25th May 2015, 12:11 PM
Government jobs without entrance exam
For getting a government job is it must we need to write entrance exam?
25th May 2015, 01:18 PM
Yes its mandatory to clear the entrance exam.
This entrance exam mainly consists of multiple choice question and these question would come from the specified chapters. Once the written exam is cleared,then the selected candidate would be called for sn interview Interview consists of personnel introduction,phycologicsl test,body language After that the qualified candidate would be send for training |
25th May 2015, 01:37 PM
Yes there are in private companies . Very few government companies prefer walk in or direct interview based your year of experience and education qualification and your academic scores everything matters then only you may get interview calls.
Most of companies do prefer written test and then interview. Now even post graduate courses also offer entrance and then counselling will there and then final selection to get seats as per your score. |
25th May 2015, 09:12 PM
# Days are gone when the government jobs are easily available merely on the basis of educational qualification.
# 30-40 years ago, at that time the literacy rate in India was too low. At that time, even a candidate with educational qualification of matriculation got good government job without any entrance examination. # Today, the literacy rate in India has highly elevated. Today, there are hundreds of candidates competing even for a single posts. # Today in the world of throat-cut competition, we can can dream of any government job without any entrance examination or interview. # You are advised not to fear from entrance examination. Just focus on your preparation. Work more on your shortcomings. With your severe hard work, sincerity, determination, proper strategy and time table you can easily crack the entrance examination in order to get government job of your choice. |