19th April 2013, 04:22 AM
Previous 10 years question papers for SSC JEN civil engineering?
Dear sir
i m preparing ssc jen civil engg. so pls send me previous 10 year question papers thanks my email id kalu.mjrp@gmail .com |
8th March 2014, 04:12 PM
pawan chahar
dear sir pls send me some helping material for ssc junior engineers mechanical. my id is pwnchahar0@gmailcom |
9th August 2015, 07:36 PM
Sir i m a civil engineering student and i fill the paper mode civil and structural in form but sir in preference we select branch like this civil cpwd then electicalcpwd then civil military then electical military etc so sir is there any problem because we fill electrical post also by mistake ?
11th March 2016, 09:05 PM
sir i m a civil engineering student plz send me some previous question paper for jen exam thanks my email id is [email protected]