7th January 2012, 07:08 AM
How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
how i prepare for CDS2 exam? pleaes tell me the procedure for it
7th January 2012, 11:56 AM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
I have attached the CDSII exams paper. So prepare for those questions. This question are are really helpful for you. |
7th January 2012, 02:16 PM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
YOU CAN PREPARE FOR CDS 2 EXAMINATIONS BY USING CDS exam Solved Question Papers, CDS Sample Question Papers for Combined Defence Services Exam, CDS Exam Books
YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR THEM AT 1.http://entrance-exam.net 2.http://www.successcds.net/UPSCExam/CDS-Exam-Books-Solved-Question-Papers.html |
7th January 2012, 11:09 PM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
The recruitment of CDS Examination will be Based on these Academy and those who cracked this examination and Interview are eligible to Join These given Academy for Training : >> Indian Military Academy (IMA) >> Officer's Training Academy (OTA) >> Naval Academy >> Air Force Academy For Naval and Air force Wings, you have to complete your graduate degree course with Maths and Physics as a compulsory Subjects. To apply for CDS Examination your age should between 19 to 25 years. The Selection are Based on Written test, Medical test and Personal Interview. The examination is Objective type and If you are Interested to cracked this examination then please prepare for this examination according to the pattern and Syllabus. Examination Pattern : ------------------ For Indian Military Academy/ Naval Academy and Air Force Academy : >> English (Objective type) : 100 Marks >> General Knowledge (Objective type) : 100 Marks >> Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) : 100 Marks >> Total : 300 Marks For Officers’ Training Academy : >> English (Objective type) : 100 Marks >> General Knowledge (Objective type) : 100 Marks >> Total : 200 Marks. CDS Examination Syllabus : ---------------------- |
8th January 2012, 11:24 AM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
CDS- COMBINED DEFENCE SERVICE exam conducted by UPSC twice every year as CDS-I and CDS-II for entry in to
Indian Military Academy Indian Naval Academy Indian Air Force Academy Indian Officers Training Academy One must be a graduate with or without Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics within the age group of 19 to 25 years to apply for CDS. The selection is based on written test based on all objective type of questions followed by Medical test and Personal Interview. The exam pattern for Indian Military/Naval/Air Force Academy:- English - 100 marks General Knowledge - 100 marks Elementary Mathematics -100 marks For Officers Training Academy:- English - 100 marks General Knowledge - 100 marks For further information you may log on to www.upsc.gov.in |
10th January 2012, 08:48 AM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
CDS Stands for Combined Defence Services examination and this examination is Conducted by UPSC, Twice in a year and to apply for this examination, you have to Complete your Graduate degree course from a recognised University. Final year appearing candidates are also apply for CDSE Examination.The recruitment of CDS Examination will be Based on these Academy and those who cracked this examination and Interview are eligible to Join These given Academy for Training :
Indian Military Academy (IMA) Officer's Training Academy (OTA) Naval Academy Air Force Academy For Naval and Air force Wings, you have to complete your graduate degree course with Maths and Physics as a compulsory Subjects.To apply for CDS Examination your age should between 19 to 25 years. The Selection are Based on Written test, Medical test and Personal Interview. The examination is Objective type and If you are Interested to cracked this examination then please prepare for this examination according to the pattern and Syllabus. Examination Pattern :For Indian Military Academy/ Naval Academy and Air Force Academy : English (Objective type) : 100 Marks General Knowledge (Objective type) : 100 Marks Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) : 100 Marks Total : 300 Marks.For Officers’ Training Academy : English (Objective type) : 100 Marks General Knowledge (Objective type) : 100 Marks Total : 200 Marks. |
6th June 2012, 10:06 PM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
a simple and free suggestion for you to crack cds2 exam. If u r really keen of this job, then read book. Reading is the best way to crack this exam.
12th October 2012, 06:53 PM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
>> What is CDS ?
> CDS stands for Combined Defence Services whose examination is conducted by UPSC twice in a year for the recruitment purpose for the following wings :- • Indian Military Academy (IMA) • Indian Air Force • Indian Naval Academy • Officers' Training Academy (OTA) . >> Best books for CDS Preparation :-
. CDS : Combined Defence Services Examination Guide (Paperback) by R.Gupta . CDS Examination : Solved and Practice Papers (Paperback) by Jha S N . Combined Defence Service Solved Papers by Upkar's Prakashan . The Pearson Guide to English for the Combined Defence Service Examination by Pearson Edition >> Some more books :- . • The Pearson Guide to the Combined Defence Services Examination by Pearson Edition . • CDS Combined Defence Services Examination, Exam Guide by Asian Books . • CDS Mathematics by Dr. H. B. Pandey . • Combined Defence Services CDS Examination by Jain & Kishore . • CDS Previous Year Papers (Solved) English by Ramesh . >> For further details, you can refer to the official website of UPSC i.e. www.upsc.gov.in |
28th January 2013, 06:57 PM
Re: How should I prepare for CDS II entrance exam?
..:::::CDS stands for Combined Defence Service:::::.. It is One of the Defence Examination which is conducted by Union Public Service . The Basic Educational Qualification , To Pursue for this Examination you have to Complete Bachelor degree from recognized University . To apply for Airforce / Navy, then you should studied Bachelor degree in science stream from recognized University . Note :- Diploma (or) 12th standard candidates are not eligible for this CDS Examination . CDS Examination Pattern :- ** English ** General Knwoledge and ** Elementary Mathematics Books for CDS Examination :- >> CDS Entrance Examination by Expert Compilations >> CDS Examination Guide by Datason Rp >> CDS Examination ( Solved Paper )by Lal >> CDS Entrance Examination by Brijesh Tripathi/Satyajeet Rawat/ Neetika Goyal >> CDS Examination by Atul Bhardwaj If you want to crack the CDS Examination then you should refer the previous year question and go through the Various books which i have provide you , then definitely you may crack the CDS Examination . All The Best !!!!!!!!!!! |