5th July 2012, 04:06 PM
Which one is better between MEC and EEE? Which has more opportunities?
which one is better mec or eee.. which one has more job oppurtunities
29th March 2013, 05:19 PM
my daughter is in 10th now writing her exams . she is interested in law please advice me good college with related group in hyd.
29th March 2013, 08:46 PM
heloo friend,
Mechanical or Electrical and electronics engineering both are the most reputed,popular and tremendous fields of engineering having brilliant scope in all the world and these graduates are generally hired by many of the government as well private job companies. Mechanical engineering is the engineering of studying various machines and related products while EEE engineering is the study of electrical and electronics or related products. Both the engineering fields have almost comparable scope in regards to various government or private companies. Government job opportunities for EEE or ME engineers : BHEL BARC SAIL GAIL NTPC ONGC IOCL IGDR IGARC BSNL MTNL NAVARATNA MAHRATNA COAL INDIA etc. Job opportunity for ME in core companies as : INFOSYS TATA MOTORS L & T WHIRLPOOL WIPRO TVS MOTORS BAJAJ Jet Airways Mahindra & Mahindra McKinsey Oracle India Motorola Polaris PUNJ-Llyod Etc. Job opportunities for EEE engineers in core area : INFOSYS TCS HCL IBM WIPRO AGILENT CADENCE GODREJ GE ELECTRICALS NI SAPIENT FREESCALE etc. best of luck !! |