22nd August 2011, 09:22 PM
Can we use Whitener to correct the answers in OMR sheet of TNPSC Group II exam?
Sir I have used whitenner pen to correct the wrong answers in TNPSC group 2 exam, will my answers (whichever is corrected using whitener) be validated / counted
16th October 2011, 09:10 PM
if i corrected my answer with whitener in omr sheet my paper will be valid or not
17th November 2011, 11:14 AM
if i corrected my answer with whitener in omr sheet my paper will be valid or not
3rd February 2012, 05:06 PM
The answer sheet will be get scanned by the computer. So whenever it found 2answers or it will get rejected and consider as wrong.
5th June 2014, 01:49 AM
dear sir,
i had given post office pa/sa exam conducted on 01 june 2014 and by mistake i use whitener in 17-18 ans to currect the ans. i did total currect ans . 88(including 17 -18 whitener correction) out of 100 ...so my please give me the currect ans. my omr sheet will be valid or not???? what will be happen 1. they will accept all curection? or they will reject only 17-18 ans??? or they will reject my full omr sheet ???? please suggest me ..im in very tense u can also mail me @[email protected] thanks |