24th May 2019, 11:27 AM
Eligibility and procedure to write supplementary exams after discontinuation?
I discontinued my B.Pharmacy at 4-2 semester due to my health issues in a private college affiliated to Jawaharlal University Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh. I have some back logs in 3rd year. Now, I want to write my back logs to get my memos of B.Pharmacy. Am I eligible to write my exams after discontinuation?
29th May 2019, 10:43 AM
Yes you can give supplementary examinations of those subjects in which you have backlogs.
To apply for the supplementary exams visit your university. Contact the registrar of your university. Your university registrar will give you the accurate information when and how to register for supplementary examinations including the required examination fees for for supplementary examination. |