4th August 2012, 03:48 PM
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Is it necessary to crack IIT JEE before taking admission in Marine engineering?

is it necessary to crack iit jee before taking admission in marine engineering?

8th November 2012, 07:38 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to crack IIT JEE before taking admission in Marine engineering?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
is it necessary to crack iit jee before taking admission in marine engineering?
Yes, it is important to pass IIT JEE before applying for Mariene Engineering course. In addition to this those who opt for Mining Engineering courses should make sure that they do not have any form of color blindness. They will be required to submit a certificate from a registered medical practitioner to this effect at the time of counseling/admission. The standards of visual acuity with or without glasses will be adhered to strictly for candidates seeking admission to Mining Engineering as per DGMS Circular 14 of 1972. Persons with one-eyed vision are not permitted to work underground. Candidates with the above limitations are not allowed to opt for admission to Mining Engineering or Mining Machinery Engineering.

For your reference and further information i have attached the IIT JEE Brochure, as a PDF file.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf IIT-JEE Brochure.pdf(4.78 MB, 69 views)
16th November 2012, 07:09 PM
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Default Re: Is it necessary to crack IIT JEE before taking admission in Marine engineering?

What rank in iit jee required for admisson in marine
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