Sasken Placement Papers


One of the recognized in the telecommunication sector and the one that is the best for the ECE students is the Sasken. If anyone wants to get into this company then he/she is required to have a bachelor’s degree in technical field with aggregate of 70% marks and 10th as well as 12th must have been cleared with 60% marks.

For getting selected, the candidate has to clear four rounds in a row one after the other. The four rounds include a written test, technical test, H.R round 1 and H.R. round 2. For the written test paper the candidate is given 75 minutes to answer 65 questions. Each question has one mark and there is no negative marking.

The paper is divided into three sections. First section is for testing the verbal ability. There are 15 questions, which are to be answered in 15 minutes. The questions are based on technical passage related to SQL and communication and synonyms. The second section is for logical reasoning. There are 25 questions to be solved in 30 minutes. The questions are based on Coding and Decoding, Arguments, Syllogism and Assumptions. Last, and the third section has 25 questions and the time given is 30 minutes. This section has questions from C language.

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10 Responses to “Sasken Placement Papers”

  1. 10

    can you send wipro wase question paper to my mail..if you send it will be more helpfull for me..

  2. 9

    plz send written paper pattern for cse students

  3. 8

    how to clear written test

  4. 7

    plz guide me to clear d written test

  5. 6

    plse send the placement paper pattern for cse students..?

  6. 5

    can u pls help me to know wat r the topics to b reffered for questions for ECE branch, i mean in written test

  7. 4

    can u please send me the sasmen placement paper?

  8. 3

    Can u plz send m sasken question papers?

  9. 2
    mahanthesh goudar:

    can u please send me the sample placement papers

  10. 1

    Can u plz send m sasken question papers?