9th January 2011, 08:14 PM
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Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

can you provide viteee entrance exam syllabus details?

Please help

9th January 2011, 09:25 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?


Types of matrices, addition and multiplication of matrices-Properties, computation of inverses, solution of system of linear equations by matrix inversion method. Rank of a Matrix – Elementary transformation on a matrix, consistency of a system of linear equations, Cramer’s rule, Non-homogeneous equations, homogeneous linear system, rank method.

Quadratic equations – Relation between roots and coefficients – Nature of roots – Symmetric functions of roots – Diminishing and Increasing of roots – Reciprocal equations. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions-Relation between A.M., G. M ., and H.M. Special series: Binomial, Exponential and Logarithmic series – Summation of Series.
Scalar Product – Angle between two vectors, properties of scalar product, applications of dot products. Vector Product – Right handed and left handed systems, properties of vector product, applications of cross product. Product of three vectors – Scalar triple product, properties of scalar triple product, vector triple product, vector product of four vectors, scalar product of four vectors. Lines – Equation of a straight line passing through a given point and parallel to a given vector, passing through two given points, angle between two lines. Skew lines – Shortest distance between two lines, condition for
two lines to intersect, point of intersection, collinearity of three points. Planes – Equation of a plane, passing through a given point and perpendicular to a vector, given the distance from the origin and unit normal, passing through a given point and parallel to two given vectors, passing through two given points and parallel to a given vector, passing through three given non-collinear points, passing through the line of intersection of two given planes, the distance between a point and a plane, the plane which contains two given lines, angle between two given planes, angle between a line and a plane. Sphere – Equation of the sphere whose centre and radius are given, equation of a sphere when the extremities of the diameter are given.

Complex number system, conjugate – properties, ordered pair representation. Modulus – properties, geometrical representation meaning, polar form principal value, conjugate, sum, difference, product quotient, vector interpretation, solutions of polynomial equations, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Roots of a complex number – nth roots, cube roots, fourth roots. Angle measures-
Circular function-Trigonometrical ratios of related angles – Addition formula and their applications – Trigonometric equations – Inverse trigonometric functions-Properties and solutions of triangle.

Definition of a Conic – General equation of a conic, classification with respect to the general equation of a conic, classification of conics with respect to eccentricity. Parabola – Standard equation of a parabola tracing of the parabola, other standard parabolas, the process of shifting the origin, general form of the standard equation, some practical problems. Ellipse – Standard equation of the ellipse, tracing of the ellipse (x^2/a^2 )+(y^2/a^2 ) = 1 (a> b). Other standard form of the ellipse, general forms, some practical problems Hyperbola – standard equation, tracing of the hyperbola (x^2/a^2 )-(y^2/a^2 ) = 1
, other form of the hyperbola, parametric forms of a conics, chords, tangents and normals – Cartesian
form and parametric form, equation of chord of contact of tangents from a point (x1 ,y1 ) Asymptotes, Rectangular Hyperbola –standard equation of a rectangular hyperbola.

Derivative as a rate measure – rate of change – velocity-acceleration – related rates – Derivative as a measure of slopetangent, normal and angle between curves. Maxima and Minima. Mean value theorem- Rolle’s Theorem – Lagrange Mean Value Theorem – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, L’ Hospital’s Rule, Stationary Points – Increasing, decreasing, maxima, minima, concavity convexity points of inflexion. Errors and approximations – absolute, relative, percentage errors, curve tracing, partial derivatives – Euler’s theorem.

Properties of definite integrals, reduction formulae for sin^n (x) and cos^n (x) , Area, length, volume and surface area.

Formation of differential equations, order and degree, solving differential equations (1st order) – variable separable homogeneous, linear equations. Second order linear equations with constant co-efficient f (x)=e^m(x), sin mx, cos mx,x, x^2.

Mathematical Logic – Logical statements, connectives, truth tables, tautologies, sets, algebraic properties, relations, functions, permutation, combination, Induction. Binary Operations – Semi groups – monoids, groups (Problems and simple properties only), order of a group, order of an element.

Probability, axioms, theorems on probability, conditional probability, Random Variable, Probability density function, distribution function, mathematical expectation, variance, discrete distributions-Binomial , Poisson, continuous distribution – Normal

Frictional electricity, charges and their conservation; Coulomb’s law-forces between two point electric charges – Forces between multiple electric charges-superposition principle. Electric field – Electric field due to a point charge, electric field lines; Electric dipole, electric field intensity due to a dipole – behaviour of dipole in a uniform electric field-application of electric dipole in microwave oven. Electric potential – potential difference-electric potential due to a point charge and due to a dipole-Equipotential surfaces – Electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges. Electric flux-Gauss’s theorem and its applications to find field due to (i) infinitely long straight wire (ii) uniformly charged infinite plane sheet (iii) two parallel sheets and (iv) uniformly charged thin spherical shell (inside and outside)
Electrostatic induction-capacitor and capacitance – Dielectric and electric polarisation – parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium – applications of capacitor – energy stored in a capacitor – Capacitors in series and in parallel – action of points –Lightning arrester – Van de Graaff generator.
Electric Current – flow of charges in a metallic conductor – Drift velocity and mobility and their relation with electric current. Ohm’s law, electrical resistance – V-I characteristics – Electrical resistivity and conductivity-Classification of materials in terms of conductivity – Superconductivity (elementary ideas) – Carbon resistors – colour code for carbon resistors- Combination of resistors – series and parallel – Temperature dependence of resistance – Internal resistance of a cell – Potential difference and emf of a cell. Kirchoff’s law – illustration by simple circuits – Wheatstone’s Bridge and its application for temperature coefficient of resistance measurement – Meterbridge – Special case of Wheatstone bridge – Potentiometer- principle – comparing the emf of two cells. Electric Power – Chemical effect of current – Electro chemical cells – Primary (Voltaic, Lechlanche, Daniel)-Secondary – rechargeable cell – lead acid accumulator.
Heating effect – Joule’s law – Experimental verification-Thermoelectric effects – Seebeck effect – Peltier effect – Thomson effect – Thermocouple, thermoemf, neutral and inversion temperature-Measurement of thermo emf using potentiometer – Thermopile. Magnetic effect of electric current – Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment – Biot-Savart law – Magnetic field due to an infinitely long current carrying straight wire and circular coil – Tangent galvanometer – Construction and working – Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid – magnetic field lines. Ampere’s circuital law and its application to straight and Toroidal solenoids. Force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic field and electric field – cyclotron – Force on current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic field – forces between two parallel current carrying conductors – definition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field – moving coil galvanometer – Conversion to ammeter and voltmeter – Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment – Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
Electromagnetic induction – Faraday’s law – induced emf and current – Lenz’s law. Self induction – Mutual induction – Self inductance of a long solenoid – mutual inductance of two long solenoids. Methods of inducing emf – (i) by changing magnetic induction (ii) by changing area enclosed by the coil and (iii) by
changing the orientation of the coil (quantitative treatment). AC generator – commercial generator. (Single phase, three phase). Eddy current – Applications – Transformer – Long distance transmission.
Alternating current – measurement of AC-AC circuit with resistance – AC circuit with inductor – AC circuit with capacitor – LCR series circuit – Resonance and Q – factor – power in AC circuits.
Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics – Electromagnetic spectrum-radio, microwaves, infra-red, visible, ultraviolet, X rays, gamma rays. Emission and Absorption spectrum – Line, Band and continuous spectra – Fluorescence and phosphorescence. Theories of light – Corpuscular – Wave – Electromagnetic and Quantum theories. Scattering of light – Rayleigh’s scattering – Tyndal scattering – Raman effect – Raman spectrum – Blue colour of the sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset. Wavefront and Huygens’s principle – Reflection, total internal reflection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts. Interference – Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width – coherent source – interference of light- Formation of colours in thin films – analytical treatment – Newton’s rings. Diffraction – differences between interference and diffraction of light- diffraction grating. Polarisation of light waves – polarisation by reflection – Brewster’s law – double refraction – nicol prism – uses of plane polarised light and Polaroid’s – rotatory polarisation – polarimeter.
Atomic structure – discovery of the electron- specific charge (Thomson’s method) and charge of the electron (Millikan’s oil drop method) – alpha scattering – Rutherford’s atom model. Bohr’s model – energy quantisation – energy and wave number expression – Hydrogen spectrum – energy level diagrams -
sodium and mercury spectra – excitation and ionization potentials. Sommerfeld’s atom model-X-rays – Production, properties, detection, absorption, diffraction of x-rays – Laue’s experiment
- Bragg’s law, Bragg’s X-ray spectrometer – X-ray spectra-continuous and characteristic X-ray spectrum – Mosley’s law and atomic number. Masers and Lasers – spontaneous and stimulated emission – normal population and population inversion – Ruby laser, He- Ne laser – properties and applications of laser light – holography.
Photoelectric effect – Light waves and photons – Einstein’s photoelectric equation – laws of photoelectric emission – particle nature of energy – experimental verification of Einstein’s photoelectric equation – work function – photo cells and their application. Matter waves – wave mechanical concept of the atom – wave nature of particles – DeBroglie relation – DeBroglie wavelength of an electron – electron microscope. Concept of space, mass, time – Frame of references – Galileon transformations, Special theory of relativity – Relativity of length, time and mass with velocity – Einstein’s mass -energy equivalence.
Nuclear properties – nuclear radii, masses, binding energy, density, charge- isotopes, isobars and isotones – Nuclear mass defect – binding energy – Stability of nuclei – Bainbridge mass spectrometer.
Nature of nuclear forces- Neutron – discovery – properties – artificial transmutation – particle accelerator. Radioactivity – alpha, beta and gamma radiations and their properties- α-decay, β -decay and γ -decay – Radioactive decay law – half life – mean life – Artificial radioactivity – radio isotopes – effects and uses – Geiger – Muller counter. Radio carbon dating – biological radiation hazards.
Nuclear fission – chain reaction – atom bomb – nuclear reactor – nuclear fusion – Hydrogen bomb- cosmic rays – elementary particles.
Semiconductor theory – energy band in solids – difference between metals, insulators and semiconductors based on band theory- semiconductor doping – Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi conductors. Formation of P-N Junction – Barrier potential and depletion layer-P-N Junction diode – Forward and reverse bias characteristics – diode as a rectifier – Zener diode-Zener diode as a voltage regulator-LED seven segment display – LCD. Junction transistors – characteristics – transistor as a switch – transistors as an amplifier – transistor biasing – RC, LC coupled and transformer coupling in amplifiers – feed back in amplifiers – positive and negative feedback – advantages of negative feedback in amplifiers – oscillator – condition for oscillations – LC circuit – Colpitt oscillator. Logic gates – NOT, OR, AND, EXOR using discrete components – NAND and NOR gates as universal gates – difference between unipolar and bipolar devices-Integrated circuits -medium, small and very large scale integration – fabrication and
applications – TTL and CMOS, ICs. Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra – operational amplifier – parameters – pin out configuration – Basic applications- Inverting amplifier-Non-inverting amplifier – summing amplifiers. Measuring Instruments – Cathode Ray oscilloscope – Principle-Functional units-uses-Multimeter- construction and uses.
Modes of propagation, ground wave-sky wave propagation. Amplitude modulation, merits and demerits – applications – frequency modulation – advantages and applications – phase modulation. Antennas and transmission lines – current and voltage distribution – directional pattern – antenna parameters – types of
antenna – design of folded dipole. Radio transmission and reception – AM and FM – superhereterodyne receiver. TV standards, TV transmission and reception – scanning and synchronising – TV Antenna – Video signal analysis. Vidicon (camera tube) and picture tube – block diagram of a monochrome TV transmitter and receiver circuits. Radar – principle – factors influencing maximum range – applications. Digital communication -data transmission and reception – principles of fax, modem, satellite communication – wire, cable and optical fiber communication.

General Characteristics of d-block elements. Occurrence and principles of extraction: Copper, Silver and Zinc. Preparation, properties of 3 , 4 AgNO CuSO and 7 2 2 O Cr K and 4 KMnO .
Lanthanides-Introduction, oxidation state-Chemical reactivity, Lanthanide contraction, uses and brief
comparison of Lanthanides and Actinides. Nuclear energy, Nuclear fission and fusion-Radio carbon dating – Nuclear reaction in sun – Uses of radioactive Isotopes.
Introduction – Terminology in coordination chemistry – IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds – Isomerism in coordination compounds – structural isomerism – Geometrical isomerism in 4-coordinate, 6-coordinate complexes – Theories on coordination compounds – Werner’s theory (brief) – Valence Bond theory – Uses of coordination compounds – Biocoordination compounds (Haemoglobin and chlorophyll).

Unit cell, X-Ray crystal structure – Types of ionic crystals – Imperfections in solids – Electrical Property – Amorphous solid (elementary ideas only).

I and II law of thermodynamics – Spontaneous and non spontaneous processes – entropy – Gibb’s free energy – Free energy change and chemical equilibrium – Third law of thermodynamics.

Applications of law of mass action – Le Chatlier’s principle. Rate expression and order of a reaction, zero order, first order and pseudo first order reaction – half life period, determination of rate constant/order of reaction Temperature dependence of rate constant – Arrhenius equation, activation energy.

Theory of electrical conductance – Theory of strong electrolytes – Faraday’s laws of electrolysis – Specific resistance, specific conductance, equivalent and molar conductance – Variation of conductance with dilution – Kohlraush’s law. Cells – Electrodes and electrode potentials – Construction of cell and EMF – Fuel cells – Corrosion and its preventions.

Nomenclature of alcohols – Classification of alcohols – General methods of preparation of primary alcohols – Properties – Methods of preparation of dihydric alcohols: Glycol – Properties – Uses – Methods of preparation of trihydric alcohols – Properties – uses – Aromatic alcohols – Preparation and properties of phenols and benzyl alcohol. Ethers – General methods of preparation of aliphatic ethers – properties – Uses – Aromatic ethers – Preparation of anisole – Reactions of anisole – Uses.

Nomenclature of carbonyl compounds – Comparison of aldehydes and ketones. General methods of preparation of aldehydes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic aldehydes – Preparation of benzaldehyde – Properties and Uses. Ketones – general methods of preparation of aliphatic ketones (acetone) – Properties – Uses. Aromatic ketones – preparation of acetophenone – Properties – Uses, preparation of benzophenone – Properties.

Nomenclature – Preparation of aliphatic monocarboxylic acids – formic acid – Properties – Uses. Monohydroxy mono carboxylic acids; Lactic acid – synthesis of lactic acid. Aliphatic dicarboxylic acids; Preparation of oxalic and succinic acid. Aromatic acids; Benzoic and Salicylic acid – Properties – uses. Derivatives of carboxylic acids; acetyl chloride ( COCl CH3 ) – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Preparation of acetamide, Properties – acetic anhydride – preparation, Properties. Preparation of esters – methyl acetate – Properties.

Aliphatic nitro compounds – Preparation of aliphatic nitroalkanes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic nitro compounds – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Distinction between aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds. Amines; aliphatic amines – General methods of preparation – Properties – Distinction between 0 0 2 , 1 , and 0 3 amines. Aromatic amines – Synthesis of benzylamine – Properties – Aniline – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Distinction between aliphatic and aromatic amines. Aliphatic nitriles – Preparation – properties – Uses. Diazonium salts – Preparation of benzene diazoniumchloride properties.

Linnaeus and binomial nomenclature – history and types of classification – status of bacteria and viruses – botanical garden and herbaria – zoological parks and museums and economical and cultural importance – salient features of various plant groups – classification of angiosperms up to series level (Bentham and Hooker’s system) – salient features of nonchordates upto phylum level and chordates up to class level.

Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Lamarkism, Neo-Lamarkism – modern concepts of natural selection – theories and evidences of evolution (fossil record and biochemical evidences) – sources of variation, mutation, recombination, genetic drift, migration, natural selection – origin and concepts of species: speciation and isolation (geographical and reproductive).

Cell theory (Schelieden and Schwann) – Discovery of cell and cell as a self contained unit – prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their ultrastructures– unicellular and multicellular organisms – tools and techniques used in cell biology – compound microscope and electron microscope – cell division: amitosis, mitosis and meiosis.

Heredity and variation – Mendel’s laws of inheritance – chromosomal basis of inheritance – linkage and crossing over – mutation and chromosomal aberration – sex linked inheritance - Karyotyping analysis – chromosomal mapping - DNA as a genetic material: structure, replication – RNA structure and types – genetic diversity.

Introduction and history of microbiology – Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur, Robert Koch, Lister – Virology: structure, genetics, culture and diseases – bacteriology: structure, genetics and diseases – Protozoan microbiology – pathogenecity of microorganisms – antimicrobial resistance and chemotherapy – innate immunity – lymphoid organs, thymus – T-cells, Bcells ; immunoglobins structure – transplantation and types – immune system disorders.

Morphology of root, leaf, stem, flowers and their modifications – tissue and tissue systems – anatomy of mono and dicot roots, leaves and stems – secondary growth - Photosynthesis: light and dark reactions, C3 and C4 plants – Photophosphorylation: cyclic and noncyclic – photorespiration – transpiration – types and modes of nutrition – mechanism of respiration – glycolysis – Kreb’s cycle – anaerobic pathway – compensation point and fermentation – respiratory quotient (RQ).

Nutrition: Digestion, Body-mass ratio, calorie value (ICMR standards), balanced diet, obesity –respiration: inspiration, expiration, exchange of gases, process of pulmonary respiration – Digestion: enzymes and its action – Muscular systems: mechanism of action – Circulation: mechanisms of blood circulation, structure of heart – Excretion: ureotelism, urea biosynthesis, nephron ultrafilteration – nervous system: physiology, coordination systems, brain function and receptor organs – reproduction: spermatogenesis, oogenesis, in vitro fertilization – endocrines: harmones and their functions.

Concept of gene – central dogma of molecular biology - gene regulation – rDNA technology –– transgenic plants and microbes – gene cloning – genetically modified organisms – gene expression – gene bank – management of plant and animal genetic resources – genetic conservation – microbial type culture – genetic typing studies.

Human population and explosion – ecosystems – ecological succession – conservation and biodiversity (Biosphere reserves) – wild life: legislation and conservation of wild life – global warming crisis and green house effect – biogeochemical cycle (O2 , C and N elements) – extinction of species – waste management – pollution (water, air, soil, noise and temperature).

Plant tissue culture and applications – livestock and management – cattle breeding and poultry – farming methods – pisciculture – crops of economic importance: food yielding rice, oil yielding : groundnut, fibre yielding cotton, timber yielding teak – food production: breeding experiments, Biofertilizers – brief account of crop and animal diseases and their control – ethical concerns – biopatent – biopiracy – genetically modified foods – biowar – bioethics – gene therapy – recent advances in vaccine development.
9th January 2011, 10:08 PM
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Posts: 207
Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VITEEE 2011 Pattern of the Entrance Examination

Question Paper:
Th e question paper will contain 4 [Four] parts as indicated below. All Questions will be of OBJECTIVE TYPE.
• PART-I – Physics
• PART-II – Chemistry
• PART-III – Mathematics
• PART-IV – Biology
• Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics candidates shall attempt PARTS – I, II & III.
• Physics, Chemistry and Biology candidates shall attempt PARTS–I, II & IV.
• Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology candidates can attempt either Part-I, II, III or Part-I, II, IV as per their choice. Candidates attempting Parts-I, II & III are eligible for all the 13 programmes off ered. Candidates attempting Parts-I, II & IV are eligible for Bioinformatics
, Bio-Medical Engineering and Biotechnology programmes only.
• A candidate has to attempt any three parts only as indicated above. If any of the candidate attempt all the four parts, only the fi rst three parts will be valued. Th e answered PART–IV will not be considered for valuation.
All the questions will be mostly from the State Board of Higher Secondary Education and the CBSE syllabus only. Th e syllabus for the Entrance Examination is given in APPENDIX-V of this Brochure.
• Each part has 40 questions and each question carries one mark.
• Each question is followed by 4 alternative answers. Th e candidate will have to choose the correct answer and shade against the appropriate choice in the OMR response sheet provided, strictly adhering to the instructions.
• NO negative marks for wrong answers.

Language of the Question Paper: Th e Question paper will be only in English.
Use of Calculating Devices / phones / written / textual Material:
Use of calculators, log tables and slide ruler; watches with facilities of calculator, pagers and cellular phones is strictly prohibited in the examination hall. Candidates are also strictly forbidden from carrying any textual material-printed or written, bits of paper, envelope or any other material into the examination hall except the Admit Card.

VITEEE 2011 Part II Chemistry Syllabus | VITEEE Chemistry Syllabus

VITEEE 2011 Part – II – Chemistry:
Atomic Structure:
Bohr’s atomic model-Sommerfeld’s extension of atomic structure; Electronic confi guration and Quantum numbers; Shapes of s,p,d,f orbitals – Pauli’s exclusion principle – Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity – Aufbau principle – Emission spectrum, absorption spectrum, line spectra and band spectra; Hydrogen spectrum – Lyman, Balmer,Poschen, Bracket and Pfund series; deBroglie’s theory; Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle – wave nature of electron – Schrodinger wave equation (No derivation). Eigen values and eigen functions. Hybridization of atomic orbitals involving s,p,d orbitals.
p, d and f – Block Elements
p block elements – Phosphorous compounds; PCl3, PCl5 Oxides. Hydrogen halides, Inter halogen compounds. Xenon fl uoride compounds. General Characteristics of d-block elements – Electronic Confi guration – Oxidation states of fi rst row transition elements and their colours. Occurrence and principles of extraction: Copper, Silver, gold and Zinc. Preparation, properties of CuSO4, AgNO3 and K2Cr2O7. Lanthanides-Introduction, electronic confi guration, general characteristics, oxidation state – lanthanide contraction, uses, brief comparison of Lanthanides and Actinides. Nuclear energy
Coordination Chemistry and solid state chemistry
Introduction – Terminology in coordination chemistry – IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Isomerism – Geometrical isomerism in
4-coordinate, 6-coordinate complexes. Th eories on coordination compounds – Werner’s theory (brief), Valence Bond theory. Uses of coordination compounds. Bioinorganic compounds (Hemoglobin and chlorophyll). Lattice – unit cell, systems, types of crystals, packing in solids; Ionic crystals – Imperfections in solids – point defects. X-Ray diff raction – Electrical Property, Amorphous solids (elementary ideas only).

Th ermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium and Chemical
Kinetics I and II law of thermodynamics – Spontaneous and non spontaneous processes, entropy, Gibb’s free energy – Free energy change and chemical equilibrium – signifi canceof entropy. Law of mass action – Le Chatlier’s principle, applications of chemical equilibrium. Rate expression, order and molecularity of reactions, zero order, fi rst order and pseudo fi rst reaction – half life period. Determination of rate constant and order of reaction – Temperature dependence of rate constant – Arrhenius equation, activation energy.
Th eory of electrical conductance; metallic and electrolytic conductance. Faraday’s laws – theory of strong electrolytes – Specifi c resistance, specifi c conductance, equivalent and molar conductance – Variation of conductance with dilution – Kohlraush’s law – Ionic product of water, pH and pOH – buff er solutions – use of pH values. Cells – Electrodes andelectrode potentials – construction of cell, EMF values, Fuel cells, Corrosion and its prevention (Basics only).
Isomerism in Organic Compounds
Defi nition, Classifi cation – structural isomerism, stereo isomerism – geometrical and optical isomerism. Optical activity – chirality – compounds containing chiral centres – R – S notation, D – L notation.
Alcohols and Ethers
Nomenclature of alcohols – Classifi cation of alcohols – distinction between 10, 20 and 30 alcohols – General methodsof preparation of primary alcohols, properties. Methods of preparation of dihydric alcohols: Glycol – Properties – Uses, Methods of preparation of trihydric alcohols – Properties – uses. Aromatic alcohols – Preparation and properties of phenols and benzyl alcohol.
Ethers – Nomenclature of ethers – general methods of preparation of aliphatic ethers – Properties – Uses. Aromatic ethers – Preparation of anisole – Uses.
Carbonyl Compounds
Nomenclature of carbonyl compounds – Comparison of aldehydes and ketones. General methods of preparation of aldehydes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic aldehydes – Preparation of benzaldehyde – Properties and Uses. Ketones – general methods of preparation of aliphatic ketones (acetone) – Properties – Uses. Aromatic ketones – preparation of acetophenone – Properties – Uses, preparation of benzophenone – Properties. Name reactions; Clemmenson reduction, wolff – kishner reduction, cannizaro reaction, Claisen Schmidt reaction, Benzoin Condensation, aldol Condensation. Preparation and applications of Grignard reagents.

Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives
Nomenclature – Preparation of aliphatic monocarboxylic acids – formic acid – Properties – Uses. Monohydroxy mono carboxylic acids; Lactic acid – synthesis of lactic acid. Aliphatic dicarboxylic acids; Preparation of oxalic and succinic acid. Aromatic acids; Benzoic and Salicylic acid – Properties – uses. Derivatives of carboxylic acids; acetyl chloride (CH3COCl) – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Preparation of acetamide, Properties – acetic anhydride– preparation, Properties. Preparation of esters – methyl acetate – Properties.
Organic Nitrogen Compounds
Aliphatic nitro compounds – Preparation of aliphatic nitroalkanes – Properties – Uses. Aromatic nitro compounds – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Distinction between aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds. Amines; aliphatic amines – General methods of preparation – Properties – Distinction between 10, 20 and 30 amines. Aromatic amines – Synthesis of benzylamine – Properties, Aniline – Preparation – Properties – Uses. Distinction between aliphatic and aromatic amines. Aliphatic nitriles – Preparation – properties – Uses. Diazonium salts – Preparation of benzene diazoniumchloride – Properties.
Carbohydrates – distinction between sugars and non sugars, structural and formulae of glucose, fructose and sucrose, with their linkages, invert sugar – defi nition and examples of polysaccharides, amino acids, peptides

VITEEE 2011 Syllabus Part I Physics | VITEEE 2011 Physics Syllabus


Frictional electricity, charges and their conservation; Coulomb’s law-forces between two point electric charges – Forces between multiple electric charges-superposition principle.
Electric fi eld – electric fi eld due to a point charge, electric fi eld lines; electric dipole, electric fi eld intensity due to a dipole – behaviour of a dipole in a uniform electric fi eldapplication of electric dipole in microwave oven.
Electric potential – potential diff erence-electric potential due to a point charge and dipole-equipotential surfaces – electrical potential energy of a system of two point charges. Electric fl ux-Gauss’s theorem and its applications to fi nd fi eld due to (i) infi nitely long straight wire (ii) uniformly charged infi nite plane sheet (iii) two parallel sheets and (iv) uniformly charged thin spherical shell (inside and outside) Electrostatic induction-capacitor and capacitance – dielectric and electric polarisation – parallel plate capacitor with and without dielectric medium – applications of capacitor – energy stored in a capacitor – Capacitors in series and in parallel – action of points – Lightning arrester – Van de Graaff generator.
Current Electricity
Electric Current – fl ow of charges in a metallic conductor – drift velocity and mobility and their relation with electric current.
Ohm’s law, electrical resistance – V-I characteristics – electrical resistivity and conductivity-classifi cation of materials in terms of conductivity – Superconductivity (elementary ideas) – Carbon resistors – colour code for carbon resistorscombination of resistors – series and parallel – temperature dependence of resistance – internal resistance of a cell – potential diff erence and emf of a cell – combinations of cellsin series and in parallel.
Kirchoff ’s law – illustration by simple circuits – Wheatstone’s Bridge and its application for temperature coeffi cient of resistance measurement – Metrebridge – special case of Wheatstone bridge – Potentiometer- principle – comparing the emf of two cells.
Eff ects of Electric Current
Magnetic eff ect of Electric current – Concept of magnetic fi eld – Oersted’s experiment – Biot-Savart law – magnetic fi eld due to an infi nitely long current carrying straight wire and circular coil – Tangent galvanometer – construction and working – Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid – magneticfi eld lines.
Ampere’s circuital law and its application.
Force on a moving charge in uniform magnetic fi eld and electic fi eld – cyclotron – Force on current carrying conductor in a uniform magnetic fi eld – Forces between two parallel current carrying conductors – defi nition of ampere. Torque experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic fi eld – moving coil galvanometer – conversion to ammeter and voltmeter – current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole moment – magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current Electromagnetic induction – Faraday’s law – induced emf and current – Lenz’s law.
Self induction – Mutual induction – self inductance of a long solenoid – mutual inductance of two long solenoids. Methods of inducing emf – (i) by changing magnetic induction (ii) by changing area enclosed by the coil and (iii) by changing the orientation of the coil (quantitative treatment).
AC generator – commercial generator. (Single phase, three phase). Eddy current – applications – transformer – long distance transmission.
Alternating current – measurement of AC-AC circuit with resistance – AC circuit with inductor – AC circuit with capacitor – LCR series circuit – Resonance and Q – factor – power in AC circuits.
Electromagnetic Waves and Wave Optics Electromagnetic waves and their characteristics – Electromagnetic spectrum-radio, microwaves, infra-red, visible, ultra-violet, X rays, gamma rays.
Wavefront and Huygens’s principle – Refl ection, total internal refl ection and refraction of plane wave at a plane surface using wavefronts.
Interference – Young’s double slit experiment and expression for fringe width – coherent source – interference of light- Formation of colours in thin fi lms – analytical treatment – Newton’s rings.
Diff raction – diff erences between interference and diff raction of light- diff raction grating.
Polarisation of light waves – polarisation by refl ection – Brewster’s law – double refraction – nicol prism – uses of plane polarised light and Polaroids – rotatory polarisation – polarimeter.

Atomic Physics
Atomic structure – discovery of the electron – specifi c charge (Th omson’s method) and charge of the electron (Millikan’s oil drop method) – alpha scattering – Rutherford’s atom model.
Bohr’s model – energy quantization – energy and wave number expressions – Hydrogen spectrum – energy level diagrams – sodium and mercury spectra – excitation and ionization potentials – Sommerfeld’s atom model. Masers and Lasers – spontaneous and stimulated emissions – normal population and population inversion – Ruby laser – He-Ne laser – properties and applications of laser light – holography.
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
Photoelectric eff ect – Light waves and photons – Einstein’s photoelectric equation – laws of photoelectric emission – particle nature of energy – experimental verifi cation of Einstein’s photoelectric equation – work function – photo cells and their application.
Matter waves – wave mechanical concept of the atom – wave nature of particles – de Broglie relation – de Broglie wavelength of an electron – electron microscope.
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear properties – nuclear radii, masses, binding energy, density, charge- isotopes, isobars and isotones – nuclear mass defect – binding energy – stability of nuclei – Bainbridge mass spectrometer.

Nature of nuclear forces- Neutron – discovery – properties – artifi cial transmutation – particle accelerator. Radioactivity – alpha, beta and gamma radiations and their properties-α-decay, β -decay and γ-decay – Radioactive decay law – half life – mean life – artifi cial radioactivity -radio isotopes – eff ects and uses – Geiger – Muller counter. Radio carbon dating – biological radiation hazards. Nuclear fi ssion – chain reaction – atom bomb – nuclear reactor – nuclear fusion – Hydrogen bomb- cosmic rays – elementary particles.
Semiconductor Devices and their Applications
Semiconductor theory – energy band in solids – diff erence between metals, insulators and semiconductors based on band theory- semiconductor doping – Intrinsic and Extrinsic semi conductors. Formation of P-N Junction – Barrier potential and depletion layer-P-N Junction diode – Forward and reverse bias characteristics – diode as a rectifi er – Zener diode-Zener diode as a voltage regulator – LED – seven segment display – LCD. Junction transistors – characteristics – transistor as a switch – transistor as an amplifi er – transistor biasing – RC, LC coupled and transformer coupling in amplifi ers – feed back in amplifi ers – positive and negative feedback – advantages of negative feedback in amplifi ers – oscillator – condition for oscillations – LC circuit – Colpitt oscillator.
Logic gates – NOT, OR, AND, EXOR using discrete components – NAND and NOR gates as universal gates – Laws and theorems of Boolean algebra.

VIT Engineering Entrance Examination Mathematics Syllabus | VITEEE Mathematics Syllabus

Types of matrices, addition and multiplication of matrices-Properties, computation of inverses, solution of system of linear equations by matrix inversion method. Rank of a Matrix – Elementary transformation on a matrix, consistency of a system of linear equations, Cramer’s rule, Non-homogeneous equations, homogeneous linear system, rank method.

Quadratic equations – Relation between roots and coefficients – Nature of roots – Symmetric functions of roots – Diminishing and Increasing of roots – Reciprocal equations. Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Progressions-Relation between A.M., G. M ., and H.M. Special series: Binomial, Exponential and Logarithmic series – Summation of Series.
Scalar Product – Angle between two vectors, properties of scalar product, applications of dot products. Vector Product – Right handed and left handed systems, properties of vector product, applications of cross product. Product of three vectors – Scalar triple product, properties of scalar triple product, vector triple product, vector product of four vectors, scalar product of four vectors. Lines – Equation of a straight line passing through a given point and parallel to a given vector, passing through two given points, angle between two lines. Skew lines – Shortest distance between two lines, condition for
two lines to intersect, point of intersection, collinearity of three points. Planes – Equation of a plane, passing through a given point and perpendicular to a vector, given the distance from the origin and unit normal, passing through a given point and parallel to two given vectors, passing through two given points and parallel to a given vector, passing through three given non-collinear points, passing through the line of intersection of two given planes, the distance between a point and a plane, the plane which contains two given lines, angle between two given planes, angle between a line and a plane. Sphere – Equation of the sphere whose centre and radius are given, equation of a sphere when the extremities of the diameter are given.

Complex number system, conjugate – properties, ordered pair representation. Modulus – properties, geometrical representation meaning, polar form principal value, conjugate, sum, difference, product quotient, vector interpretation, solutions of polynomial equations, De Moivre’s theorem and its applications. Roots of a complex number – nth roots, cube roots, fourth roots. Angle measures-
Circular function-Trigonometrical ratios of related angles – Addition formula and their applications – Trigonometric equations – Inverse trigonometric functions-Properties and solutions of triangle.

Definition of a Conic – General equation of a conic, classification with respect to the general equation of a conic, classification of conics with respect to eccentricity. Parabola – Standard equation of a parabola tracing of the parabola, other standard parabolas, the process of shifting the origin, general form of the standard equation, some practical problems. Ellipse – Standard equation of the ellipse, tracing of the ellipse (x^2/a^2 )+(y^2/a^2 ) = 1 (a> b). Other standard form of the ellipse, general forms, some practical problems Hyperbola – standard equation, tracing of the hyperbola (x^2/a^2 )-(y^2/a^2 ) = 1
, other form of the hyperbola, parametric forms of a conics, chords, tangents and normals – Cartesian
form and parametric form, equation of chord of contact of tangents from a point (x1 ,y1 ) Asymptotes, Rectangular Hyperbola –standard equation of a rectangular hyperbola.

Derivative as a rate measure – rate of change – velocity-acceleration – related rates – Derivative as a measure of slopetangent, normal and angle between curves. Maxima and Minima. Mean value theorem- Rolle’s Theorem – Lagrange Mean Value Theorem – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, L’ Hospital’s Rule, Stationary Points – Increasing, decreasing, maxima, minima, concavity convexity points of inflexion. Errors and approximations – absolute, relative, percentage errors, curve tracing, partial derivatives – Euler’s theorem.

Properties of definite integrals, reduction formulae for sin^n (x) and cos^n (x) , Area, length, volume and surface area.

Formation of differential equations, order and degree, solving differential equations (1st order) – variable separable homogeneous, linear equations. Second order linear equations with constant co-efficient f (x)=e^m(x), sin mx, cos mx,x, x^2.

Mathematical Logic – Logical statements, connectives, truth tables, tautologies, sets, algebraic properties, relations, functions, permutation, combination, Induction. Binary Operations – Semi groups – monoids, groups (Problems and simple properties only), order of a group, order of an element.

Probability, axioms, theorems on probability, conditional probability, Random Variable, Probability density function, distribution function, mathematical expectation, variance, discrete distributions-Binomial , Poisson, continuous distribution – Normal

Vellore Institute of Technology Engineering Entrance Examination (VITEEE) Biology Syllabus


Linnaeus and binomial nomenclature – history and types of classification – status of bacteria and viruses – botanical garden and herbaria – zoological parks and museums and economical and cultural importance – salient features of various plant groups – classification of angiosperms up to series level (Bentham and Hooker’s system) – salient features of nonchordates upto phylum level and chordates up to class level.

Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Lamarkism, Neo-Lamarkism – modern concepts of natural selection – theories and evidences of evolution (fossil record and biochemical evidences) – sources of variation, mutation, recombination, genetic drift, migration, natural selection – origin and concepts of species: speciation and isolation (geographical and reproductive).

Cell theory (Schelieden and Schwann) – Discovery of cell and cell as a self contained unit – prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their ultrastructures– unicellular and multicellular organisms – tools and techniques used in cell biology – compound microscope and electron microscope – cell division: amitosis, mitosis and meiosis.

Heredity and variation – Mendel’s laws of inheritance – chromosomal basis of inheritance – linkage and crossing over – mutation and chromosomal aberration – sex linked inheritance – Karyotyping analysis – chromosomal mapping – DNA as a genetic material: structure, replication – RNA structure and types – genetic diversity.

Introduction and history of microbiology – Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur, Robert Koch, Lister – Virology: structure, genetics, culture and diseases – bacteriology: structure, genetics and diseases – Protozoan microbiology – pathogenecity of microorganisms – antimicrobial resistance and chemotherapy – innate immunity – lymphoid organs, thymus – T-cells, Bcells ; immunoglobins structure – transplantation and types – immune system disorders.

Morphology of root, leaf, stem, flowers and their modifications – tissue and tissue systems – anatomy of mono and dicot roots, leaves and stems – secondary growth – Photosynthesis: light and dark reactions, C3 and C4 plants – Photophosphorylation: cyclic and noncyclic – photorespiration – transpiration – types and modes of nutrition – mechanism of respiration – glycolysis – Kreb’s cycle – anaerobic pathway – compensation point and fermentation – respiratory quotient (RQ).

Nutrition: Digestion, Body-mass ratio, calorie value (ICMR standards), balanced diet, obesity –respiration: inspiration, expiration, exchange of gases, process of pulmonary respiration – Digestion: enzymes and its action – Muscular systems: mechanism of action – Circulation: mechanisms of blood circulation, structure of heart – Excretion: ureotelism, urea biosynthesis, nephron ultrafilteration – nervous system: physiology, coordination systems, brain function and receptor organs – reproduction: spermatogenesis, oogenesis, in vitro fertilization – endocrines: harmones and their functions.

Concept of gene – central dogma of molecular biology – gene regulation – rDNA technology –– transgenic plants and microbes – gene cloning – genetically modified organisms – gene expression – gene bank – management of plant and animal genetic resources – genetic conservation – microbial type culture – genetic typing studies.

Human population and explosion – ecosystems – ecological succession – conservation and biodiversity (Biosphere reserves) – wild life: legislation and conservation of wild life – global warming crisis and green house effect – biogeochemical cycle (O2 , C and N elements) – extinction of species – waste management – pollution (water, air, soil, noise and temperature).

Plant tissue culture and applications – livestock and management – cattle breeding and poultry – farming methods – pisciculture – crops of economic importance: food yielding rice, oil yielding : groundnut, fibre yielding cotton, timber yielding teak – food production: breeding experiments, Biofertilizers – brief account of crop and animal diseases and their control – ethical concerns – biopatent – biopiracy – genetically modified foods – biowar – bioethics – gene therapy – recent advances in vaccine development.
9th January 2011, 10:21 PM
rahul k
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VITEEE Entrance Exams was Conducted By Vellore Institute of Technology for the Admission in Engineering.

And the Entrance exams was held in 16th April 2011 On Sunday. So, if you Are Interested Then please apply For this Entrance Exams Soon.

So, if You are Passed 12th Exams or its equivalent with a minimum average of 60% Marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics or Biology, Then You are Eligible to appear In this exams.

Candidates Appearing for the 12th examination in March OR April 2011 are also eligible to apply for VITEEE 2011 Examinations. And if you want to get More detail, then please visit the official websites -


OR You can also Apply for This Exams Online By Visit this Official Websites, If you are not Interested to fill Application form Offline.
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9th January 2011, 10:24 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

Hi friend,
vieee is conducted by VIT,VELLORE.sylabus for this exam is same as aieee exambut more detail i am giving you a site from where you can see the sylabus of vieee,download was not possible so,i am giving you site address-www.goiit.com
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9th January 2011, 10:55 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?


For the complete syllabus and model question papers refer the attached Information browser.

You will get all the complete details of VITEEE

All the best.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf VITEEE2011.pdf(4.01 MB, 181 views)
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10th January 2011, 12:03 AM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VIT is one of the good private engineering college in india. VITEEE is conducted by the vellore institute of technology. It is conducted on 16/4/2011. If you are interested then you can apply for VITEEE. The educational qualification for VITEEE is 60% in average in physics, chemistry and mathematics in class 12th. For more information you see the website www.vit.ac.in , all the best.
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10th January 2011, 11:46 AM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VITEEE includes huge syllabus and also updates it every yr ...so kindly refer to AIEEE brochure as syllabus for both is similar
U can also visit http://www.vit.ac.in for further details.
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10th January 2011, 06:13 PM
dreksha chaudhary
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Cool Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

Dear friend,

The details about VITEEE entrance exam are as follows

Form details:-

The issue of VITEEE 2011 application forms from : 1st week of December, 2010

The last date for the receipt of completed application forms at VIT is February 28, 2011.

Exam dete:-

Candidates are invited for VIT engineering entrance examination (VITEEE 2011) on 16th April, 2011 (Saturday), 2.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m

Question paper:-

All MCQ Type


PART-I – Physics
PART-II – Chemistry
PART-III – Mathematics

Prepare well all the best.
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10th January 2011, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

Originally Posted by chandu05 View Post
can you provide viteee entrance exam syllabus details?

Please help

please find the attachment for VITEEE syllabus.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf VITEEE Syllabus.pdf(242.3 KB, 186 views)
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13th January 2011, 11:41 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Bhubaneshwar
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VITEEE is conducted by the vellore institute of technology. It is the top rated institute in india. you can apply offline or online for this examination. For syllabus you can see the official website of VIT i.e www.vit.ac.in, all the best.
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15th January 2011, 02:42 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

how many seats and how many students are giving exam in 2011 for BTECH
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31st January 2011, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

Where can i get application forms for viteee 2011 in Mizoram?
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31st January 2011, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

Where can i get application forms for vitee 2011 in Mizoram?
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18th March 2011, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

May I know about my admit card for VIT entrance exam.2011 against Application form No. 2011128266
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18th March 2011, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

May I know about the admit card of my daughter for VIT entrance exam. 2011
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23rd April 2015, 10:25 AM
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Thumbs up Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

•>> About VITEEE :-

VITEEE is the VIT University Engineering Entrance Exam for students seeking admission to Engineering first year in Vellore Institute of Technology. It gives admission to eligible candidates who have passed 10+2 level examination or students appearing in 10+2 examination on the year of commencement of examination.
It is an yearly exam to seek admisison to Vellore Institute of Technology.
VITEEE is a computer based exam and is held in the month of April.

•>> Courses offered :-

• Bio Medical Engineering
• Biotechnology
• Civil Engineering
• Computer Science and Engineering
• Computer Sc. and Engineering (Bioinformatics)
• Chemical Engineering
• Electrical & Electronics Engineering
• Electronics &Communication Engineering
• Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
• Information Technology
• Mechanical Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering (Automative)
• Mechanical Engineering (Chemical Process)
• Mechanical Engineering (Energy)
• Production & Indusrtial Engineering

•>> VITEEE Eligibility Criteria :-

• The applicant must have passed 10+2 level of examination or appearing for 10+2 level of examination either in the State Board or ISC Board or CBSE.
• Intermediate or Two-Year Pre-University Examination conducted by any recognized Board/Univeristy.

• Age : The candidate birth date should not be more than 22 years on July 1, in the year of commencement of the examination.

• Citizenship : The applicant should be a Resident/ Non-Resident Indian National.
Foreign candidates cannot apply.

• Minimum Qualifying Marks :-

• The candidate must have secured minimum aggregate of 60% in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (including practical examination) combined together.

• Minimum qualifying marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology should be 50% for SC/ST/OBC candidates and students from Jammu and Kashmir and the North Eastern states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura.
The students from J&K and North East have to attach a certificate in a given performa by VITEEE to prove their nativity.

• Candidates who have studied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM) are eligible for all the 14 B.Tech Degree Programmes.

• Candidates who have studied Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) are eligible for B.Tech. Bio-Medical Engineering and Biotechnology and Engg(Spec. in Bioinformatics) but after joining, registering Mathematics as bridge course is mandatory.

•>> Application Fees :-

• VITEEE Examination fees through Offline application : Rs. 990
• VITEEE Online Examination fees through Online application : Es. 940
• VITEEE examination fees for NRI candidates : 50 USD

•>> Selection Process :-

• VITEEE Written Exam :
On the basis of result of Written Admission Test, candidates will be shortlisted according to their scores in the online exam.
VITEEE score would be calculated using Equating Methodology.

• Counselling :
Shortlisted candidates will be called for counselling and dates would be displayed on website and SMS will also be sent to shortlisted candidates.

•>> VITEEE Exam Pattern :-

• VITEEE is a Computer Based Test.
• The question paper will only be in English Language.

• The exam is divided into three sections (2.5 hours) :
(i) Physics (40 questions - 1 mark each)
(ii) Chemistry (40 questions - 1 mark each)
(iii) Mathematics/Biology (40 questions - 1 mark each)

• Each question is followed by 4 alternative answers. The candidate will have to choose the correct answer and click the same.
• No negative marks for wrong answers.
• Candidates can navigate freely through the questions back and forth.


• VITEEE_Physics_Syllabus.pdf

• VITEEE_Chemistry_Syllabus.pdf

• VITEEE_Mathematics_Syllabus.pdf

>> For any further information, you may refer to the official website of VIT.
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23rd April 2015, 02:39 PM
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 115
Default Re: Details about VITEEE entrance exam?

VIEEE stands for VIT Engineering Entrance Examination which is conducted by VIT university for the undergraduate courses in engineering.

Eligibility criteria :

The candidate must be completed his/ her 12th class in science stream from any recognized board.
Candidate must have score 60% in 12th exam. 10% relaxation is provided to SC/ST candidates.

Candidate who pass VITEEE 2015 exam will be eligible for admission.

VITEEE 2015 Paper Pattern :

Total question : 160
There are four sections consisting 40 questions exam of one mark.
Durations : 2.5 hours
There is no negative marking

Exam Date : April 8 to 19, 2015
Result Date : 30 April, 2015

Candidate can apply online as well as offline.

Fee for application form Rs.940 for online and Rs.990 for offline.
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