12th August 2010, 10:52 PM
How to apply for CBSE scholarships after scoring 80% in 12th? From where to get the forms of CBSE scholarships?
i have got more than 80% marks in 12th cbse board examination.Now i have joined in B Tech 1st year in Govt.Engineering college.how can i apply for cbse scholarships for the current acadamic year? Where do i get application for the cbse scholarships
27th February 2011, 08:14 PM
hello friend here every information you need is given just read it carefully
Welcome to CBSE Scholarship 2011 Section. Here you will find CBSE Scholarship 2011, for College Students, Single Girl Child, Criteria, Application Form, Results, CBSE Scholarship Scheme. The Central Board of Secondary Education notifies the following scholarship schemes on the basis of examinations conducted by the Board in the year 2010: 1. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child For + 2 studies. 2. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Professional Studies (AIPMT). 3. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Professional Studies (AIEEE). 4. CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Under Graduate Studies for Single Girl Child. 5. Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship For College And University Students 2010. CBSE Merit Scholarship 2011:- The objective of the CBSE merit scholarship scheme is to provide scholarships for professional education of medicine and engineering in the institutes participating in CBSE conducted All India Pre Medical/ All India Engineering Entrance Examinations, or Central Govt. controlled/ aided institutions. The scheme is aimed at providing financial assistance to the brilliant students to enable them to pursue higher studies. The scheme also aims to support the higher education of girls, who are the only children of their parents, so that they become professionally qualified and financially independent. Award of scholarships: The scholarships shall be awarded to students according to merit and without reference to the institution where they have studied or where they propose to prosecute their further studies nor will there be any allocation of scholarships to particular institutions. All girls awarded the scholarship will be called ‘Indira Gandhi Scholars’. Eligibility criteria:- a.Candidates whose names are appearing in the merit list of CBSE AIPMT(Final) Examination and CBSE-AIEEE Examination shall only be considered for award of CBSE scholarship for pursuing a professional course. b.All Girl candidates, who are otherwise eligible and are the only child in the family. c.The scholarship shall be awarded to Indian National only. d.A student in full time employment shall not be eligible for award of scholarship. e.A Scholar under the scheme while availing scholarship can enjoy other concession(s) given by the institution in which he/she is studying/ other organization(s). f.Candidates who have passed qualifying Examinations in the year 2005 onwards shall only be eligible for consideration under this Scheme. Duration of scholarship and its renewal :- a.A Scholarship awarded shall be renewed on year-to-year basis till the completion of such course. The renewal will depend on promotion to next class provided the scholar secure 50% or more marks in aggregate in the semester/annual examination which determines his/her promotion to the next class. Colleges where only grades are awarded will be requested to indicate suitable conversion of overall grades into percentage for this purpose. b.The renewal/ continuation of the Scholarship, in cases where a Scholar gives up the chosen course of study before its completion or changes the course of study, will be subject to prior approval of the CBSE. Good conduct and regularity in attendance are required for continuance of a scholarship. The decision of the CBSE shall be final and binding in all such matters. A scholarship once cancelled will not be renewed under any circumstances. Rates and number of scholarships:- Total number of scholarship and the rates for the same shall be as under: Courses Number of scholarships* Rate/month (Rs.) ENGINEERING:- 350 Rs. 1000/- MBBS:- 150 Rs. 1000/- *Total number of scholarships at the end of four years will be 2000. 5% of the total number of scholarships shall be for the girl candidates who are the only child in the family. However in case of non receipt of application from such candidates, any unawarded scholarships left from this category would be available to other candidates. Financial implications:- The maximum amount of scholarship shall be Rupees 240 Lakhs per annum from the fourth year onwards. However, in the initial years financial implications of scholarship shall be as per details below: CBSE Scholarship 2011 Selection procedure:- The Board shall intimate the candidates who fulfill the conditions of the scheme and who appear in the merit list prepared by the Board. The offer letters will be issued with in 15 days from the date of declaration of the respective results. The candidate will have to submit to the Board a letter of acceptance along with proof of joining Medical/ Engineering course in an University/ Institute recognized under the scheme, duly certified by the Registrar/ Dean of such University/ Institute on or before 31st August* of the year in which scholarship is to be awarded. The scholarship shall be renewed on Ist April every year on submission of the proof of securing qualifying marks in the previous year from the University concerned. Request for renewal of scholarship will be accepted up to 31 August only. The decision of the Board in this regard shall be final. * Please note that the last date for submission of the letter of acceptance by the candidate to the Board along with all the relevant documents will be November 30th, 2005 for the current year i.e. AIPMT- 2005 and AIEEE- 2005. Payment of scholarship:- The payment of scholarship shall be made by the Board by making bank transfer to the accounts of the candidates. For this, the candidate shall open a bank account in his/her single name and shall inform details of such bank account to the Board so that amount of scholarship may be transferred to this account. |
4th March 2011, 02:28 PM
Havethe list of students who are ligible for Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship For College And University Students 2010 published?
10th March 2011, 08:19 AM
to apply for CBSE scholarships after scoring 80% in 12th see the attached file for more details.. good luck |
29th March 2011, 10:59 AM
i have passed my 11th class and now thinking about my courier..i have cmmerce so which best suitability for me to go for the courier?or tell me which course should i would be prefer after 12th exms???
8th June 2011, 08:23 PM
hello sir!i have passed class12 with cbse board in 2011 with 88% .please tell me am i eligible to get any scholarship in the cbse scheme.kindly reply me soon at [email protected]
18th June 2011, 03:26 PM
sir,is scholarship available for students taking addmission in B.com?when will the list of students eligible 4 scholarship displayed and where?
21st June 2011, 02:06 PM
Sir i want to know that i have scored 84% in cbse 12th.now i m taking addmission in B.sc.am i eligible for cbse scholarship.how i can get merit list of cbse.
10th July 2011, 06:15 PM
For CBSE Merit scholarship you can download the forms from the site
www.cbse.nic.in There are two scholarships in which you are eligible 1. CBSE Merit Scholarship 2. CBSE Merit schlorship for AIEEE In the first scholarship the selection is done on the basis of your marks in AISSCE. And in the second one the selection is done on the basis os you All India Rank in AIEEE. All the best. |
10th July 2011, 06:20 PM
i have got 91.8% in 12 and now want to get scholership then from where can i get the fofm and what are eligibility. i m not the only child of my parents can i get scholership even now.
17th July 2011, 08:42 PM
i have got 91.8% marks in AISSCE 2011.
am i eligible for cbse merit scholarship? how can i apply for it? my marks are as follows Physics-95, Chemistry-94, Computer Science-94, Maths-92, English-84. i am not the only child of my parents. our annual income is approximately 4.2 lakhs |
28th July 2011, 11:10 PM
i have scored 94.4% OF MARKS IN CBSE 2011.i have joined ISM Dhanbad in 4 year B .Tech in mining engineering.which scholar ship am ieligible ? Please guide me
3rd August 2011, 01:01 AM
i have scored 93.4% marks in 12 exams .i am the only girl child of my parents and our annual income is about 1.2 lakhs,am i eligible for cbse merit scholarship. please reply as soon as possible at [email protected]
3rd August 2011, 12:15 PM
f. The applicant should not belong to creamy layer as defined by DoP&T from time to time. (Govt. of India, Dept. of Per. & Trg., OM No. 36033/S/2004-Estt. (Res.), dated 14-10-2004) (This is applicable to all categories of applicants both ¡®general¡¯ and ¡®reserved¡¯).Mode of Disbursal of Scholarship
3rd August 2011, 12:16 PM
f. The applicant should not belong to creamy layer as defined by DoP&T from time to time. (Govt. of India, Dept. of Per. & Trg., OM No. 36033/S/2004-Estt. (Res.), dated 14-10-2004) (This is applicable to all categories of applicants both ‘general’ and ‘reserved’).Mode of Disbursal of Scholarship:a. Scholarship amount shall be sent to the selected candidate’s Bank Account only by ECS (Electronic Clearing System) mode.
3rd August 2011, 01:56 PM
I am Jeena Augustine 24th rank holder of aipmt 2010 and applied for cbse merit scholarship aipmt 2010 for professional studies .Reg No.500021.Till now no information and i would like to know the present stage.Email - [email protected]
11th August 2011, 11:18 PM
What is the procedure for scholarship? from where i can get forms ? i secured 89% in 12th in commerce stream and is currently doing b.com from du?am i eligble?
16th August 2011, 06:01 PM
I have passed my cbse class 12 exam in 2011 with 88% marks.As I am a single girl child I have received the SGC scholarship in 11th standard and have also renewed the same for the next year(12th class).........But I am very sorry to tell you Sir that I haven't received it till now.....Please tell me the reason???????????What should I do to receive it??????????????? |
21st August 2011, 12:20 AM
Sir, i hav got 90% in my 12th board exams and also got AIR-18442 from OPEN category this year(2011). My family income is about 1.2 lacs... So, please inform me if i'm eligible for any scholarships..?
8th September 2011, 02:22 PM
m akanksha sachan,n m doing b.tech from bbd..i secured more than 80%marks in 12th..n this year i have not get m scholarship..i want to know that when i get m scholarship.. thank you.. |
23rd September 2011, 01:47 AM
I have scored 91.8% in C.B.S.E 12th in science stream in 2010-11 and I am doing B.A L.L.B course. Will I be eligible for C.B.S.E scholarship and if yes then how can I apply for it and by when.
26th September 2011, 12:27 AM
sir,i have applied for the central sector scheme of scholorship for college and university students. I have sent the application form at the address specified.
My query is that how will i get confirmation that whether my application form is accepted and i fulfills all the requirements specified....??? |
30th October 2011, 09:11 PM
sir i have submitted the application form on line but i have not receive any call about it...
do i have to fill form any where else also or i just have to wait for your response???????????????????? |
30th October 2011, 09:13 PM
sir i have submitted the application form online....but i have receive any response.....
do i have to fill form any where else also now or just have to wait for your response????????????????/ |
14th November 2011, 10:32 PM
i have passed my 12th class with 93.33%in pcm and now i m doing b.tech from Indira gandhi institute of technology , IP University , so, can i apply for the scholarship? if yes , from where will i get the forms ? plz rply fast
15th November 2011, 07:58 PM
i have got 83% marks in 12th cbse 2011.
am i eligible for cbse merit scholarship? how can i apply for it? my marks are as follows Home Science-91, Geography-83, Hindi-91, English-47, Economoice-65. i am not the only child of my parents. our annual income is approximately 50,000 |
9th January 2012, 04:42 PM
i have got 83.4% in my AISSCE exam in 2011.so how can i get my scholarship form.kindly inform me sir and is there any special scholarship for ST category under CBSE scheme. |
29th February 2012, 12:08 AM
For applying of merit sclorship you have to fill the application on your intermediate college and submit that application at board of intermediate of your state.
10th March 2012, 12:17 PM
i have scored 89% in 12th class in cbse board in 2011. i have submitted scholarship form in october . how i can ensure that i have been selected for this scholarship?
suyash kumar [email protected] |
24th April 2012, 12:51 AM
i have scored 87.4 % in 12th%u2026 nd had applied for cbse merit scholarship but have yet not received any call/ letter/ mail from your side%u2026 my registration for scholarship was successful%u2026 kindly rply if i%u2019ll get it or not%u2026
[email protected] |
9th June 2012, 11:39 AM
Sir I have got 93% marks in Andhra Pradesh intermediate examination 2012 as per Govt. of India scheme which scholarship I will elligible please intimate to me as early as possible
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