22nd March 2013, 09:08 PM
Can I get a seat in JNTUH, JNTUK, JNTUA after scoring 60% marks in Intermediate?
with 60% marks in intermediate,sc quota,lady reservation can i get seat in JNTUH,JNTUK,JNTUA,,colleges.which rank in EAMCET i need then?mostly in these three colleges in which one there is maximum chance for me to get seat...
28th April 2013, 03:56 PM
What's the cutoff mark or Rank for getting a CSE/IT seat in JNTUH.
23rd May 2014, 01:28 PM
can i get a seat in JNTUK or JNTUH after getting 5000 rank in eamcet im from oc community
4th June 2014, 06:58 PM
It depends on the region which you belong to(SVU,OU,AU), being OC if u get 5000 rank, the chances of getting university with a good branch is not possible, you may just miss the university college or get a seat in branches like chemical engg, biotechnology,metallurgy etc. if luck favours u sometimes u can get mech, civil.. all d bst..