18th April 2011, 09:17 AM
plz give me all details of JTO and TTA exam ......my email id is [email protected]
also tell me how to apply for this exams ......???? |
2nd May 2011, 03:41 PM
dear sir, please inform me the next date for the bsnl tta exam for jharkhand circle. please inform me at my my mail address "[email protected]
23rd May 2011, 01:37 PM
Dear sir
Please inform me the next date of BSNL TTA exam in andhra pradesh please inform me at my mail address as given below [email protected] thanks yobu |
29th May 2011, 06:50 PM
Hi dear,
NEXT DATE OF EXAM: This year exam were done so you have wait for next year..Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), Telecom Technical Assistants (TTAs) exam will held next year. SYLLABUS: Syllabus of BSNL TTA exams: BSNL TTA exam syllabus is as follows: Paper I: General ability test - 100 marks The candidate’s comprehension and understanding of General Engineer shall be tested through simple exercises such as provision of antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks and multiple choice exercises etc. This shall also include questions on current events, general knowledge and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of an educated person. Paper II: Basic Engineering - 500 marks 1. Applied Mathematics : Co-ordinate Geometry, Vector Algebra, Matric and Determinant: Differential Calculus; Differential equation of second order’ Fourier series; Laplace Transform; Complex Number; Partial Differentiation. 2. Applied Physics : Measurement – Units and Dimensions; Waves, Acoustics, Ultrasonics; Light; Laser and its Applications; Atomic Structure and Energy levels. 3. Basic Electricity : Electrostatics, Coulomb’s law, Electric field, Gauss’s Theorem, concept of potential difference, concept of capacitance and capacitors; Ohm’s law, power and energy, Kirchoff’s voltage, current laws and their applications in simple DE circuits; Basic Magnetism; Electro Magnetism; Electromagnetic induction; Concept of alternating voltage & current; Cells and Batteries; Voltage land Current Sources; Thevenin’s theorm, Norton’s theorm and their applications. 4. Eletronics Devices and Circuits : Classification of materials into conductor, semi conductor, insulator etc., electrical properties, magnetic materials, various type of relays, switches and connectors, Conventional representation of electric and electronic circuit elements. Active and assive components; semi conductor Physics; Semiconductor Diode; Bipolar Transistor & their circuits; Transistor Biasing & Stabilisation of operating point; single stage transistor amplifier; field effect transistor, Mosfet circuit applications. Multistage Transistor Amplifier; Transistor Audio Power Amplifier; Feedback in Amplifier, Sinusoidal Oscillator;s; Tuned Voltage Amplifiers; Opto Electronics Devices and their applications; Operational Amplifier; Wave shaping and switching circuits. Block diagram of I.C timer (Such as 555) and its works; Multi vibrator Circuits; Tiem base Circuits; Thyristors and UJJ; Regulated Power Supply. 5. Digital Techniques : Applications and advantages of digital systems; number system (binary and hexadecimal); Logic Gates; Logic Simplication; codes and parity; Arithmetic Circuits; Decoders, Display Devices and Associated Circuits; Multiplexers and De-multiplexers; Latches and Flip Flops; Counters; Shift Register; Memories; A/D and D/A converters. Paper III: Specialization – 500 marks Candidate shall be allowed to choose any two out of the following sections. Each section shall consist of 250 marks. In the event of a candidate attempting more than 2 sections, the first two sections attempted in alphabetical order shall only count. Candidates are in their own interest advised not to attempt more than 2 sections. Section A : Electrical Section B : Communication Section C : Networks, Filters and Transmission Lines Section D : Instruments and Measurements Section E : Control Systems Section F : Microprocessors Section G : Computers Detailed syllabus for each section is as under :- Section A : Electrical : 3 phase vs single phase supply, Star Delta connections, relation between phase & line voltage, power factor and their measurements; construction and principles of works of various types of electrical measuring instruments, all types of motor and generator AC & DC, transformers, starters, rectifiers, inverters, battery charges, batteries, servo and stepper motors, contractor control circuits, switchgear, relays, protection devices & circuits, phase controlled rectifiers, inverters, choppers, dual converters, cycloconverters; power electronics application in control of drivers, refrigeration & airconditioning. Section B : Communication : Modulation and demodulation – principles and operation of various types of AM, FM and PM modulators / demodulators; pulse modulation – TDM, PAM, PPM, PWM; Multiplexing, Principles and applications of PCM. Introduction of Basic block diagram of digital and data communication systems; Coding error detection and correction techniques; digital Modulation Techniques – ASK, ICW, FSK, PSK; Characteristics / working of data transmission circuits; UART, USART; Modems; Protocols and their functions, brief idea of ISDN interfaces, local area Network; Carrier Telephony – Features of carrier telephone system. Microwave Engineering : Microwave Devices; Waveguides; Microwave Components; Microwave antennas; Microwave Communication Systems-Block diagram & working principles of microwave communication link. Section C : Network, Filters and Transmission Lines : Two port network; Attenuators; Filters; Transmission Lines and their applications; characteristic impedance of Line; concept of reflection and standing waves on and transmission line; Transmission Line equation; Principle of impedance matching; Bandwidth consideration of a transmission line. Section D : Instruments and Measurements : Specifications of instruments – accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range, Errors in measurement and loading effect, Principles of voltage, current and resistance measurements, Transducers, measurement of displacement & strain, force & torque measuring devices, pressure measuring devices, flow measuring devices, power control devices & circuits. Types of AC milli-voltmeters – Amplifier rectifier and rectifier amplifier; Block diagram explation of basic CRO and a triggered sweep oscilloscope, front panel controls; Impedance Bridges and Q-Meters; Principles of working and specifications of logic probes, signature analyzer and logic analyzer, signal generator, distortion factor meter, spectrum analyzer. Section E : Control Systems : Basic elements of control system, open and closed loop system, concepts of feedback, Block diagram of control system. Time lag, hysterisis, linearity concepts; Self regulating and non self regulating control systems. Transfer function of simple control components, single feedback configuration. Time response of systems. Stability Analysis – Characteristic equation, Routh’s table, Nyquist criterion, relative stability, phase margin and gain margin. Routh Hurwitz criterion, root locus technique, Bode plot, Polar-plot, Gain margin and phase margin. Sectopm F : Microprocessors : Typical organization of a microcomputer system & functions of its various blocks; architecture of a Microprocessor; Memories and I/O Interfacing; Brief idea of M/C & assembly languages, Machines & Mnemonic codes; Instruction format and Addressing mode; concept of Instruction set; programming exercise in assembly language; concept of interrupt; Date transfer techniques – sync data transfer, async data transfer, interrupt driven data transfer, DMA, serial output data, serial input data. Section G : Computers : Computer and its working, types of computes, familarisation with DOS and Windows – concept of file, directory, folder, Number Systems, data representation; Programming – Elements of a high level programming language, PASCAL, C; | Use of basic data structures; Fundamentals of computer architecture, Processor design, Control unit design; Memory organization. I/o system Organization. Microprocessors – micro processor architecture, instruction set and simple assembly level programming. Microprocessor based system design : typical examples. Personal computers and their typical uses, data communiation principles, types and working principles of modems, Network principles, OSI model, functions of data link layer and network layer, networking components; communication protocols – X.25.TCP/IP. Database Management System – basic concepts, entity relationship model, relational model, DBMS based on relational model. MICROPROCESSOR PAPER: iam sending the microprocessor paper tta paper... 1. A 32-bit processor has (a) 32 registers (b) 32 I/O devices (c) 32 Mb of RAM (d) a 32-bit bus or 32-bit registers 2. Clock speed is measured in (a) bits per second (b) Hertz (c) bytes (d) baud 3. A 20-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity (a) 1 MB (b) 2 MB (c) 4 MB (d) 8 MB 4. A microprocessor contains (a) most of RAM (b) most of ROM (c) peripheral drivers (d) most of the control and arithmetic logic functions of computer 5. Which of the following is NOT a type of processor? (a) PowerPC (b) Motorola 8086 (c) Motorola 68000 (d) Intel Pentium 6. If interrupt arrives on the three lines INTR, RTS 6.5 and RTS 7.5, which of them will the 8085 processor acknowledge? (a) INTR (b) RTS 6.5 (c) RTS 7.5 7. The Intel 8086 processor is (a) 8-bit (b) 16-bit (c) 32-bit (d) 64-bit 8. An assembly language instruction (a) always has a label (b) always takes at least one operand (c) always has an operation field (d) always modifies the status register 9. An interrupt instruction (a) causes an unconditional transfer of control (b) causes a conditional transfer of control (c) modifies the status register (d) is an I/O instruction 10. Programs are written in assembly language because they (a) run faster than High-level language (b) are portable (c) easier to write than machine code programs (d) they allow the programmer access to registers or instructions that are not usually provided by a High-level language 11. Given that the subprogram putc displays the character in al, the effect of the following instruction is - mov al, ‘c’ sub al, 2 call putc (a) display 2 (b) display ‘c’ (c) display ‘a’ (d) display a blank 12. The result of mov al, 65 is to store (a) store 0100 0010 in al (b) store 42H in al (c) store 40H in al (d) store 0100 0001 in al 13. Microprocessor is also often called a (a) Chip (b) Resistor (c) Capacitor (d) Transistor 14. A microprocessor’s program counter has (a) the digital value of the data (b) the address of an instruction (c) the address of data 15. Which of the following is a math co-processor? (a) 8085 (b) 8086 (c) 8087 (d) 8088 16. Interrupts are classified as (a) Hardware interrupts (b) Software interrupts (c) Hardware interrupts and Software interrupts (d) none of the above 17. The system bus is made up of (a) data bus (b) data bus and address bus (c) data bus and control bus (d) data bus, control bus and address bus 18. The memory address register is used to store - (a) data to be transferred to memory (b) data that has been transferred from memory (c) the address of a memory location (d) an instruction that has been transferred from memory 19. When an interrupt occurs, the processor completes the current ___________ before jumping to the interrupt service subroutine (a) microinstruction it is executing (b) instruction it is executing (c) macro it is executing (d) subroutine it is executing 20. A microprocessor is a processor with a reduced (a) instruction set (b) power requirement (c) MIPS performance (d) none of the above 21. A scheme in which the address specifies which memory word contains the address of the operand, is called (a) Immediate addressing (b) Based addressing (c) Direct addressing (d) Indirect addressing 22. Processor gets the address of the next instruction to be processed from (a) Instruction register (b) Instruction counter (c) Program counter (d) Program register 23. Fetch operations are not required in (a) Immediate addressing (b) Register addressing (c) Direct addressing (d) Indirect addressing 24. What is meant by Maskable interrupts? (a) An interrupt that can be turned off by the programmer. (b) An interrupt that cannot be turned off by the programmer. (c) An interrupt that can be turned off by the system. (d) An interrupt that cannot be turned off by the system. 25. Which interrupts are generally used for critical events such as Power failure, Emergency, Shut off etc.? (a) Maskable interrupts (b) Non-Maskable interrupts (c) none of the above 26. Which microprocessor accepts the program written for 8086 without any changes? (a) 8085 (b) 8087 (c) 8088 27. How many memory locations are required to store the instruction LXI H, 0800H in an 8085 assembly language program? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 28. How many memory fetches (including instruction fetch) are required to execute the instruction LXI H, 0800H in an 8085 assembly language program? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 29. MPU stands for (a) Multi-Processing Unit (b) Micro-Processing Unit (c) Mega-Processing Unit (d) Major-Processing Unit 30. Which of the following is not possible by a microprocessor? (a) Reading from Memory (b) Writing into Memory (c) Reading from Input port (d) Writing into Input port 31. In which microprocessor does the concept of pipeline first introduced? (a) 8086 (b) 80286 (c) 80386 (d) 80486 32. LSI stands for - (a) Large Size Instruction (b) Large Scale Instruction (c) Large Size Integration (d) Large Scale Integration 33. Which of the following is true about pseudo code? (a) A machine language (b) An assembly language (c) A high level language (d) none of the above 34. The macro processor must perform (a) recognize macro definitions and macro calls (b) save the macro definitions (c) expand macro calls and substitutes arguments (d) all of the above 35. A 32 bit microprocessor has the word length equal to (a) 1 byte (b) 2 byte (c) 4 byte (d) 8 byte 36. The TRAP interrupts mechanism of the 8085 microprocessor (a) execute an instruction supplied by an external device through the INTA signal (b) execute an instruction from memory location 20H (c) executes a NOP (d) none of the above 37. What are the states of the Auxiliary carry (AC) and Carry flag (CY) after executing the following 8085 program? MVI H, 5DH MVI L, 6BH MOV A, H ADD L (a) AC=0 and CY=0 (b) AC=1 and CY=1 (c) AC=1 and CY=0 (d) AC=0 and CY=1 38. Contents of register A after the execution of the following 8085 microprocessor program is MVI A, 55H MVI C, 25H ADD C DAA (a) 7AH (b) 80H (c) 50H (d) 22H 39. Which of the following is a 16-bit micro processor? (a) Motorola 6800 (b) Intel 8085 (c) Intel 8086 (d) Zilo 80 40. The Intel Pentium Pro microprocessor uses 36 address lines to access memory. What is the maximum memory that it can support, in gigabytes? (a) 16 (b) 32 (c) 64 (d) 128 41. Out of the following which is not the flag in 8085 microprocessor (a) Counter flag (b) Carry flag (c) Zero flag (d) Parity flag 42. What is a basic element of Memory? (a) Transistor (b) Flip-flop (c) Gate (d) none of the above 43. Which group of instructions do not affect the flags? (a) Arithmetic operations (b) Logic operations (c) Data transfer operations (d) Branch operations 44. DMA stands for (a) Direct Memory Allocation (b) Distinct Memory Allocation (c) Direct Memory Access (d) Distinct Memory Access 45. In RST interrupts, RST stands for (a) Repeat Start Test (b) Restart (c) Start 46. Which interrupt has the highest priority? (a) TRAP (b) RST 6 (c) RST 6.5 (d) INTR 47. In 8085 microprocessor with memory mapped I/O (a) I/O device have 8-bit addresses. (b) I/O devices are accessed using IN and OUT instructions. (c) arithmetic and logic operations can be directly performed with the I/O data. (d) there can be a max of 256 input devices and 256 output devices. 48. A microprocessor - (a) reads instructions from memory (b) communicates with I/O devices (c) controls the timing of information flow (d) all of the above 49. An instruction consists of (a) Data and Address (b) Register and Memory (c) Opcode and Operand (d) Input and Output 50. If the 8085 adds 87H and 79 H, which of the following flags will become 1 (a) Zero flag and Auxiliary Carry flag (b) Zero flag and Carry flag (c) Carry flag and Auxiliary Carry flag (d) none of the above So kindly find your answer within the text. for more information you can mail me on [email protected] theko shreya. Thanks |
19th July 2011, 05:39 PM
I m studing b.tech 4th year.plz give me all details of JTO and TTA exam ......my mail id is [email protected] also tell me how to apply for this exams & when the exam will be?
19th July 2011, 05:41 PM
I m studying B.tech 4 th year.plz give me all details of JTO and TTA exam ......my email id is [email protected],also tell me how to apply for this exams ? and the when exam will be?
24th July 2011, 08:37 PM
CONTACT ME [email protected] |
24th July 2011, 08:43 PM
MAIL ME ON [email protected] |
24th July 2011, 08:46 PM
bihar bsnl tta 2008 exam date is 7 aug 2011
mail me [email protected] |
5th August 2011, 04:14 PM
Please kindly provide me the date and related details of TTA exam in jharkhand circle for 2011 session.
My email add is [email protected] thanks a lot. |
5th August 2011, 04:46 PM
hi sir when will be andhra pradesh and Karnataka notifications?
kindly mail me at [email protected] thanks |
5th August 2011, 04:57 PM
when will be the andhra pradesh & Karnataka notifications
kindly mail me at [email protected] thanks |
6th August 2011, 03:54 PM
when the tta exam will held on? I want to know for bengal &kolkata circle. please reply on my mail [email protected].
10th September 2011, 01:37 PM
BSNL TTA Recruitment 2011 – 171 Telecom Technical Assistants vacancies: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited – BSNL has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of 171 Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA) vacancies in Bihar Circle, Patna for eligible candidates. Who are interested candidates may apply through offline on or before 15/06/2011. The particulars regarding age limit, educational qualification, pay scale and other particulars of BSNL Recruitment is mentioned below…
BSNL TTA Recruitment 2011 details: Total no. of posts: 171 vacancies Name of the posts: Telecom Technical Assistants (TTA): 171 vacancies. Age limit: The candidate’s age limit is between 18 to 27 years as on 20/07/2009, relaxation for SC/ST up to 5 years, OBC up to 3 years and PH candidates up to 10 years and other categories candidates as per rules. Educational qualification: 3 years Diploma in Engineering in any of the discipline, Telecommunications Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Radio Engineering, Computer Engineering, Instruments Technology and Information Technology, MSC (Electronics) from a recognized university/institute. Application fee: Demand draft for Rs 500/- for general candidates, (No fee for SC/ST/PH candidates) in favour of A.O. (B&A), BSNL % C.G.M.T. Patna. Selection procedure: The mode of selection is written test through multiple choice objective type questions. How to apply: The interested candidates may send their application in prescribed format, with three identical copies of recent passport size photographs out of which one should be pasted on the application form duly attested, and the other two to be affixed on the admit card, along with attested copies of all necessary certificates and two self addressed un stamped envelops, to the following address, AGM (Estt) O/o the Chief General Manager Telecom, Bihar Telecom Circle, Sanchar Sadan, Budh Marg, Patna-800001, on or before 15/06/2011. Important dates: Last date for receipt of application: 15/06/2011. Examination date: Likely to be held in July, 2011 (date to be announced later |
22nd September 2011, 08:21 PM
hello.good evening sir/madam, i need tta model paper for AP with solutions. so, kindly send to mail i.e; [email protected]. thank you sir/madam. Have a nice day.
5th October 2011, 07:19 PM
Dear Sir,
Please tell me the next date for TTA exam conduct in Karnataka. Pls send me the syllabus details to my mail id. Plese sirrrrrrrrrrrr. Regards [email protected] |
23rd December 2011, 08:14 PM
sir plse told me wts the date of requirtment paper date of sep 2011 tta e xam reply me at my iod [email protected]
22nd January 2012, 09:18 PM
![]() Quote:
can u plzzz tell me the date of TTA exam.. |
3rd November 2012, 12:49 PM
i want tta exam date in this year.can any exam detials we rly me this mali vadlamudi [email protected] plz
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