23rd July 2013, 04:50 PM
How to join CA IPCC? Is it compulsory to do 9 months articleship after registring for IPCC
i'm interested to join CA IPCC , is it possible for me to join articleship after the ipcc examination? i heard that it is compulsory to do 9 months articleship after the registration of IPCC?
31st July 2015, 03:55 PM
Sir nine months article ship are compulsory for ca ipcc exam in first attempt.7or 8 mnths are not maximum for 1st attempt.
21st April 2016, 06:32 PM
Is 9 months of article ship compulsory for CA IPCC, after B.Com?
If some one complete 6 months only then, is it possible to attempt CA IPCC? |
7th November 2016, 11:04 PM
I want to get registered for IPCC but confused in IIT & orientation program and also about article ship so please suggest me for that.How can i get registered and when i will start these important training????
21st June 2017, 06:35 PM
IPCC is the inter level of CA course. If you are a graduate and entered to IPCC as direct entry, after registration itself do ITT and Orientation program. These courses can be registered at www.icaionlineregistration.in . After completing this start articleship training under a Chartered Accountant for 9 months. Thereafter write the exam.