24th July 2010, 01:45 AM
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Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

Plese send me previous question paper of gate of electrical engineering

24th July 2010, 06:54 AM
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

Originally Posted by Cchandrakar943 View Post
Plese send me previous question paper of gate of electrical engineering
You can download all the GATE question papers from the website given below.

24th July 2010, 10:43 AM
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Post Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hi frnd....
hey its nice to see u have interest in GATE EXAM ....its good ...here is electrical paper of yr 2005 ... follow it.... best wishes

Originally Posted by Cchandrakar943 View Post
Plese send me previous question paper of gate of electrical engineering
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24th July 2010, 10:53 AM
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hello friend,
i have attached some question paper i think it will be useful
if not..visit the website given below..

if you want more question papers visit this website:


all the very best..!!!

good luck..!!
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24th July 2010, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hello friend i am giving here attachments here for you refer them
hope it will help you and you can get other papers on the following web address very easily
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24th July 2010, 01:33 PM
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

The previous year question papers of gate EEE exam an be downloaded from the site http://www.ziddu.com/download/2389736/EC1998.pdf.html
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24th July 2010, 06:23 PM
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

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GATE EE - 2000
Read the following instructions carefully:
1. All answers must be written only in the answer book provided
2. This question paper consists of TWO SECTIONS: A and B.
3. Section A consists of two questions of multiple-choice type. Question 1 consists of TWENTYFIVE
sub-questions of ONE mark each and Question 2 consists of TWENTY-FIVE sub-questions
of TWO marks each.
4. The answers to the multiple choice questions must be written only in the boxes provided in
the two sheets of the answer book.
5. Answers to Section B should be started on a fresh page and should not be mixed with
answers to Section A. Question numbers must be written legibly and correctly in the answer
6. Section B consists of TWENTY questsof[,IVE marks each. ANY FIFTEEN out of them have to
answered. If more number of questions are attempted, score off the answers not to be
evaluated, else only the first fifteen unscored will be considered strictly.
7. In all questions of 5 marks, write clearly the important steps in your answer. These steps
carry partial credit.
8. There will be NO NEGATIVE marking.
9. No graph papers are required for any of questions.
1. This question consists of 25 (TWENTTY FIVE) sub-questions. Each sub-question carries ONE
mark. The answers to these sub-questions MUST be written only in the appropriate boxes
corresponding to the questions in the first page of the answer book.
1.1 An electron with velocity u is placed in an electric field E and magnetic field B. the force
experienced by the electron is given by
(a) -eE
(b) -eu x B
(c) -e(uxE+B)
(d) -e(E+uxB)
1.2 A voltage waveform V(t) = 12t2 is applied across a 1H inductor for t = 0, with initial
current through it being zero. The current through the inductor for t = 0 is
given by
(a) 12t
(b) 24t
(c) 12t3
(d) 4 t3
1.3 The circuit shown in Fig.1.3 uses an ideal opamp working with +5V and —5V power
supplies. The output voltage V0 is equal to 1K
(a) +5V ———-/v\’
(b) -5V - ________ - T5V
(c) +1V + -5V
(d) -lv
1.4 Which one of the following is not a vectored interrupt?
(a) TRAP
(b) INTR
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(c) RST7.5
(d) RST3
1.5 The type of power amplifier which exhibits crossover distortion in its output is
(a) Class A
(b) Class B
(c) Class AB
(d) Class C
1.6 The feedback factor for the circuit shown in Fig. below is:
1.7 A 3-phase, 4-pole squirrel cage induction motor has 36 stator and 28 rotor slots. The
number of phases in the rotor is:
(a) 3
(b) 9
(c) 7
(d) 8
1.8 The compensating winding in a dc machine
(a) is located in armature slots for compensation of the armature reaction
(b) is located on commutating poles for improving the commutation
(c) is located on pole shoes for avoiding the flashover at the commutator surface
(d) is located on poles shoes to avoid the sparking at the brushes.
1.9 In a constant voltage transformer (CVT), the output voltage remains constant
due to
(a) capacitor
(b) input inductor
(c) saturation
(d) tapped windings
1.10 The phase sequence of a three-phase alternator will reverse if
(a) the field current is reversed keeping the direction of rotation same
(b) the field current remains the same but the direction of rotation is reversed
(c) the field current is reversed arid the number of poles is doubled (d) the number of poles is
doubled without reversing the field current
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1.11 A 1.8° step, 4-phase stepper motor has a total of 40 teeth on 8 poles of stator. The
number of rotor teeth for this motor will be
(a) 40
(b) 50
(c) 100
(d) 80
1.12 In a thermal power plant, the feed water coming to the economizer is heated
(a) H.P. steam
(b) L.P. steam
(c) direct heat in the furnace
(d) flue gases
1.13 For given base voltage and base volt-amperes, the per unit impedance value of an
element is x. What will be the per unit impedance value of this element when the voltage and
volt-ampere bases are both doubled?
(a) 0.5x
(b) 2x
(c) 4x
1.14 In an inverse definite minimum time, electromagnetic type over-current relay the
minimum time feature is achieved because of
(a) saturation of the magnetic circuit
(b) proper mechanical design
(c) appropriate time delay element
(d) electromagnetic damping
1.15 Out of the considerations (a) to (d) listed below.
(i) no distance limitation related to steady state stability
(ii) no reactive power requirement from the system at the two terminals (iii) no substantial
effect on fault level of the two systems at the terminals inspite
of the interconnection
(iv) no corona problems
The considerations, which constitute advantages of HVDC transmission, are
(a) all of the above
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iv)
1.16 In a 3-step distance protection, the reach of the three zones of the relay at the
beginning of the first line typically extends up to
(a) 100% of the first line, 50% of the second line and 20% of the third line
(b) 8Cc/c of the first line, 5Q% of the second line and 2Cc/c of the third line
(c) 8C’/c of the first line, 2Cc/c of the second line and 1C’/c of the third line
(d) 50% of first line, 50% of second line and 20% of the third line.
1.17 A three phase semi-converter feeds the armature of a separately excited dc motor,
supplying a non-zero torque. For steady state operation, the motor armature current is found
to drop to zero at certain instances of time. At such instances, the voltage assumes a value
that is
(a) equal to the instantaneous value of the ac phase voltage
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(b) equal to the instantaneous value of the motor back emf
(c) arbitrary
(d) zero
1.18 A thyristorised, three phase, fully controlled converter feeds a dc load that draws a
constant current. Then the input ac line current to the converter has
(a) an rms value equal to the dc load current
(b) an average value equal to the dc load current
(c) a peak value equal to the dc load current
(d) a fundamental frequency component, whose rms value is equal to the dc load current
1.19 Triangular PWM control, when applied to a three phase, BJT based voltage source
inverter, introduces
(a) low order harmonic voltages on the dc side
(b) very high order harmonic voltages on the dc side
(c) low order harmonic voltages on the ac side
(d) very high order harmonic voltage on the dc side
1.20 Instrument transformers are known to introduce magnitude and phase errors in
measurements. These are primarily due to
(a) improper connections on the primary side
(b) measurement errors inherent in the meter connected to the transformer secondary
(c) open and short circuit parameters of the instrument transformers
(d) None of the above
1.21 An analogue electronic circuit that measures rms value of the input voltage by averaging
the square of the instantaneous voltage level, responds slowly to changes in the input signal
due to
(a) the “square” function built into the circuit
(b) the “square-root” function built into the circuit
(c) the averaging function built into the circuit
(d) None of the above
1.22 Ratio of the rotor reactance X to the rotor resistance R for a two-phase
(a) is equal to that of a normal induction motor
(b) is less than that of a normal indüction motor
(c) is greater than that of a normal induction motor
(d) may be less or greater than that of a normal induction motor
1.23 Feedback control systems are
(a) insensitive to both forward and feedback path parameter changes
(b) less sensitive to feedback path parameter changes than to forward path parameter
(c) less sensitive to forward-path parameter changes than to feedback path parameter
(d) equally sensitive to forward and feedback path parameter changes
1.24 A unity feedback system has open loop transfer function G(s). The steady-state
error is zero for
(a) step input and type —1 G(s)
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(b) ramp input and type —1 G(s)
(c) step input and type G(s)
(d) ramp input and type —o G(s)
1.25 A linear time-invariant system initially at rest, when subjected to a unit-step input, gives
a response y(t) = te_t,t > 0. The transfer function of the system is:
(a) 1 2
(b) 1 2
(c) S 2
(d) 1
2. This question consists of 25 (TWENTTY FIVE) sub-questions. Each sub-question carries TWO
marks. The answers to these sub-questions MUST be written only in the appropriate boxes
corresponding to the questions in the first page of the answer book.
2.1 A two-port device is defined by the following pair of equations:
i = 2v + v2 and ‘2 = V1 + V2
Its impedance parameters (z111z121z211z22)are given by
(a) (2,1,1,1)
(b) (1,-1,-1,2)
(c) (1,1,1,2)
(d) (2,-1,-1,1)
2.2. The circuit shown in Fig.2.2 is equivalent to a load of
(a) (0.54+jO.313) ohms
(b) (4 — j2) ohms
(c) (4.54 — jl.69) ohms
(d) (4 + j2) ohms
2.3. The minimal product of sums function described by the K-map given in Fig. below
01 1 0 0
100 0
2.4. A diode whose terminal characteristics are related as ‘D =Is[-where Isis the
reverse saturation current and VTi5 the thermal voltage (=25mV), is biased at = 2mA. Its
dynamic resistance is:
(a) 25 ohms
(b) 12.5 ohms
(c) 50 ohms
(d) 100 ohms
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2.5. In the circuit of Fig. below, the value of the base current I8will be
(a) 0.0 micro amperes
(b) 18.2 micro amperes
(c) 26.7 micro amperes
(d) 40.0 micro amperes
2.6. A dual slope analog-to-digital converters uses an N-bit counter. when the input signal Va
is being integrated, the counter is allowed to count up to a value
(a) equal to 2N —2
(b) equal to 2N —1
(c) proportional to Va
(d) inversely proportional to Va
2.7. A 3-phase delta/star transformer is supplied at 6000 V on the delta-connected side. The
terminal voltage on the secondary side when supplying full load as 0.8 lagging power-factor is
415 V: The equivalent resistance and reactance drops for the transformer are la/c and Se/c
respectively. The turn’s ratio of the transformer is:
(a) 14
(b) 24
(c) 42
(d) 20
2.8. A 240 V dc series motor takes 40A when giving its rated output at 1500 rpm. Its
resistance is 0.3 ohms. The value of resistance which must be added to obtain rated torque at
1000 rpm is:
(a) 6 ohms
(b) 5.7 ohms
(c) 2.2 ohms
(d) 1.9 ohms
2.9. The power input to a 415V, 50 Hz, 6 pole, 3-phase induction motor running at
975 rpm is 40 kW. The stator losses are 1kW and friction and windage losses total 2 kW. The
efficiency of the motor is
(a) 92.5°h
(b) 90°h
(c) 91°h
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(d) 88°h
2.10. A single-phase, 2000V alternator has armature resistance and reactance of 0.8 ohms
and 4.94 ohms respectively. The voltage regulation of the alternator at 100A load at 0.8
leading power-factor is:
(a) 7°h
(b) -8.9°h
(c) 14°h
(d) 0°h
2.11. A permanent magnet dc commutator motor has a no load speed of 6000 rpm when
connected to a 120V dc supply. The armature resistance is 2.5 ohms and other losses may be
neglected. The speed of the motor with supply voltage of 60V developing a torque 0.5 Nm, is:
(a) 3000 rpm
(b) 2673 rpm
(c) 2836 rpm
(d) 5346 rpm
2.12. A transmission line has equal voltages at the two ends, maintained constant by two
sources. A third source is to be provided to maintain constant voltage (equal to end voltages)
at either the midpoint of the line or at 755 of the distance from the sending end. Then the
maximum power transfer capabilities of the line in the original case and the other two cases
respectively will be in the following ratios.
(a) 1:1:1
(b) 1:2:1
(c) 1:2:4
2.13. The plug setting of a negative sequence relay is 0.2A. The current transformer ratio is
5:1. The minimum value of line-to-line fault current for the operation of the relay is
(a) 1A
(b) 1 A
(c) 1.732A
(d) 0.2 A
2.14. The incremental cost chaçaceristlIf two generators delivering 200 MW are as follows
= 2.0 + 0.01P1,.- = 1.6 + 0.21’2
dP1 dP2
For economic operation, the generations P1 and P2 should be
(a) P1 = P2 = 100MW
(b) P1 = 8OMW,P2 = 120MW
(c) P1 = 200MW, P2 = 0MW
(d) P1 = 120MW, P2 = 80MW
2.15. The corona loss on a particular system at 50 Hz is 1kW/km per phase. The
corona loss at 60 Hz would be
(a) 1kW/km per phase
(b) 0.83kW/km per phase
(c) 1.2kW/km per phase
(d) 1.13kW/km per phase
2.16. The severity of line-to-ground and three phase faults at the terminals of an unloaded
synchronous generator is to be same. If the terminal voltage is 1.0 p.u. and z1 =z2
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=jO.lp.u.,z0 =jO.05p.u.for the alternator, then the required inductive reactance for neutral
grounding is:
(a) 0.0166 p.u.
(b) 0.05 p.u.
(c) 0.1 p.u.
(d) 0.15 p.u.
2.17. A three phase voltage source inverter supplies a purely inductive three phase load. Upon
Fourier analysis, the output voltage waveform is found to have an hth order harmonic of
magnitude ahtimes that of the fundamental frequency component (ah < 1). The load current
would then have an h-th order harmonic of magnitude
(a) zero
(b) ah times the fundamental frequency component
(c) hahtimes the fundamental frequency component
(d) ah lh times the fundamental frequency component
2.18. A step down chopper operates from a dc voltage source 4,and feeds a dc motor
armature with a back emf Eb. From oscilloscope traces, it is found that the current increases
for time tr,falls to zero over time t1,and remains zero for time t0, in every chopping cycle.
Then the average dc voltage across the freewheeling diode is:
(A) Vstr (Vstr +Ebtf)
(B)(tr + tf + t0) (tr + tf + t0)
(C) (Vstr +Ebto) Vstr +Eb (tf +t0)
(D)(tr+tf+tO) - •. (t,+t+to)
2.19. A three phase, wound rotor induction motor is to be operated with slip energy recovery
in the constant torque mode, when it delivers an output power F at slop
s. then theoretically, the maximum power that is available for recovery at the rotor terminals,
is equal to
p0 p0.s
(a) F
(b) P0.
(c) 1s
(d) 1s
2.20. The two wattmeter method is used to measure active power on a three phase,
three wire system. If the phase voltage is unbalanced, then the power reading is:
(a) affected by both negative sequence and zero sequence voltages
(b) affected by negative sequence voltages but not by zero sequence voltages
(c) affected by zero sequence voltages but not by negative sequence voltages
(d) not affected by negative or zero sequence voltages
2.21. If an ac voltage wave is corrupted with an arbitrary number of harmonics, then the
overall voltage waveform differs from its fundamental frequency component
in terms of
(a) only the peak values
(b) only the rms values
(c) only the average values
(d) all the three measures (peak, rms and average values)
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2.22. The characteristic equation of a feedback control system is:
2s4 + s3 + 3s2 + 5s + 10 = 0
The number of roots in the right half of s-plane are:
(a) zero
(b) 1
(c) 2
(d) 3
2.23. A unity feedback system has open-loop transfer function G(s) = 25
The peak overshoot in the step-input response of the system is approximately equal to:
(a) 5°h
(b) 1O°h
(c) 15°h
(d) 20°h
2.24. Maximum phase-lead of the compensator D(s) = ,is
(a) 52 deg at 4 rad/sec
(b) 52 deg at 10 rad/sec
(c) 55 deg at 12 rad/sec
(d) None of the answers is correct
This section consists of TWENTY qJtknof FIVE marks each. ANY FIFTEEN out of them have to
be answered. If more number of quetions are attempted, score off the answers not be
evaluated, else, only the first fifteen unscored answers will be considered.
3. Predict the current I in Fig. below in response to a voltage of 20Z0°V. The impedance
values are given in ohms. Use the thevenin’s theorem.
4. (a) Show via the construction of a suitable Gaussian surface, that the capacitance of a
spherical capacitor consisting of two concentric shells of radii a and b is given by
C = 4,rs0 (b — a)
where s0 is the free space permittivity.
(b) A current 1 in the short conducting element shown in
Fig.4 produces a flux density B at point 1. Determine
the magnitude and the direction of the flux density
vector at point 2.
5. A current amplifier has an input resistance of 1012, an output resistance of 10k12 and a
current gain of 1000. It is feed by a current source having a source resistance of 10k12 and its
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output is connected to a i012 load resistance. Find the voltage gain and the power gain.
6. An active filter consisting of an op-amp, resistors R1,R2,R3 and two capacitors of value C
each, has a transfer function
(R1 C)
T(s)_ + 1 whereR=R111R2.
‘-7 RC) (RR3c2)
If R1 = 2k12, R2 = .-k12, R3=200k12 and C = 0.1 pF, determine the centre frequency ak,
gain A0 and the Q of the filter.
7. The counter shown in Fig. below is initially in state Q2 = 0,Q1 = 1,Q0 = 0.With reference to
the CLK input, draw waveforms for Q2,Q1,Q0and P for the next three CLK
8. In a single-phase, three-winding transformer, the turns ratio for primary:
secondary: tertiary windings is 20:4:1. With the lagging currents of 50A at a power factor of
0.6 in the tertiary winding, find the primary current and power- factor.
9. A belt driven dc shunt generator runs at 1500 rpm delivering 10k2, at 220V bus bars. The
belt breaks, following which the machine operates as a motor drawing 2kW power. What will
be its speed as a motor? The armature and field resistances are 0.25 ohms and 55 ohms
respectively. Ignore armature reaction and assume the contact drop at each brush to be lv.
10. A 230V, 20 hp, 60 Hz, 6-pole, 3-phase induction motor driving a constant torque load at
rated frequency, rated voltage and rated horse-power, has a speed of 1175 rpm and an
efficiency of 92.1°h. Determine the new operating speed if a system disturbance causes 10°h
drop in voltage and 6°h drop in frequency. Assume that friction, windage and stray power
losses remain constant.
11. A 2300 V, 3-phase synchronous motor driving a pump is provided with a line ammeter and
a field rheostat. When the rheostat is adjusted such that the ac line current is minimum. The
ammeter reads 8.8A. What is the power being delivered to the pump, neglecting losses? How
should the rheostat be adjusted so that the motor operates at 0.8 leading power factor? How
many kVARs is the motor supplying to the system at this new power factor?
12. A 275 kV, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 400 km lossless line has following parameters:
x=0.05 ohms/km, line charging susceptance y=3.0 micro-Siemens/km.
(a) Calculate the receiving end voltage on open circuit using justifiable assumptions.
(b) What load at the receiving end will result in a flat voltage profile on the line?
(c) If the flat voltage profile is to be achieved at 1.2 times the loading in (b), what will be the
nature and quantum of uniformly distributed compensation required?
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13. In a 3-bus system, Gauss load flow method is to be used for finding the switched capacitor
compensation required to maintain the voltage at bus 2 equal to 1.0 p.u. the data for the
system is as follows:
Line data: Z12 =Z13 =Z31 =jO.1 p.u.Neglect line charging.
Bus data:
Bus No. Bus Type Specifications
1 Slack V1 (1+jO)p.u.
Load:P2 +jQ2 =(0.4+jO.2)p.u.
2 PV
V2 (magnitude) = 1.Op.u.
3 PQ Load: P3 +jQ3 = (0.3+jO.15)p.u.
All data are on common base values.
With the help of one iteration of load flow, explain how you will achieve the stated objective.
14. For the configuration shown in Fig.14, the breaker connecting a large system to bus 2 is
initially open. The system 3-phase fault level at bus 3 under this condition is not known. After
closing the system breaker, the 3-phase fault level at bus 1 was found to be 5.0 p.u. What will
be the new 3-phase fault level at system bus 3 after the interconnection? All per unit values
are on common bases. Perfault load currents are neglected and prefault voltages are assumed
to be 1.0 p.u. at all buses.
en System
Eg = 1.0 pU. XT= 0.2 D.U.
XLine = 0.3 pU. Xd 0.2 D.U.
15. A synchronous generator, having a reactance of 0.15 p.u., is connected to an infinite bus
through two identical parallel transmission lines having reactance of 0.3 p.u. each. In steady
state, the generator is delivering 1 p.u. Power to the infinite bus. For a three-phase fault at
the receiving end of one line, calculate the rotor angle at the end of first time step of 0.05
seconds. Assume the voltage behind transient reactance for the generator as 1.1 p.u. and
infinite bus voltage as 1.0 p.u. Also indicate how the accelerating powers will be evaluated for
the next time step if the breaker clears the fault
(a) at the end of an interval
(b) at the middle of an interval
16. 16. A single phase voltage source of magnitude 4and frequency o (rad/s) is connected to
an inductance L through an antiparallel back-to-back pair of thyristors. The forward and
reverse conducting thyristors are fired at an angle of a from the positive going and negative
going zero crossings of the supply voltage respectively, in each cycle.
Obtain an expression for the inductor current in each cycle for a given value of x. The voltage
drop across the thyristors, when either of them is in conclusion, may be assumed to be
17. A dc motor with armature resistance Ra5 fed from a step down chopper in the continuous
mode, and operates at some known speed and known excitation current. The motor current
rises from .tmin to .tmax in the ON period 7,of the chopper; and drops from Imax to .tmin in
the OFF period T of the same circuit. Both the rise and fall of the current may be assumed to
be approximately linear. What is the average power loss in the machine armature?
18. For perfectly balanced operation a certain three phase ac power electronic circuit
generates odd harmonic currents of order five and seven in the three phases of the ac mains.
Identify which of these harmonics form a positive-sequence system, and which form a
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negative-sequence system.
19. A three-phase load operates with balanced voltages applied to its terminals, and draws
balanced currents. The potential coil of a moving coil wattmeter is connected from R to Y
terminals of the load. The current coil of the meter is connected in series with phase B. by
appropriate derivation, show that the quantity indicated by this wattmeter is proportional to
the reactive power drawn by the load.
20. Open-loop transfer function of a unity-feedback system is:
G(s) = G1(s).e = ___________
Given: G1 (ja = 1 when a = 0.466.
(a) Determine the phase margin when VD = 0.
(b) Comment in one sentence on the effect of dead time on the stability of the system.
(c) Determine the maximum value of dead time VD for the closed-loop system to be stable.
21. A unity feedback system has open-loop transfer function
G(s)= ;K=0
(a) Draw a rough sketch of the root locus plot; given that the complex roots of the
characteristic equation move along a circle.
(b) As K increases, does the system become less stable? Justify your answer.
(c) Find the value of K (if it exists) so that the damping of the complex closed loop poles is
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24th July 2010, 08:46 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 214
Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

i have got last10 years GATE papers in electrical engineering.but don't know how to attach .so please refer the linkgiven below
or else you can also tell me your id , i will mail it to you.
hope this is what you wanted!
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24th July 2010, 09:03 PM
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Posts: 3,164
Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hello dear

you can get Previous year question paper for GATE of electrical engineering,in the given below sites,


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24th July 2010, 11:42 PM
Somesh Goenka
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering


Attached you can find question papers upto last ten years.

Also, attached is the syllabai for 2010.

Good Luck..!
Attached Files
File Type: pdf EE_2009_GATE_PAPER.pdf(228.8 KB, 83 views)
File Type: pdf GATE_2010_Syllabi.pdf(215.9 KB, 83 views)
File Type: zip Last 10 Years Paper.zip(1.66 MB, 64 views)
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25th July 2010, 02:02 AM
Senior Member+
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 522
Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hi friend
you can get the previous year gate question paper of any of the stream from the following sites
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25th July 2010, 09:18 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 278
Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hello friend:

1. http://www.gateforum.com/gate_papers.php
2. http://www.onestopgate.com/downloads/
3. http://www.onestopgate.com/gate-preparation/sample-papers/
4. http://www.freshersworld.com/careers/gate/gate.htm
5. http://www.humsurfer.com/last-10-years-gate-question-papers-ececseiteeemech
6. http://www.indiastudycenter.com/other/testpapers/others/gate/default.asp
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31st March 2011, 02:37 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

Originally Posted by Cchandrakar943 View Post
Plese send me previous question paper of gate of electrical engineering

Previous year paper of GATE exam (Electrical)

If you are preparing for the GATE exam and if you have needed previous year paper of GATE exam then please visit the below website and download the previous year paper of GATE exam.

Visit this website.

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15th July 2011, 03:18 PM
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Location: chennai
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Default Re: Previous question paper of GATE of electrical engineering

hi, gate is a exam which need creative and technical knowledge you need to prepare well for exam
Attached Files
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