10th August 2019, 03:33 PM
Concession in Bank of India Student Loan for an OBC student?
Sir, I am an OBC student. I am preparing for CAT and various MBA entrance exams. I am studying in BCom. I don’t want to depend fully on scholarship. I need to get loan for my MBA education. I want to apply for an education loan in Bank of India. So, what concession I get as I came under OBC category?
15th August 2019, 05:59 PM
No concession will be offered to OBC students under Bank of India Student Loan. Concession of 0.50% on rate of interest of education loan is offered to girl students for pursuing higher studies. So, if you are a female student, you can get an education loan concession on rate of interest, else you will not get any concession.
15th August 2019, 06:04 PM
Concession of 0.50% in interest rate is only applicable for subsidy to girl students for education loan of Bank of India.
Academic expenses covered by Bank of India Education Loan - Tuition Fees, Admission Fees, Counselling Fees Examination Fees, Library Fees, Lab Fees Purchase of educational equipment (tools, rented facilities) and laptop if required. Thesis writing, project research, study tour expenses |