4th February 2011, 04:11 PM
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Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I am 19 years old and an engineering dropout. I am really interested in doing Economics. Though my class XII % is only 80%, so I can't expect to get BA(Hons) Economics at Delhi University.

So I would like to know what all entrance exams are there at the undergraduate BA level for Economics.

Thanking You,
Ashwin Prakash

5th February 2011, 07:04 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

There are no entrance exams for the Undergraduate courses in Delhi University. Admission is normally based on merit. Do not worry about being a drop out. Its alright since you have realised that it is not the area of your interest. You need to approach the university authorities for the admission purpose.
6th February 2011, 06:54 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Dear Imira

Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, after a year I had realised that Engineering was not my cup of tea and that my passion was in Economics. I had taken Science in XI and XII.
Yeah there is no entrance for UG courses at DU. But I read about a BA(H) in Business Economics at select colleges under the DU; that has an entrance test. Is that a good way to get into economics?? My long term ambition is to do MA at Delhi School of Economics. Then there is an entrance test for BSc Economics at Presidency College Kolkata, but there one cannot write the test after a gap of 1 year commencing the XIIth board. The reason I am checking for entrances for BA Economics is because my percentage in XII is only 80%, which won't get me Economics Hons at DU.
I am also thinking of trying for the B.Stat program at ISI, Kolkata. Because I was thinking Statistics is an alternative route to do Masters in Economics. And ISI is a world renown institute, but very hard to get into.

What other advice and suggestion do you have for me.

Thanking You
6th February 2011, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by imira View Post
There are no entrance exams for the Undergraduate courses in Delhi University. Admission is normally based on merit. Do not worry about being a drop out. Its alright since you have realised that it is not the area of your interest. You need to approach the university authorities for the admission purpose.
Dear Imira

Thank you for your encouragement. Yes, after a year I had realised that Engineering was not my cup of tea and that my passion was in Economics. I had taken Science in XI and XII.
Yeah there is no entrance for UG courses at DU. But I read about a BA(H) in Business Economics at select colleges under the DU; that has an entrance test. Is that a good way to get into economics?? My lone term ambition is to do MA at Delhi School of Economics. Then there is an entrance test for BSc Economics at Presidency College Kolkata, but there one cannot write the test after a gap of 1 year commencing the XIIth board. The reason I am checking for entrances for BA Economics is because my percentage in XII is only 80%, which won't me get Economics Hons at DU.
I am also thinking of trying for the B.Stat program at ISI, Kolkata. Because I was thinking Statistics is an alternative route to do Masters in Economics. And ISI is a world renown institute, but very hard to get into.

What other advice and suggestion do you have for me.

Thanking You
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19th March 2011, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i'm presently doing btech bt i want to do economics honours from delhi.scince my 12th marks are very low is there entrance exam for BA economics in delhi school of economics.
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20th March 2011, 06:37 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i'm presently doing btech bt i want to do economics honours from delhi.scince my 12th marks are very low is there entrance exam for BA economics in delhi school of economics.
Hey, guess we are in the same situation. What engineering are you doing now, and in what year??
There is no BA Economics course at Delhi School of Economics (DSE), DSE gives only MA, MPhil and PhD degrees. Delhi University has BA (Hons) Economics program. There admission is through Class XII marks. Usually most colleges under Delhi University select candidates on the basis of the percentage of Best Four Subjects (with one language) in Class XII.

I dropped out of Engineering because I was totally disinterested in it. I couldn't really make myself sit for the classes. If you think you can complete your engineering, it would be better to get a B.Tech degree than dropping out. Then you can try for MA at DSE or other reputed institutes. Because for MA Economics at most places they only require an undergraduate degree which has some Maths content. A B.Tech degree is more than enough.

Anyhow its up to you.
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21st March 2011, 12:41 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i'm presently doing btech bt i want to do economics honours from delhi.scince my 12th marks are very low is there entrance exam for BA economics in delhi school of economics.
Hey, guess we both are in similar situations.
What branch of engineering are you doing & where, and which year are you in??
I dropped out of engineering because I was really disinterested in it. I couldn't make myself sit for the classes. However if you feel you can still manage to complete your B.Tech, then that would be better and then you can go for an MA in Economics. Because for MA Economics, any undergraduate degree with reasonable amount of Maths is required, a B.Tech degree is more than enough.

Delhi School of Economics (DSE) gives only MA, MPhil and PhD in Economics. It does have any undergraduate courses. University of Delhi has BA(Hons) in Economics. The colleges under University of Delhi usually select candidates on the basis of the percentage of their Best Four Subjects (including one language) in Class XII marks. How much is your percentage?
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27th March 2011, 12:47 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I want to do B.A eco hons in DU.But i do not have maths.so how to get through?
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28th March 2011, 11:54 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to do B.A eco hons in DU.But i do not have maths.so how to get through?
Don't worry, just because you didn't take Maths in XI and XII, it doesn't mean you can't be an Economist. But today in the field of Economics, Maths (and Statistics) is playing an increasingly vital role. So if you are not equipped with class XII level Maths, I would suggest you to as soon as possible start learning Math on your own; you could just buy the NCERT XI and XII textbooks and do them by yourself. Or if you want to you can even go to a tutor.

Well under Delhi University (DU), of what I know there are 35 colleges offering BA(Hons) Economics [ 35 includes Women Colleges & Evening Colleges]. I don't think all of them insist on Maths as a pre-requisite. You can get the list of colleges from DU's last years cut-offs http://www.delhieducation.net/Univer...U/Cut-Off.aspx . Go to each college's website and check out what Eligibility requirements they state.

And if you don't manage to get into DU for BA, don't get disheartened. Its okay to do BA from other Universities. Where you do your MA is more important. And above all what is most important is your own hard work. To give an example, one of India's top Economist at the government level is Dr.Suresh Tendulkar . He did B.Com for graduation. Then did MA at Delhi School of Economics and went on to do his PhD at Harvard.

So, where there is a will there is a way.

By the way, what is your name? And in which year of Engineering are you? What is your branch? And in which college are you? Or have you already dropped out of Engineering? If you want, you can email me directly at [email protected] , I think that would be more faster, as it takes about 2 days for a post to be put up here.

You can also try out for BA at other places such as Jamia Millia Islamia Univeristy, Banaras Hindu University, etc.
Some new institutes offering graduation in Economics are Ambedkar University Delhi (AUD), Symbiosis School of Economics (it offers BSc.), etc. But do check these Universities for their UGC recognition and other details before considering them.

If you are interested in Integrated programs, then there is University of Hyderabad (it offers a 5 year Integrated MA course) and University of Pondicherry ( it offers an 5 year Integrated MSc. course).

Best Wishes

Last edited by sirashwin; 10th April 2011 at 09:03 PM. Reason: Spelling Mistake + Email Removed
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13th April 2011, 08:27 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

please could you list some good colleges which have entrance exam where i can do eco(hons).except delhi.
what is the admission procedure for economics (hons) in university of bangalore? please give the details including date of admission forms. i have jst given class XII wid commerce with maths
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14th April 2011, 11:48 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Here are some colleges offering Eco (Hons) with entrance exam as intake mode, outside the Delhi System.

University of Hyderabad (UoH) has a five year Integrated MA program. This course is offered by the School of Social Sciences which has the departments of - Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, History and Political Science. During the first three years one has to take courses from all the 5 departments. After which one specialises into one of the departments. Admission is based on an entrance test of 75 marks + interview of 25 marks. This course was started in 2007-08. UoH is a PG university and had been offering MA, M.Phil and PhD in Economics.

University of Pondicherry is offering a 5 year integrated course in MSc. Economics. I think compared to traditional MA courses this would have a stronger Math and Statistics content. I am not sure exactly when this course was started, but it seems perhaps last year or the year before that. Admission is based on an entrance test of 100 marks. University of Pondicherry is a PG University and has been offering MA (in Applied Economics), M.Phil and PhD in Economics. http://www.pondiuni.edu.in/dept_pages/dept_economic.htm

Then there is Benaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi which offers BA (Hons) Economics. It offers Economics with a combination of two other subjects. Check the details at their website. http://www.bhu.ac.in/education/undergraduate.html
But I think the time for applying is over for BHU.

At Kolkata there is the Presidency College which offer BSc. in Economics.
Also in Kolkata is the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI) which offers a 3 year course called B.Stat. It is very reputed and much more rigorous than traditional BSc.Statistics programs. This course is for those who have a natural flair for Maths and Statistics. One of the possible specialisation in Statistics is Econometrics. Though I must say, this is not everyone's cup of tea.

Then in Pune, the Symbiosis University, under the newly founded Symbiosis School of Economics has started a BSc. Economics course two years back in 2008. So I must it say the institution is new. This year they are planning to start an MSc. program.

If you have changed your mind about Delhi, then you can check out Delhi University's Bachelor in Business Economics (BBE) program. Of what I have understood it is Economics with a more corporate orientation. After which one could go for Masters in Business Economics (MBE), MBA, MA in Economics etc. Admission to BBE program is through an entrance exam.
Also in Delhi, Jamia Islamia University (JMU) also offers BA (Hons) in Economics. Admission is based on entrance exam and marks in XII.

Regarding University of Bangalore, I think you must check out the individual colleges and apply accordingly. Colleges like St.Joseph have already started accepting applications. Even Christ college has also started, but it doesn't come under Bangalore University.

Then there is the new Central University of Karnataka (formed in 2009). It offers an integrated MA in Economics, with an option of exits after 3 years with awarding of BA (Hons) degree. Admission is based on an entrance test. http://www.cuk.ac.in/website1.1/Eligibility.html

If you are interested in Foreign Degrees, (which I don't think are recognised by UGC) then there are institutes like the Indian School of Business and Finance, ITM International . Which offers BSc. degrees in Economics, from the University of London in collaboration with the London School of Economics. Though do double check such institutions if you're planning to apply for them.

Best Wishes
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17th April 2011, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i have completed my class 12th this year....i am planning to do B.A economic honours.....plz suggest some colleges in delhi and mumbai......also i would like to know the admission procedure for delhi......as well as what is the procedure to get into mumbai university if i live in delhi(ourtsider quota and all other details)......plz give all details for both places...

thank you....
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18th April 2011, 12:09 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i have completed class 12th this year and i had science with economics.....result's awaiting....i want to do B.A economic honours from delhi or mumbai......plz suggest some colleges in both cities......and thier admission process and criteria.......also as an outsider i would like to know what is the process to apply in mumbai university??? plz give all details for admissions.....

thank you
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18th April 2011, 12:34 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i have completed my class 12 this year and i had science with economics.....i wnat to do B.A economic honours from delhi or mumbai......plz list some colleges where i can apply with the entire admission process and eligibility criteria.....also i would like to know the admission procedure for economics in mumbai university if I AM AN OUTSIDER....plz give all details for admissionin both the cities....specially mumbai....

also i want to know the syllabus and type of question paper that comes foe CET for B.A(hons) BBE in DU...

Thank you
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18th April 2011, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i have completed my class 12 this year and i had science with economics.....i wnat to do B.A economic honours from delhi or mumbai......plz list some colleges where i can apply with the entire admission process and eligibility criteria.....also i would like to know the admission procedure for economics in mumbai university if I AM AN OUTSIDER....plz give all details for admissionin both the cities....specially mumbai....

also i want to know the syllabus and type of question paper that comes foe CET for B.A(hons) BBE in DU...

Thank you
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18th April 2011, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have completed my class 12 this year and i had science with economics.....i wnat to do B.A economic honours from delhi or mumbai......plz list some colleges where i can apply with the entire admission process and eligibility criteria.....also i would like to know the admission procedure for economics in mumbai university if I AM AN OUTSIDER....plz give all details for admissionin both the cities....specially mumbai....

also i want to know the syllabus and type of question paper that comes foe CET for B.A(hons) BBE in DU...

Thank you
Hi Riya

The information I give is not out of personal experience, but from what I have heard. Do indeed check with someone who has had first hand experience.

For colleges in Delhi, preferably you would want to try those under Delhi University. All these years usually prospective students had to apply through a Pre-Admission Form, usually available at end of May. Now in the news there are reports (http://www.ndtv.com/article/cities/d...idelines-98018) about a hassle free online system. The details of which are yet to be known. Anyhow, at the end of the day each college would have their respective cut-offs (normally they take percentage of Best Four Subjects including a Language, but some colleges have a different formula). So what you can do is check out last year's cut-offs and get a rough idea. However some say with the online system these cut-offs may change. Here is the link to 2010's cut-offs (Economics Hons comes as Arts subject) -> http://www.delhieducation.net/Univer...U/Cut-Off.aspx
There are I think 35 colleges offering BA (Hons) Economics under Delhi University (this is including Girls Only College & Evening Colleges). So I would suggest you to go to each one of the college's website and check out their requirements and what formula they use for calculating the percentage (get the college names from the cut-off list).
Apart from Delhi University there are other Universities in Delhi such Jamia Millia Islamia, Ambedkar University etc that offer BA (Hons) Economics. Here is a list of all universities in Delhi -> http://entrance-exam.net/list-of-universities-in-delhi/ . You can go to their websites and check which of these have Economics (Hons) and what is the selection procedure.
Here is India today's ranking for the year 2010 for the top Arts Colleges in Delhi (but do note some people do not entirely agree with the numbers) http://indiatoday.intoday.in/site/st.../1/102036.html

Here is India Today's ranking for the top Arts Colleges in India (but do note some people do not entirely agree with the numbers) http://media2.intoday.in/microsites/.../Arts_2010.pdf
And here is India today's ranking for the year 2010 for the top Arts Colleges in Mumbai (but do note some people do not entirely agree with the numbers)

Regarding Mumbai University I don't have much idea. I think you have to apply to the respective colleges. So again you will have to go their websites and check it out. Here you can find out all Colleges affiliated to Mumbai University http://www.mu.ac.in/colleges.html (for Economics check out Arts colleges).

Regarding BA (Hons) BBE, you can check out this website -> http://www.south.du.ac.in/fassh/selection.html.

Also if you are interested, in Delhi and Mumbai there are institutions offering BSc. Economics and BSc. Economics with an allied subject such as Management or Finance, from the University of London. It also has the collaboration of the London School of Economics. But however you must note that the degree awarded will be that of the University of London, which I don't think is recognised by UGC. But I think recently Delhi University and Mumbai University has recognised them. So before you consider these institutions I would advice you to double check everything.
In Delhi area there is Indian School of Business and Finance and ITM International.
In Mumbai there is Russell Square International College .

All the Best
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19th April 2011, 09:41 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I have appaired class XII examination in CBSC course. Now I am interested to study B.A.Political Science in Presidency College in Kolkata . How I can contract the College and admission procedure ? Please give me website or e-mail address about the same.

Preetilata Kumari
e-mail [email protected]
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21st April 2011, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have appaired class XII examination in CBSC course. Now I am interested to study B.A.Political Science in Presidency College in Kolkata . How I can contract the College and admission procedure ? Please give me website or e-mail address about the same.

Preetilata Kumari
e-mail [email protected]
Hi Preetilata

This is Presidency's homepage, but I guess for the time being its not working ->

This is their webpage for matters related to Admission, which is still showing 2010's files -> http://www.presidencyadmission.net/

I think it would be helpful for you to go through Presidency's Admission related notices of last year (this year's I don't think has come yet) -> http://collegeadmission.in/Presidenc...n_notice.shtml You should be able to find the details you require in there.

To get the contact details check out this link -> http://www.collegeadmission.in/Other..._College.shtml

All the Best
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7th May 2011, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i ll like to know the names of those colleges where i can study Economics Hons. in kolkata.n also the names of those colleges where i ll have to give an entrance exam to take up economics.i ll be greatuful if u can also give me the syllabus for the entrance exam because i want to know how should i prepare myself for the Exam.
thanking you,
Abhishikta Bandyopadhyay
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8th May 2011, 01:02 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I want to do B.A eco hons in DU.But i do not have maths.so how to get through?and how many marks need for economics hons?
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8th May 2011, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i ll like to know the names of those colleges where i can study Economics Hons. in kolkata.n also the names of those colleges where i ll have to give an entrance exam to take up economics.i ll be greatuful if u can also give me the syllabus for the entrance exam because i want to know how should i prepare myself for the Exam.
thanking you,
Abhishikta Bandyopadhyay
Hi Abhishikta,

For colleges in Kolkata you can try this website, it should give the name and some basic details of most colleges http://collegeadmission.in/. Another page listing some colleges is http://yellowpages.sulekha.com/colle.../economics.htm.
Regarding Economics courses having entrance exams for BSc/BA, there is Javadpur University, Presidency College. There may be others of which I don't know of. Actually I don't much about colleges in Kolkata. But do check up on them quickly, as I think the admission forms may already be out.

All the Best
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8th May 2011, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I want to do B.A eco hons in DU.But i do not have maths.so how to get through?and how many marks need for economics hons?

Its okay if you don't have not studied Maths in XI and XII. There are some colleges in DU which do not insist on Maths. But most do. So first thing I would suggest is that you as soon as possible try to learn on your own the Class XI and XII Maths, from the NCERT textbooks. Or you could even take some private tuitions. I say this because nowadays in the Economics field, Maths and Statistics play an important role. So its best to well versed in them.

Regarding marks needed in Class XII. Colleges of DU have their own cut-offs for their different courses (normally they take percentage of Best Four Subjects including a Language, but some colleges have a different formula). So what you can do is check out last year's cut-offs and get a rough idea. From this year they have announced that instead of the old form system, they are going to introduce a new online system for admission. So some say with the online system these cut-offs may change. Here is the link to 2010's cut-offs (Economics Hons comes as Arts subject) -> http://www.delhieducation.net/Univer...U/Cut-Off.aspx
There are I think 35 colleges offering BA (Hons) Economics under Delhi University (this is including Girls Only College & Evening Colleges). So I would suggest you to go to each one of the college's website and check out their requirements (ie whether they insist on Maths) and what formula they use for calculating the percentage (get the college names from the cut-off list).
Apart from Delhi University there are other Universities in Delhi such Jamia Millia Islamia, Ambedkar University etc that offer BA (Hons) Economics. Here is a list of all universities in Delhi -> http://entrance-exam.net/list-of-universities-in-delhi/ . You can go to their websites and check which of these have Economics (Hons) and what is the selection procedure.

All the Best
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11th May 2011, 03:05 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i scored 73% in my 12th boards in 2010. i want to discontinue my engineering and opt for either english hon , psychology hon or mass communication from delhi university...do i stand a chance this time , AFTER A DROP OF ONE YEAR AND WITH THIS PERCENTAGE..what is the criterion for admission in du for one year dropouts??
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12th May 2011, 09:54 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i scored 73% in my 12th boards in 2010. i want to discontinue my engineering and opt for either english hon , psychology hon or mass communication from delhi university...do i stand a chance this time , AFTER A DROP OF ONE YEAR AND WITH THIS PERCENTAGE..what is the criterion for admission in du for one year dropouts??

First I want to praise you for your bold decision. I am more than sure you would have met some apprehension on this from your relatives or friends, if not family. The thing is that so many in the country try to get into Engineering, and not all can make it. And once you've gotten into it, most people think it (or either Medicine) is the best way to do ones graduation. And say if you tell people that I am not interested in Engineering, then they say "... thats ok .. after finishing your degree you can take an MBA ...". As a dialog goes in '3 Idiots' if a person wants to work as an Investment Banker then why did he have to do 4 years of Engineering for that. He could have directly taken something in his graduation related to that field. Its true that quite many of us don't really know what he/she wants to do in life or make a career of. So why not take Engineering/Medicine and make your career secure, and then you can do anything you want; is the dominant view of society.

But for someone who already knows what he/she wants to do in life, and has already discovered his/her deep passion, the above view definitely does not hold good. Not that I am against Engineering/Medicine, there are really great Sciences and our Society sure does need good Engineers and Doctors. And I wont deny the fact that a well established Engineer (mostly in IT, but even i other sectors) or Doctor, do have comparatively higher salaries. But that's not the point, after all money isn't all. At the end of the day what's the point of having Society saturated with Doctors/Engineers with many of them being half-hearted and on the whole unhappy. When your deep inner urge is to do something else, then do it FULLSTOP

Okay, now getting to the question :P Well since you are going to drop-out, that means you would not being completing your degree, so the last qualification you have completed is your Class XII. So you would be considered on par with the other candidates who have just completed their Class XII. So the cut-offs would be the same. By the way, in the news some weeks back there was some talk about a new Online System going to be introduced. Till now they had been following a form system. So, some people are saying with this online system, it may reduce cut-offs for certain courses in come colleges. Anyhow you can check 2010's cut-offs here http://www.delhieducation.net/Univer...U/Cut-Off.aspx

Regarding BA English (Hons) you would have to write the Common Aptitude Test for English (CATE) exam to get into good DU colleges. I am not sure about the details so do check it up. If you want to go for Mass Communication, then I think you can even give Jamia Millia Islamia a look. I don't know ... I am just saying on a hunch, because I think I have heard its Masters degree in Mass Communication is good. Anyhow you can also check up colleges under other Universities in Delhi which you think are good http://entrance-exam.net/list-of-universities-in-delhi/

All the Best
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18th May 2011, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

do i need to give cate entrance exam for taking admission in eco9hons) in delhi university?
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18th May 2011, 09:15 PM
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hey i want to know that for eco. hons. there is any form for du? please tell me..
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19th May 2011, 05:35 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

help me please iam highly cnfused . i have 96 percente in class x but due to severe illness & futher frystation i have secure 95 i aieee 2011 but i suppose to have enough marks to take admission in srcc economics. i have three option
1.drop one year for good engg college
2. take admmission in srcc
3. take admssion in any private college probably not very good
i wishto be IS or do mba in future help me anyone one can join me in facebook or directly mail me in my email
[email protected]
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19th May 2011, 06:50 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
do i need to give cate entrance exam for taking admission in eco9hons) in delhi university?

CATE stands for Common Aptitude Test in English, so as far as I know it is only for English Hons in Delhi University. So No, you do not need to give CATE exam for Economics Hons.

All the Best
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22nd May 2011, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

is delhi school of economics offering BA economics?? if yes den what is the elligibility criteria for the same??
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24th May 2011, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I am a class XI Science student but want to pursue economics in my graduation.Is it a problem for Science students to adjust with economics after 12?and what is the approximate marks needed in Class XII Boards to get chance in a top university's BA(hons.)course in economics?
plz help,
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28th May 2011, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i want to do MA in economics.but i have secured just 92% in isc board this year in science stream and it is difficult to get economics with such low grades in delhi university so i would like to know can i take up bsc statistics honors instead and later go for masters in economics.? i would also like to know combinatiion of subjects in stats honrs n maths honrs in delhi university..??
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1st June 2011, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

am 20 years old and Economics(Hons)dropout under Kolkata University . I am really interested in doing Economics. Though my class XII % is only 53%, So I would like to know what all entrance exams are there at the undergraduate BA level for Economics.

Thanking You,
Nivedita Sarkar
Flat No 1/13,Dr.Zakir Hussain Avenue
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10th June 2011, 02:33 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

is there any chance of getting into any college in du if you have not taken the cate exam??
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15th June 2011, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I m a student of PCM wiht eco. i hv scored 70% in best 4 subject including eco. & maths can i get admission in du's good college..........
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24th June 2011, 04:42 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I am a student of PCM. I have score 65% marks in 12th but now I want to do BA with English (HONS).But all colleges demanded % based on CATE EXAM.Please tell me abount those all colleges of DU In which addmition in BA (English) is only based on Board Percentage(%).I have Score 76% marks in English in 12th Board Examination. Please quick reply.Awaiting for your reply.
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7th July 2011, 09:36 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

delhi universities are best to pursue eco hons.
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10th July 2011, 10:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 116
Smile Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

There are no entrance exams for the Undergraduate courses in Delhi University.
admission will be based on merit
thank you
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16th July 2011, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Is there any other subject in DSE because I didn't get economics in B.A. Plz give me information about it.
Thank you
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8th August 2011, 01:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 2
Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

BA (Hons.) ECONOMICS admission is open at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, NOIDA. There was an advertisement that said that only few seats are left. JIIT NOIDA is very well known and has a good reputation.
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8th August 2011, 06:51 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I think it would be helpful for you to go through Presidency's Admission related notices of last year. You should be able to find the details you require in there.

To get the contact details check out this link -> http://www.collegeadmission.in/Other..._College.

All the best
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8th August 2011, 07:18 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

There are no entrance exams for the Undergraduate courses in Delhi University. Admission is normally based on merit. Do not worry about being a drop out. Its alright since you have realised that it is not the area of your interest. You need to approach the university authorities for the admission
all the best
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27th August 2011, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Re : Entrance Exam for admission in B.A.(Economics Hons.)
Is there any entrance exams for the B.A.(Hons.) in Jawahar Lal Nehru (JNU) University ? what is procedure for it?
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1st September 2011, 02:06 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Re:Entrance Exam for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)
Is there any entrance exam for B.A.(Hons.)in jawahar Lal Nehru (JNU) University?what is procedure for it?
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1st September 2011, 02:08 PM
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Question Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Re : Entrance Exam for admission in B.A.(Economics Hons.)
Is there any entrance exams for the B.A.(Hons.) in Jawahar Lal Nehru (JNU) University ? what is procedure for it?
hey same question from me .if u get information tell me pleaseeeeeeeeeeee .
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14th December 2011, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

I was a science stream student in class and i m studying economics hons , first year from delhi university . I know i can finish the course anyhow but i am not interested in the subject. Should i dropout and take admission in a engineering college??what do u suggest?
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24th December 2011, 03:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 20
Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

Hi there,
It is your interest that really matters.
Applying for B.A(eco)in any university requires thorough preparation in subjects like economics,history and political science.If you are not comfortable with history and political science. Depending upon universities, you can apply B.Sc (hons) and give examinations in physics mathematics, chemistry. During interview, you can ask them to consider thee for B.A(hons) in economics.
Some good universities include :
*Jawaharlal Nehru university.
*Hyderabad central university.
*Madras school of economics.
*Delhi School of economics.
Best of luck.
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26th December 2011, 04:30 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

hello everyone ,

can anyone tell me when the result of economics hons will be out ......................Ist year
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27th December 2011, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

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8th January 2012, 09:56 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

i am reading Xll,I want to read B.A(honours)economics in Jamia. So i hv to know eligible percentage in jamia to get admission b.a(eco).Plz inform me.......
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11th January 2012, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: Entrance Exams for admission in B.A. (Economics Hons.)

My 12th was 67%(p.c.m) in u.P. Board. Will my auadmission in du
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