12th April 2018, 09:23 AM
Commerce syllabus of CHS Varanasi entrance exam for 11th admission?
Sir, I am going to apply for CHS Varanasi entrance exam for admission in 11th standard with Commerce stream. So, I need to know about the syllabus. Kindly tell me what is the syllabus of this entrance exam for Commerce stream?
14th April 2018, 08:22 PM
As far as you are concerned about the syllabus for SET ( School Entrance Test ) for admission in Class 11th with Commerce stream in CHS ( Central Hindu School ) then as per the SET bulletin, the questions will MCQs based on the secondary school syllabus related to English, Hindi, History, Geography, Economics, Political Science,
General Maths and Gen. Studies. For more details regarding BHU SET you can refer to the SET bulletin by referring to the link http://bhuonline.in/pdfs18/SETBulletin2018_Eng.pdf. |
18th October 2019, 11:01 AM
What is the syllabus for entrance examination in 11 commerce