. Current Affairs - Some magazines and Newspapers
i. The Hindu/The Times of India
ii. Frontline
iii. Civil Service Chronicle
iv. Chanakya
v. Competition WIZARD
vi. Civil Services Today
8. Guides
1. Tata Mc Graw Hill
2. Spectrum
3. Unique
Topic Wise Reference On General Studies
Books on Indian History & Culture:
NCERT (+ 2 level) — Ancient India, Medieval India, Modern India.
Publication Division : Gazetteer of India (Vol 2 : History & Culture)
Gandhi Nehru Tagore & Ambedkar — Gopal Krishna
Bipin Chandra - Modern India
A.C.Banerjee - History of Modern India Raghavan Aiyer — Mahatma Gandhi

Books on Geography:
NCERT : Physical Geography of India for X - XII Std
A Good School Atlas
Sharma & Cotinho : Economic and Commercial Geography of India.
Khullar : India- A Comprehnsive Geography
Charles Farro : General Principles of World Geography
Charles Farro : Monsoon Asia Reports published by Centre for Science and Enviornment And Tata Energy Research Institute
National journal - Kurukshetra, Yojana etc.
Down to earth

Books on Indian Economy:
NCERT (+1 level)—Evolution of Indian Economy(I C Dhingra).
Mishra & Puri or Dutt & Sundaram - Indian Economy
Economic Survey
The Economic Times,Business Standard

Books on Social and National Issues :
Social Problem - Ram Ahuja
Social Welfare Magazine - Published by ministry of social welfare
IIPa Journal

Books on Indian Polity:
NCERT (+1 level)—Indian Political System
N.L. Madan : Bhartiya Rajya Vyavastha
D.D. Basu—Indian Constitution
Kashyap—Constitution of India
Publication Division—Subhash C. Kashyap : Our Parliament
P.M. Bakshi—Indian Constitution
Our Constitution : Subhash C. kashyap
Perspective on Constitution : S.C. Kashyap
Frontline Magazine
IIPa Journal

All the best
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17th May 2013, 10:01 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

i wuold like to say that when i have a MBBS or BDs degree so can have a any type of reservation for me.
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5th March 2019, 06:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Detailed Information regarding IAS Exam?

I am 29 years old and i want to apply for IAS for the first time. I want to know as i am from general category and the number of attempts are 6. The age limit is 21_32. If i could not qualify in the first attempt can i apply for next attempt even if i will cross 32 years.
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