30th August 2020, 11:18 PM
Procedure to apply for DRDO-DLRL Hyderabad Junior Research Fellowship 2020?
Respected Sir/Madam, I want to apply for DRDO-DLRL Hyderabad Junior Research Fellowship this year. But I don’t know how I can apply for this fellowship. Kindly let me know about the procedure as soon as possible. Thank you!
31st August 2020, 12:40 PM
Procedure to apply for DRDO-DLRL Hyderabad Junior Research Fellowship 2020:-
> Click on the apply now button below and read all details. > Download the application form. > Fill in all relevant details. > Send the duly filled application form to "The Director, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL) – 500 005” through speed post only. Apply now |
31st August 2020, 02:11 PM
The procedure to apply for DRDO-DLRL Hyderabad Junior Research Fellowship 2020 is online.
You would need to visit the website https://www.drdo.gov.in/careers and then had to click on "Advertisement for the Award of Junior Research Fellowship(JRF) at DLRL Chandrayanagutta, Hyderabad". A new page will open to download the application. You have to download the application form and then had to send the completely and correctly filled application form to “The Director, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL) – 500 005” through speed post only. |
31st August 2020, 04:50 PM
Procedure to apply:-
Visit the official website www.drdo.gov.in Click on the '' Apply Now '' button and read all the details. Download the application form. Fill in all relevant details. Send the duly field application form to '' The Director Defence Electronics Research Laboratory ( DLRL ) – 500005 '' Through Speed Post only. Note:- Candidates should write in bold letters 'APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT JRF ' on top of the cover of the envelope. |
31st August 2020, 08:47 PM
Procedure to apply for DRDO-DLRL Hyderabad Junior Research Fellowship 2020 is given below.
Eligible persons can send their application in the prescribed format to "The Director, Defense Electronics Research Laboratory (DLRL), Ministry of Defence, DRDO Chandrayangutta Lines, Hyderabad- 500005, Telangana" . You can download prescribed format from official website given below. https://www.drdo.gov.in/home |
31st August 2020, 09:12 PM
°°° eligible candidates may send their duly completed applications as per the format which can be downloaded from What's new section of www.drdo.gov.in.
Duly filled in application form must be sent to " The director, Defence electronics research laboratory (DLRL) -500005", through speed post only. Candidates are required to pay application fee of rupees 10 Indian Postal Order in the name of director DLRL. However, candidates belonging to reserved categories such as SC/Sat/PwD and women are exempted from the payment. °°°The last date for receipt of the application is 21 days from the date of Publication in employment news. °°° Candidates should write in bold letters " APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT JRF" on TOP of the cover pf envelope. |