15th November 2020, 02:58 AM
Procedure to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship 2020
Respected Sir/Madam, I want to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship. I don’t know about the procedure to apply for this scholarship. I would like to know how I can apply for this scholarship. Kindly tell me as soon as possible.
15th November 2020, 04:36 PM
Procedure to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship 2020:-
Visit the site - santoorscholarships.com. Click on - download application form. Read the instructions carefully. Then fill the fields with the correct information. Click on submit button. Take a copy of the application form for future reference. |
15th November 2020, 05:11 PM
--- Procedure to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship 2020---
The applicant has to visit the official website in order to apply for Santoor women's scholarship 2020. http://www.santoorscholarships.com Click on - download application form. Read the instructions carefully and if you are eligible then fill the fields with correct information. Upload the important documents as asked in the application form. Click on submit button. Take the printout of application form for future reference. ---- For any query-- Contact number - 01206834200 01143092248 |
15th November 2020, 07:30 PM
Procedure to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship 2020 is as follows.
1. Visit official website - https://www.santoorscholarships.com/ 2. Click on the ‘Start Application’ button to begin the application process. 3. Fill the required details . 4. Upload documents. 5. Now click on the ‘Submit’ button to complete the application process. |
16th November 2020, 02:20 PM
°°° In order to apply for the Santoor Women's Scholarship 2020, the applicant has to visit the official website that is given below.
http://www.santoorscholarships.com. °°° Then, you have to click on the download application form link and then you have to read all the instructions carefully in order to find if you are eligible or not. °°° If you are eligible then fill the application form after registering yourself with all the credentials. °°° Click on submit button. °°° Take a copy of the application form for future reference. °°° For more information you can visit this website- http://www.santoorscholarships.com |
18th November 2020, 10:20 PM
Candidates who are willing to apply for the santoor women's scholarship 2020, can apply through the official portal. Fill the correct details, upload relevant documents & then submit the form.
20th November 2020, 04:14 PM
One can apply online or through post.
Clink.on this link www.buddy4study.com to apply online For offline, candidates can download form from their website. After completion of the form it should be sent via post or through reliable courier service. Attachments needed.. Passport size photo Photocopy of adhaar card , certificate marksheet etc.. Bank.pass book photocopy. |
22nd November 2020, 06:25 PM
Candidates can apply for the Santoor Women’s Scholarship online or by post. Here are the steps to apply online:
Use the following link to apply online-www.buddy4study.com. To apply by post, candidates can download the application form here- Application Form. Upon completion, the application form should be sent via post or reliable courier service to the following address: Wipro Cares - Santoor Scholarship, Doddakannelli, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore - 560 035 Karnataka http://www.buddy4study.com |