21st October 2012, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Posts: 1

How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

Dear Sir
How can I get the amie section b Mechanical engineering previous years question papers

29th March 2013, 09:15 PM
Senior Member+
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 823
Default Re: How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

Section B registration fee will be Rs. 4500/- from April 1, 2013

AMIE Membership List NO. 139

Older lists Discrepancy List

(Students in last week of December have been covered in new list. Students in this list can also send exam form to IEI till April 19)

List of candidates applied for Registration of Sec B after Winter 2012 AMIE Exams
(The list has been updated as per applications received till 31 Jan 2013)

Technicians' Journal (Dec 2012 issue) (including exam scheme, exam form, reregistration, premature reregistration etc.)

Changes in Reregistration/Premature reregistration fee for Section B

Plastic identity card for Section B AMIE pass students

Summer 2013 AMIE Exams declared

Reregistration/Premature reregistration

Exam Dates

Summer 2013 AMIE Exams: June 01 - 7
Form filling dates:
Upto April 19, 2013.
Exam fee is Rs. 2000/-. DD should be in favour of "The Institution of Engineers (India) Payable at Kolkata. Overseas exam fee is $ 150. More details>>


Result of Winter 2012 AMIE exam will be declared after March 15. Link>>


Admission package: Fee reduced from 12,500/- to 11,000/-. Also discount on overseas and Section B packages. (Offer upto May 30, 2013)Download prospectus

Postal Coaching: Offer on single subject

Download Prospectus

New in Online Support

Unsolved papers of Winter 2012 AMIE Exams added in Online Support Section

Course update on Geoinformatics/Geotechnical Engineering

iQuiz on Geoinformatics
Our Role

AMIE(I) Study Circle provides admission packages and Postal coaching to AMIE aspirants from all over India and abroad engaged in engineering field..

The entire printed course material in the form of notes is divided into number of modules consisting of basic concepts and examples to bring out clarity. At the end of the module, number of problems are given in assignment sheets. Objective type questions are also incorporated at the end of assignment sheet. The course is updated regularly, and additional material/upgrade is always available on our website. No text book / solved paper study is required with our course..

To bring total quality in the course, we are using kaizen strategy(continuous improvement) in the process of course development.

You can enroll at any time (as the despatch schedule is adjustable). However you are advised to join as early as possible, because it will give you more time for study and revision of the course material. Download Prospectus»
Why You Should Enroll at Once?

Don’t wait for an emergency - when everything depends on whether you have completed AMIE or not (interview for promotion, for example).
Join at once. Don’t wait till the day when you have to apply for re-registration. Don’t wait for such do-or-die situation.

Act NOW. And prepare for AMIE examinations to pass subjects at once. Sign on for this course today!

About AMIE

The Associate Member of the Institution of Engineers (AMIE) is a professional certification given by Institution of Engineers (India). The qualification can be earned by passing Section A, Project Work and Section B examination of the Institution. If an applicant passes both sections of the examination, he or she becomes an Associate of the Institution of Engineers (AIE).

Recognition. The Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development considers this qualification is equivalent to a degree in engineering. Government of India in continuation to its earlier recognition, has recognised passing of sections A and B examinations as revised, conducted by The Institution of Engineers (India), as equivalent to bachelor's Degree in the appropriate branch of Engineering of the recognised universities in India and has notified in the gazette of India, Part I, Section I, dated February 11, 2006. More on AMIE recognition»

Time Period. Minimum duration for passing both sections is 4 years, however professionals with 3 years polytechnic engineering can complete it in 3 years since they are exempted from certain examination papers of Section A. Project work can be carried out only after clearing at least 5 subjects of Section B.

Structure of Exams. There are two sections, namely Section A and Section B, in this examination. Section A is common for all candidates. Under Section B, a particular discipline of engineering has to be chosen from among the streams offered.

The examinations are held twice every year, called Summer and Winter examinations, normally in June and December respectively (Generally from first Saturday). Each paper is 3 hours long (unless specifically mentioned otherwise in the list of subjects).

Project work and/or laboratory work can be carried out only after clearing 5 subjects of Section B.

Additionally, person shall be employed and engaged in engineering activities during the period.

Sections A & B of AMIE Examinations are conducted in 65 Examination Centres in the country and also in five overseas chapters (Kathmandu, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Doha and Kuwait). More on AMIE exams»

Medium of Exams. English is the medium of examinations. However, any candidate may opt for Hindi provided s/he has taken prior permission to this effect from IEI. More on AMIE exams in Hindi medium»

Syllabus. There are 4 subjects in Section A (Diploma stream) and 10 subjects in Section A (Non Diploma stream). After Section A, the student will be admitted to appear for the Section B examination. This consists of 9 papers of which 6 are compulsory and 3 optional. After passing min. 5 papers of section-B in respective branch, the student will be admitted to appear for Project Work/Laboratory experiments.
More on AMIE syllabus»

Eligibility. (i) Technician Members A candidate must secure in the 10+2 examination or its equivalent (as recognised by the Council) with 45 percent marks in aggregate in science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics) and pass in English as well as 45 percent in overall aggregate. (ii) Senior Technician Members The candidate (of age 18+)should have passed a diploma examination in engineering or technology or its equivalent recognised by the Council, or an examination recognised by the Council as exempting from passing Section A of the Institution of Engineers examination in the non-diploma stream. More on eligibility and rules and membership issues concerning AMIE Exams»

More on AMIE»
10th June 2013, 12:05 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

please help me and reply to my query if anybody knows clearly,

1.I need to register section B, but, i am in abu dhabi and working in a oil company, is it possible to keep my address as it is in india becas i am not intrested to change asabu dhabi,
2. working in abu dhabi, is it possible to get work engagement in abu dhabi to any corporate memebrs since i dont have any corporate memebrs in my company.(but my address will be in India and i may take Rs.4500 for sectio B registeration)

29th September 2013, 09:50 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

I have completed my Section A,now what are formalities need to go through for appearing in section B, at the same time my chances of appearing this session of afloat.
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26th March 2014, 10:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

can I get registration for AMIE Section B while I have completed Section A from AMICE.
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13th May 2015, 02:48 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: How can I get admission in AMIE section B mechanical engineering

sir, i have complited diploma in ceramics engg. i want to do b.tech. from mechanical engg. from amie but i have no any work experiance. please guide me what i have to do now.
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