25th June 2011, 12:06 AM
Dates and center for counseling for WBJEE after scoring 9205 rank?
In wbjee my rank is 9205. Plz send me the date and centere for councelling.
25th June 2011, 11:24 AM
The date for cunselling of wbjee is declare it's on 3rd july. hey couselling conduct on three phase : on 1st phase for only those candidate have wbjee rank: general candidate:60000 for SC:6220 for ST:630 for PC:396 The 2nd and 3rd phase counselling conduct on 30/7/2010 1/08/2010. so best of luck |
27th June 2011, 01:29 PM
Dear Friend
The date and venue of WBJEE (JEM)counseling has not yet been notified by Central Selection Committee. The information regarding Counseling of JEM qualified candidates (Engineering) and AIEEE qualified candidates will be available in the following on the following website . www.csc-et.in www.wbjeeb.in You should keep visiting the above mentioned website so that you may get required information on time. |
27th June 2011, 01:36 PM
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WBJEE counseiling date is not announced. after 5 days it will be announced. so you can visit these website for any information of wbjee. www.csc-et.in www.wbjeeb.in all the best |
27th June 2011, 09:19 PM
i had also given wbjee and i know the perfect answer friend. the top one is completely a wrong information. this time only one counc. is been held and all students getting rank are called with a demand draf of rupees 500. the counc. is held this year from 11th july till 25th july
28th June 2011, 10:42 AM
Hello friend .....
Wbjee is the entrance exam taken for the admission into the various engineering and the government colleges present in the West Bengal .. The result of the Wbjee has been declared and is available on the site:: http://www.wbjeeb.in/ The counseling details have not yet been declared on the official website till date .... As soon as the dated are declared it will be available on the official website ... So here I am providing you the last year admitted rank in the private and the govt colleges based on the Wbjee rank ....... Go through it , it will give some details where you can get admission at 9205 rank ... best of luck .... |
29th June 2011, 03:42 PM
Dates and Center for counseling for WBJEE is not declared yet.it will be declared soon. For more detail you can visit the website- www.csc-et.in www.wbjeeb.in please visit the site regulerly dates will be declared soon. |
4th July 2011, 02:20 AM
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WBJEEB Counselling 2011 The Wbjeeb counselling will be start from 11th July 2011 to 2nd August 2011 at 'Yuba Bharati Kriranjan' salt lake city kolkata. You will get a college for the admission in the engineering course according to your rank. If your rank in Wbjeeb is 9205 then your counselling date is 21/7/2011 on 3:00 PM at 'Yuba Bharati Kriranjan' salt lake city kolkata-700098. I have attached the notice of the counselling schedule of Wbjeeb, please see the below attached file and see the own counselling date. For any more information regarding Wbjeeb counselling then please visit the official website of Wbjeeb :- http://www.wbjeeb.in/ Regards ~Mukul~ |
12th July 2011, 02:10 AM
hi friend,
i am sending you a pdf issued by wbjee managing committee so you can get your counselling date from there along with other info like where counselling is taking place,which category like gen,sc,st is called when. best of luck |
31st May 2012, 03:10 PM
my rank is 5067,what a good and suitable colledge for me.and what is my councelling date and venue.
send it at [email protected] |
5th June 2012, 02:00 PM
Dear sir,
Please tell the counseling date for my Rank No. 1274 for WBJEE 2012 General Category candidate & also tell me the which branches in Jadavpur University & Bengal Enginnering & Science University. Thanking you, Yours truly, Parag Rudra Email add. [email protected] |