9th December 2012, 05:09 PM
Can I apply for MPSC after completing degree from Arts stream
i have completed my degree from arts stream major subject was geography can iaplly for mpsc
21st January 2013, 06:06 PM
Yes you can apply to MPSC/UPSC Civil Services Exams(CSE) after
completing your graduation in arts stream.Since you have geography as a major subject it will help you in preparations for CSE. The CSE is conducted in 3 stages viz. Preliminary Test,Mains Exam & Interviews. Minimum educational qualification required to apply to CSE is graduation in any discipline from a recognised University. You just need a Pass Class in graduation to be eligible to apply. There is no percentage criteria to apply to MPSC exams. Maharastra Public Services Commission(MPSC) is the administering authority for conducting Mahatasrta State Civil Services Exams in the state. For more details visit www.mpsc.gov.in |
13th June 2014, 12:44 AM
Hi sir,i have completed my 12th from science stream now I want to know for MPSC & UPSC exam i have to do graduation but my problem is for graduation which stream i have to select . & which stream will help me in my MPSC & UPSC exam please sir reply me Thank you