18th July 2020, 03:36 PM
Procedure and eligibility to apply for the NABI Senior Research Fellowship 2020
Hello, I have got an email regarding the NABI Senior Research Fellowship. How can I apply for this fellowship? And what is the eligibility criteria for applying the same? Can I know the application procedure as well as eligibility criteria of this fellowship?
21st July 2020, 01:21 PM
°°°Eligibilitu for NABI Senior Research Fellowship 2020:
° An applicant must hold a postgraduate degree in Basic Science OR ° an applicant must hold a graduate / post graduate degree in a professional course in which he/she was selected through any of the following means: ° Scholars who are selected through National eligibility test -CSIR-UGC-NET including lectureship and GATE. ° The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government departments and their Agencies and institutions. ° The candidate should hold the qualification described above along with two years of research experience. Procedure: ° Kindly download the official notification and application form that is attached below and fill the application form. ° Send the completely filled application form in a single Adobe PDF file on email ID. [email protected] °°° Kindly do not send any document with the application form. Candidates will be provisionally shortlisted on the basis of information given in the application. |
21st July 2020, 02:28 PM
Procedure and eligibility to apply for the NABI Senior Research Fellowship 2020:-
> Visit the official notification and read all details. > Download the application form and fill it with the required details. > Send the completely filled application form in a single Adobe PDF file on email ID - [email protected] |
22nd July 2020, 12:25 PM
•••Eligibilty to apply for NABI Senior research fellowship 2020:
• The candidate must hold a postgraduate degree in basic science or hold a graduate / post graduate degree in a professional course in which he/ she was selected through any of the following means: -- CSIR UGC NET including lectureship and GATE. -- The selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government departments and their Agencies and institutions. -- 2 years experience is also required. Procedure: • Download the application form and official notification and fill the application form. • Send filled application form in a single adobe pdf file on email id [email protected] |
22nd July 2020, 08:09 PM
Eligibility to apply for the NABI Senior Research Fellowship 2020 are as follows:-
Candidate must hold a Postgraduate degree in Basic Science. Or, Candidate must hold a Graduate/Postgraduate degree in a professional course, in which he/she was selected through any of the following means:- Scholars who are selected through National Eligibility Tests- CSIR-UGC-NET including Lectureship (Assistant Professorship) and GATE. The selection process through National Level examinations conducted by central government departments and their agencies and institutions. The candidate should hold the prescribed qualification along with two years of research experience. Procedure to apply are as follows:- Visit the official website and read all the details carefully. Now download the application form and fill in all the required details correctly. Send the completely filled application form in a single adobe pdf file on email is- [email protected]. |