7th March 2011, 05:17 PM
Date of next GPSC recruitment exam?
dear sir pls tell me what is the next exam date of gpsc in 2011.
7th March 2011, 06:05 PM
Date of next GPSC recruitment exam are as shown: - Important Dates (Tentative): - 1. Date of Exam = May 08, 2011 2. Sale of application = February 14, 2011 3. Last date for issuing application forms = March 21, 2011 4. Last date for submission of completed application forms = March 31, 2011 Good Luck |
7th March 2011, 10:22 PM
GPSC Exam Details
There is two Full form for GPSC -->Gujarat Public Service Commission *Date of Examination 19-06-2011 *Full details i have uploaded for 948 Vacancies -->Goa Public Service Commission *Last Date of Receipt of Application form has been finished 03-03-2011 *Here i have the link for GPSC Check it out for Update of Exam http://nicgoa.nic.in/gpsc/advertisement.php All the Best |
8th March 2011, 12:11 PM
Entrance exams are carried out to select eligible candidates for various State Government jobs by Gujarat Public Service Commission(GSPC).
The recruitment exam date in 2011 is not yet announed. You can stay updated for the same from the official wesitehttp://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/about_gpsc_general.html. You can contact them directly at Gujarat Public Service Commission, B-Block, First Floor, Multi storeyed Building, Laldarwaja, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380 001, India. Phone: +91 79 25507737 |
8th March 2011, 12:30 PM
GPSC is Gujarat Public service commission. recently there are no recent recruitment notification is given in the website. visit their official website http://www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in for more information.
there are various competitive examination conducted by GPSC for recruitment in various public service post in Gujarat. the website contains all details about the recent advertisement, eligibility for various post, result of previous examination, syllabus etc. go through the website for complete information about GPSC recruitment examination. best wishes. |
8th March 2011, 01:05 PM
Hello Friend,
There is not any information about GPSC i.e. Gujrat Pulic Service Commission exam. You can check the website on regular basis to see the latest notification about the 2011 GPSC exam. http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in |
8th March 2011, 02:51 PM
I am confused as to whether you are talking about Goa Public Service Commission (GPSC) or Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC)
Well, Goa Public Service Commission has recently invited online application from eligible candidates for various posts like lecturer, senior scientific officer, etc. But the last date for reciept of application has already passed. Regarding Gujarat Public Service Commission exam no notification has been issued recently. For latest updates visit: www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in |
8th March 2011, 04:10 PM
GPSC exam notification are not out yet
you will have to keep looking in newspaper and magazines and also employment news or you can visit their site regularly. herehttp://www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/ |
8th March 2011, 04:11 PM
Gujarat Public Service Commission
The date has not been yet declare. So, for update visit the official website i,e http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/advertisements.html |
8th March 2011, 10:45 PM
there are no recent recruitment notification is given in the website. visit their official website http://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/default.html
8th March 2011, 11:38 PM
GPSC is Gujarat Public service commission. recently there are no recent recruitment notification is given in the website. visit their official website http://www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in for more information. Date of next GPSC recruitment exam are as shown: - Important Dates (Tentative): - 1. Date of Exam = May 08, 2011 2. Sale of application = February 14, 2011 3. Last date for issuing application forms = March 21, 2011 4. Last date for submission of completed application forms = March 31, 2011 there are various competitive examination conducted by GPSC for recruitment in various public service post in Gujarat. the website contains all details about the recent advertisement, eligibility for various post, result of previous examination, syllabus etc. go through the website for complete information about GPSC recruitment examination. There is two Full form for GPSC -->Gujarat Public Service Commission *Date of Examination 19-06-2011 *Full details i have uploaded for 948 Vacancies -->Goa Public Service Commission *Last Date of Receipt of Application form has been finished 03-03-2011 *Here i have the link for GPSC Check it out for Update of Exam http://nicgoa.nic.in/gpsc/advertisement.php |
31st May 2011, 10:14 PM
Important Dates (Tentative): -
1. Date of Exam = May 08, 2011 2. Sale of application = February 14, 2011 3. Last date for issuing application forms = March 21, 2011 4. Last date for submission of completed application forms = March 31, 2011 |
31st May 2011, 11:59 PM
The recruitment exam date in 2011 is not yet announed. You can stay updated for the same from the official wesitehttp://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in/about_gpsc_general.html.
You can contact them directly at Gujarat Public Service Commission, B-Block, First Floor, Multi storeyed Building, Laldarwaja, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380 001, India. Phone: +91 79 25507737 |
25th February 2012, 04:53 PM
GPSC recruitment 2012 – www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in26. January 2012 · Categories: Gujarat · Tags: GPSC jobs, GPSC recruitment, GPSC recruitment 2012, gpsc.gujarat.gov.in, www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in 2 EmailShare
2EmailShareGujarat Public Service Commission Recruitment 2012 This is one of the most favorable commissions, which help the Gujarati in many ways. This commission provides job opportunities to all kinds of people.Gujarat Public Service Commission has been constituted on 01-05-1960. The law of constitution of India has started this. This commission is responsible for the appointments in civil services.Gujarat Public Service Commission is seeking for the skilled candidates for many services like teaching, managing and so on. This commission provides recruitment to different civil services. If the candidates are not satisfied in one service, transfer from one service to other services is also possible. Due to this facility, everyone is concentrating for the Gujarat Public Service Commission jobs. The official website of this commission gives sufficient about recruitment process, advertisements, forms, primary test, interview, results, tenders, citizen charter, disclaimers, right to information, recommendations and so on. Gujarat Public Service Commission grants injury-pensions to Government Servants. Many allowances are given to the servants in order to satisfy them in all ways. This commission provides promotion to the candidates who are working hard for the improvement of the service. It also considers the suitability of the candidates. The people in Gujarat feel that Gujarat Public Service Commission careers are a boon. About the Gujarat Public Service Commission jobs Official Website : www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in Jobs in GPSC are in the form of Assistant Director, Tutor of Radiology,Assistant Professor – Anesthesiology, Psychiatrist, Class I, Pathologist, Dermatologist, Anesthetist,Technical Advisor for chemical department, Clinical Psychiatry,E.N.T. Surgeon Class I, Tutor of Radiotherapy, Assistant Professor – Statistics, Professor, Eye Surgeon, Orthopedic Surgeon, Radiologist, Forensic Director, Youth Board Officer, Orthopedic Surgeon, Anesthetists Class I, ENT Surgeon and so on.Translator and legal Assistant are the most desirable jobs. Reporter for Gujarati, Hindi and English are the important jobs. These GPSC jobs are classified into two categories namely class I and class II. Recruitment process for the jobs in Gujarat Public Service Commission will be conducted often in order to make the service good. GPSC recruitment 2012 will be equal to all categories of people. The candidates who are interested in the jobs in Gujarat Public Service Commission can apply through online. For the post of forensic director, the aspirants must have their post graduate degree in any recognized university. The official website of this commission will update about the GPSC recruitment 2012. These updates are helping people at time of GPSC job openings.The jobs in colleges and schools are more important than others so GPSC recruitment board will concentrate more here. The interested candidates should get to know about the Gujarat Public Service Commission recruitment procedure in order to face the GPSC recruitments. The candidates who want to pursue their GPSC career can maintain a constant watch over the official site. They maintain a friendly and pleasant work culture that encourages the workers to give more from the service and get the best from it. They balance the work with social responsibility initiative programs that help the employees grow out as a good citizen. The recent advertisement is for Technical in Officer Ayurveda. For this post, the aspirants must complete their B.Pharm or any other degree in ayurvedic pharmacy in any other reputed university. The job opportunities will be announced from time to time based on the GPSC job vacancies in positions available. Gujarat Public Service Commissionjob openings for candidates from IT industry, security, agriculture and so on are published as GPSC recruitment for Engineers in the official site. The engineers who are dedicated in their work can apply for these jobs. GPSC recruitment for Engineers offers jobs to the unemployed well talented engineers. They can attain the post of assistant engineers. These GPSC job vacancies will be published in the advertisement for the user’s convenience. Gujarat Public Service Commission Recruitment 2012 – GPSC jobs and vacancies Whenever there isrecruitment for any service, there must be some recruitment procedures. Likewise there is a Gujarat Public Service Commission Recruitment procedure for the post of professors in the fields of neurology, Urology, Cardiology and Nephrology. The candidates who want to apply for these jobs must complete their M.Ch (Urology) or D.M in Neurology/ Nephrology/ cardiology in any reputed university. Interested eligible candidates can download the application form from the Commission’s website - www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in. The filled application form should reach the secretary of Gujarat Public Service Commission on or before the submission date. Based on the requirements, job vacancies, skills possessed, the candidates will be shortlisted. The shortlisted candidates have to undergo the following stages for successful recruitment. Session 1: Entrance Exam, which involves mostly multiple choices, questions in which the candidate have to select he appropriate answer. Technical and general studies questions will be included in the first session Session 2: Competency-based interview which involvesa descriptive part. In that question will be asked on English, Gujarati and also from the technical side. Both the sessions will be for 200 marks. The candidates who pass the entrance exam will be subjected to an interview. According to the performance in the interview, they will be admitted to the various designations.Panel interview involves the final selection process with a panel of interviewers who will assess the candidates, based on the requirement and evaluate him to know whether they can match up to the job expectations of the service. Related Vacancies: 1.HPPSC Recruitment 2012 2.RPSC Recruitment 2012 – Rajasthan Public Service commission 3.Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) Recruitment and job openings 4.Directorate of Employment and Training, Gandhinagar, Gujarat (India) – jobs and opportunities – www.detgujarat.org/iti 5.Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission Recruitments Popular Sections gpsc recruitment 2012 gpsc www gpsc gujarat gov in gpsc gujarat gov in gpsc 2012 www gpsc gov gujarat in gpsc gujarat gpsc gov in gujarat public service commission recruitment 2012 job search gujarat www.26. January 2012 · Categories: Gujarat · Tags: GPSC jobs, GPSC recruitment, GPSC recruitment 2012, gpsc.gujarat.gov.in, www.gpsc.gujarat.gov.in gpsc.gujarat.gov.in |