1st March 2013, 12:37 PM
How can I appear for CA-IPCC?
can u tell me how to ca-ipcc..Please give me the detailsfor the same
11th July 2015, 12:53 AM
IPCC stands for the Integrated Professional Competence Course.
It is the second stage of Chartered Accountancy.There are three stages in Chartered Accountancy course . They are : *Foundation course or CPT *Intermediate course or IPCC, and *Final Course. One can register for CA-IPCC directly on the condition they have passed graduation degree.The eligibility criteria for the graduates to write CA-IPCC directly is 55% for a Commerce Graduate and 60% for a Non-Commerce Graduate. IPCC registration is applicable for two times in a year. So, a candidate can register accordingly. IPCC exam is conducted twice a year in the month of May and November. The fee structure for CA course are as under:- For IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence Course): Prospectus - Rs. 100 Registration fee - Rs. 10000 Exam fee - Rs. 1600 For Final course : Rs. 8500 For ITT (Information Technology Training) : Rs. 2000 |