4th August 2013, 01:12 PM
Hindi previous years question papers? I am a student of B.A 1st year
hi, i am sneha rani gupta, i am student of ba 1st yr. (honours hindi ehd-01, ehd-02), i need june 2013 exam all hindi question papers to my e mail id- [email protected]
8th April 2014, 06:58 AM
Hi my name is Nitu parshad and am student of B.A 1st year(Hindi honours) i need question papper of 1st hindi of 2012................if anyone hv that paaper pls send me to my E-mail id- ([email protected])
23rd April 2014, 06:03 PM
Hey my name is ankita I am student of B.A 2nd year hindi I Needs qustions paper of 2Nd yr hindi 2013 if anyone that paer pls send me to my E -mail id- ankitakatoch91@gmail .com
30th July 2015, 03:42 PM
Hii my name is ekta pandey i am student of B A first year hindi plez snd me previous year question paper of hindi my email id is [email protected]
10th November 2015, 02:17 AM
Plz snd me previous year question paper of hindi first semester. My email id is [email protected]
1st January 2017, 10:55 AM
Hi. sir I am student of B.A 1st year from rajsthan college.
sir plz send me old 5 year B.A Pass course 1st year question paper of only 3 subject. 1. Hindi 2. English 3. Phylospy. My Email Id is [email protected] Sent me link on 9950583348 |
16th January 2017, 05:17 PM
Hi, I am Adil Khan. I am student B.A.1st year please send my mail id model paper to Geography,education and Sociology
Please send my mail id please. I request you, please Sir, Please My mail-id = [email protected] My contact No.- 91 8423675994 |
29th January 2017, 10:48 PM
With respect Sir. i am student of B.A part one student of Rohilkhand university. i want to last 5 year examination paper of Hind(Gen. and lit.) and English literature
i shell highly obliged to you for this act. |
17th February 2017, 09:32 AM
I am student of B.A 1st year from rajsthan college.
sir please send me old 2 year B.A Pass course 1st year question paper of only 3 subject. 1. Hindi litrecchur.2.political sc..3 history my I.d. .gk1998Jatawat @gmail. com. ..thanks sir |
11th May 2017, 09:54 PM
I am student of B.A 1st year from du, sir please send me old 5 year B.A Pass course 1st year question paper of only 3 subject. 1. Hindi literature. 2. political sc..3 eco
my I.d. [email protected] you sir |
25th May 2017, 10:14 AM
Sir my name Rahul Sharma ba 1 year sir help me question paper 3 year old my mail.id sir help me thank sir my email id [email protected] sir question paper Hindi and english
24th September 2017, 06:00 PM
Respected sir. I am Mohammad Asad.Student of B.A(Hons)Mass Media Hindi.B.A 1st year From jamia university. I want to last 5 year question papers. So I request to you. Please send me questions papers as soon as possible.This is my email id: [email protected]
23rd January 2018, 11:38 AM
Sir my name is shubham swami BA 1st year sir help me question paper 3 year old paper history political science and English on my mail id [email protected] thanku sir
21st March 2018, 04:39 PM
Hi my name is pooja i am student of B A first year hindi send me previous year question paper of hindi my email id is [email protected]
10th May 2018, 02:43 AM
Hi i my name is manoj chouhan and i am a student of MA first year hindi literature send me previous questions papers hindi literature my email:- [email protected]
15th May 2018, 02:02 PM
Hello! my name is Anita and i am a student of ba program 1st year...please send me the solved previous question paper of Hindi-B to my email:[email protected]
2nd November 2018, 01:35 PM
Hello, My name is Tipu kumar. I am student of B.A PART 1 (HINDI) HON. Please you send me previous solved paper of hindi.
My email id is :- [email protected] |
29th December 2018, 01:08 PM
Hello sir i am a student of ba 1st year and i have need last five year question paper in those subject-English literature. Poltical science. And Geography.
Please sir i will very need to prepare to exam ... My email id - [email protected] Please send me paper for this email. |
3rd January 2019, 03:09 PM
Hello sir I am student of BA1st year of kanpur university and I need last 5yrs previous question papers of English literature and economy in hindi plzz sir send me
My email id - [email protected] |
13th February 2019, 09:03 PM
Hloo sir i am a student of BA1st year in shimla college plzz give me a English literature questions paper last 5 years
Email id [email protected] |
8th March 2019, 08:36 AM
Hii sir I am a student of BA1st year in MATHURA Kr Degree college plz give me a Hindi litreture questions paper last 5 year.
Email id-- [email protected] Thank you |
11th May 2019, 08:18 PM
Hi, sir I am student of B.A 1st year from bihar BNMU University
sir send me old 5 year B.A Pass course 1st year question paper of only 3 subject. 1. Economic 2. English 3. political science My Email Id is [email protected] Sent me link on 6202195647 |
9th September 2019, 06:17 PM
Hello sir i am student of fast year B.A (prog) from (DU) i have subject AECC , English A political science and hindi sir i want the question paper of last 5 year and my Email ID [email protected]
12th September 2019, 09:13 PM
My name is Pintu Saini I am study in BA first year I need Hindi literature and Hindi language previous year question paper and basic my all subject political science economic dual Hindi email id [email protected]