22nd March 2012, 12:47 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
pls send trb model question paper to my mail id [email protected]
22nd March 2012, 09:27 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
send the syllabus kindly .
24th March 2012, 03:27 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
hello frdz
tis s PARAMESH ,am going to write TRB exam ,plz send me some model qstn papers,bcoz tis s 1st time for me, can u help me plz,my mail id ,[email protected] |
4th April 2012, 07:04 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
i iam s.kaari finished ma med (history) i nerveous about exam of trb pls send syllbus& model question bank to
[email protected] |
14th April 2012, 10:32 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
Materials Science - TRB Physics Study Materials
SI NO. QUESTIONS ANSWERS 1. Atoms or molecules are regularly arranged that solids are? Crystalline 2. Diamond, aluminum, polonium, copper, nickel are the examples are? Crystalline solids 3. Change in liquid phase or gaseous phase to solid to called as? Crystallization+ 4. Mostly point imperfection may occurs due to the presence of? Impurity atom 5. Missing of atom or atoms in an atomic site is known as? Vacancy 6. The extra plane of atoms lying above the slip plane are called? Positive edge dislocation 7. This type of impurity may stay normally unfilled volume is known as? Interstitial impurity 8. Frankel vacancies are produced when the crystal is exposed to a high? Radiation 9. Slip is caused due to the motion of? Screw dislocation 10. Vander waals bond and hydrogen bond are the example for? Secondary bond 11. The example for ionic crystal is? Nacl 12. Vander waals bond are much weaker than Ionic and covalent bonds 13. Which is correct? Covalent ionic metallic hydrogen van der waals 14. Covalent bond is a ? Strong bond 15. Homogeneous mixture of two or more metals or a metal and a non-metal is called? An alloy 16. Angle made by the inclined plane is called? Shear strain 17. Hydrostatic pressure is the stress acting equally from? All directions 18. Force/area is known as? Stress 19. Ceramics are the compounds of? Metals and non-metals 20 The property of the material which enables it to be twisted, bent or stretched, under a high stress before rupture is known as? Toughness 21 Glasses are generally called as? Super cooled liquids 22 I.C. engines, boiler and turbines using the principle of ? Creep 23 High silica glass contains? 96% silica 24 Bi product is not obtained in? Addition polymerization 25 The combination of bronze is? Cu 90% sn 10% TRB PHYSICS SYLLABUS Unit I: Thermal Physics and Acoustics Thermal Physics: Calorie Relation between Heat and Work Thermal capacity change of state latent heat- Newtons law of cooling. Definition of Cp and Cv Meyers relation Equation of perfect gas Vanderwaals equation of state Definition of critical points critical constants and their determination. Thermal conductivity conductivity of good and poor conductors Forbes and Lees Disc methods. Second law of Thermodynamics Concept of Entropy Entropy of an ideal gas Reversible and irreversible processes Carnot theorem Proof - Carnot engine Indicator diagram Rankines cycle Petrol and Diesel engines. Acoustics Progressive waves Characteristics SHM free, damped and forced oscillations Composition of two SHMs in the same straight line Beats Velocity of sound in air Newton Laplace formula. Ultrasonics Production by piezoelectric method Application to flaw detection and sonography. Unit II: Mechanics, Properters of Matter and Mathematical Methods Mechanics: Impulse Impact Impulsive forces Laws of impact Direct and oblique impacts between two smooth spheres loss of kinetic energy. Properties of matter: Elasticity -Youngs modulus, Rigidity modulus, Poissons ratio Relation between Elastic modulii and Poissons ratio Determination of elastic constants by Searles method. Surface Tension: Explanation Angle of contact - determination by capillary rise method Formation of drops Relation between curvature pressure and surface tension. Viscosity: Definition Poiseuilles flow method. Mathematical Methods: Gradient of a scalar field Divergence of a vector function Curl of a vector their physical significance - Vector identities. Line, surface and volume integrals. Unit III: Optics Interference: Theory of interference fringes Colours of thin films Newtons rings determination of wavelength of light and refractive index of liquid Diffraction: Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction plane diffraction grating determination of wavelength. Resolving power Rayleighs criterion Resolving power of telescope, microscope, prism and grating. Relation between resolving power and magnifying power. Fibre optics: Construction of optical fibres propagation theory Reflection and refraction Step index and graded index fibre Numerical aperture Applications. Unit IV: Magnetism and Electricity Magnetism: Magnetic permeability and susceptibility Properties of dia, para and ferromagnetic materials. B-H curve hysteresis energy loss. Electrostatics: Electric charges Permittivity - relative permittivity electric intensity electric induction Gausss theorem in electrostatics. Electric potential - relation between potential and intensity. Capacitance spherical parallel and cylindrical condensers effect of dielectric. Current Electricity: EMF and internal resistance of a cell Potentiometer Calibration of ammeter high and low range voltmeter. Thermo electricity Peltier and Thomson coefficient magnetic effect of electric current Biot- Savart law definition of ampere. Magnetic field intensity due to a solenoid Force on a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. Moving coil ballistic galvanometer theory damping correction Alternating current circuits growth and decay of charges in LCR circuit. Transformer Step-up and Step-down energy loss. Unit V: Modern Physics Positive Ray Analysis e/m of positive ions Aston and Bainbridge mass spectrographs isotopes. X-rays- Braggs law Miller indices Crystal Structure Crystal packing - Photo electric effect Einsteins theory Millikans experiment photo electric cells and application. Atom Models: Bohrs theory of hydrogen atom energy level diagram. Sommerfelds relativistic atom model Vector atom model spatial quantization electron quantum numbers. Paulis exclusion principle. Zeeman effect and its application. Unit VI: Spectroscopy Classification of line, band and continuous spectra Microwave spectroscopy: Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules instrumentation magnetron and klystron Infrared spectroscopy: Vibrational study of diatomic molecules IR spectrometer. Raman spectroscopy: Raman effect Raman shift stokes and anti stokes lines Raman spectrometer. Lasers: Population inversion optical pumping construction, principle and working of He-Ne and Ruby Lasers Holography. Unit VII: Basic Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Inadequacy of classical mechanics Schrodinger wave equation Physical significance of wave function Postulates of Quantum mechanics Heisenbergs uncertainty principle. Relativity: General theory Newtonian relativity Galilean transformation Postulates of special theory of relativity Lorentz transformation Length contraction and Time dilation Relativistic mass. Mass energy equivalence. Unit VIII: Nuclear Physics Radioactivity theory of alpha decay Geiger Nuttal law beta decay neutrino hypothesis Gamma ray spectra. Nuclear detector Geiger Muller Counter scintillation counter. Particle accelerator linear, cyclotron, synchro cyclotron, betatron Nucleus- Nuclear size , charge , mass, radius. Mass defect and binding energy. Characteristics of nuclear forces nuclear model liquid drop model Neutron discovery - sources classification of neutrons nuclear fission self sustained chain reaction fusion thermo nuclear reaction. Elementary particles classification properties and interaction with matter. Unit IX: Materials Science Bonding in solids ionic covalent metallic vander waals bonds point defects line defects - surface defects volume defects production and removal. Single and multi-phase solids alloys stress and strain - Hooks law strength, elasticity, plasticity, ductility, malleability, hardness, brittleness tests. Superconductors super conductivity - nature and occurrence type I and type II superconductors. Introduction to ceramics classes and properties polymers polymerization mechanism. Unit-X: Electronics: Semiconductors energy bands intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors n-type and p -type semiconductors Diodes Zener Diodes Voltage regulation. Rectifiers Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers Amplifiers RC coupled amplifier frequency response feed back amplifiers oscillators Hartley and Colpitt oscillators. Transistors p-n-p and n-p-n transistors I-V characteristics of UJT, FET and MOSFET. Multivibrators astable, monostable, bistable. Fabrication of Integrated circuits. Logic gates universal gates Boolean Algebra De Morgans theorem K-map simplification. Television Transmission and reception principle of colour TV. Radar - Principle and applications. |
2nd May 2012, 07:02 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
E.selvaganesh |
21st September 2012, 01:44 PM
Re: Syllabus and Model Question Papers of TRB Exam?
i want TRB model question with answer [commerce) my mail : [email protected]
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