4th March 2011, 07:36 PM
Previous year solved question papers of BOB PO exam question paper?
Previous year solved question papers of BOB PO exam? How to download it?
Please reply thanks |
5th March 2011, 02:15 AM
hello friend...
Attached some of the previous year Bank of Baroda question papers and the common pattern papers for PO exam in this post... check it out... hope it helps for your preparation... All the Best... ![]() |
5th March 2011, 03:39 PM
Previous year solved question papers of Bank of Baroda PO exam are not available with me. But I know the exam pattern of Bank of Baroda PO exam. In Bank of Baroda exam following subjects are asked. 1. Current Affairs 2. English Section 3. Aptitude 4. General Knowledge 5. Mathematics 6. Reasoning Section Good Luck |
20th March 2011, 12:13 PM
Bank of Baroda Clerk Books !!
Here i have attached Some Clerical BOB Papers Hope it would help you to the Fullest. I) ![]() Even You can Refer Books Details of Clerical book are Bank Of Baroda Clerical Cadre Recruitment Test By Student Aid Publications Publisher: Student Aid Publications (2011) Discount :- if you buy from This Site Click here to buy Attachments :- Papers. |
20th March 2011, 06:35 PM
![]() Quote:
i am giving the question paper with answers as below ::::::: Bank of Baroda Agriculture Officers Exam 2008 Solved Paper Bank of Baroda Agriculture Officers Exam., 2008 (Held on 14-12-2008) Professional Knowledge : Solved Paper1. 1. How many mango trees will be accommodated with a spacing of 5•0 m x 5•0 m in an area one Hectare ? (A) 400 tree/ha (B) 750 tree/ha (C) 800 tree/ha (D) 850 tree/ha (E) 900 tree/ha 2. Of the Total Net Bank Credit (NBC) of the Public Sector Banks at the end of March 2007, what is the share of Agricultural Lending (Direct and Indirect) ? (A) 13•6 per cent (B) 14•6 per cent (C) 15•6 per cent (D) 16•6 per cent (E) 17•6 per cent 3. What is the average yield per lactation in buffalo in India ? (A) 1200 kg (B) 1250 kg (C) 1300 kg (D) 1350 kg (E) 1400 kg 4. Which one of the following Districts of Andhra Pradesh is considered as the ‘Hub of Fresh Fish Farming’ ? (A) Nellore (B) Guntur (C) Krishna (D) Godavari (E) Anantpur 5. At present, per capita availability of milk in India is about— (A) 200 gram per day (B) 210 gram per day (C) 215 gram per day (D) 220 gram per day (E) 225 gram per day 6. Under the cold storage, this crop requires 0-1 degree Celsius temperature and 98–100 per cent humidity ……… . (A) Brinjal (B) Bhindi (C) Peas (D) Grape (E) Banana 7. This Hybrid variety of Sorghum (Jowar) is high yielding, tolerant to shoot fly, stemborer, with good roti making qualities suitable for Maharashtra state under Kharif and Rabi Seasons— (A) AKSV 13 R (B) SPV 1155 (Variety) (C) SHD 9690 (Hybrid) (D) DSV 5 (Variety) (E) DSV 4 (Variety) 8. Which one of the following Agrofood sector in India has ‘Highest Level of Processing’ (percentage of total production) ? (A) Fruits and Vegetables (B) Milk and Milk Products (C) Buffalo Meat (D) Poultry Product (E) Marine Products 9. This Micro Finance Institution (MFI) in India, is one of the fastest growing MFI in the world with annual growth rate of 200 per cent— (A) PRADHAN (B) BASIX (C) SKS (D) MYRADA (E) Sadaguru Seva Trust 10. This Sunflower Hybrid Variety is tall (150 cm–180 cm), early in maturity (95 days), yields 1•7 tonnes to 2•0 tonnes per hectare, is recommended for cultivation at all India level— (A) KBSH 44 (Hybrid) (B) KBSH 41 (Hybrid) (C) KBSH 42 (Hybrid) (D) LSFH 35 (Maruti-Hybrid) (E) PSFH 118 (Hybrid) 11. As on March 2007, of the total Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) issued to farmers by Formal Financial Institutions in India, the share of commercial banks is about— (A) 37 per cent (B) 45 per cent (C) 47 per cent (D) 49 per cent (E) 51 per cent 12. During the last four decades, there had ‘Not been any meaningful gain in production’ of this group of crops in India ……… . (A) Oilseed crops (B) Plantation crops (C) Aromatic and Medicinal plants (D) Horticultural crops (E) Pulse crops 13. Which one of the following countries, ranked first in the Inland Fisheries production in 2004-05 ? (A) Japan (B) United States (C) China (D) India (E) Thailand 14. What percentages of total cultivable area in India, is presently under ‘Fodder’ production ? (A) 3•60 per cent (B) 4•60 per cent (C) 5•60 per cent (D) 6•60 per cent (E) 7•60 per cent 15. This country ranked first in production of ‘Mushrooms’ in the world— (A) China (B) Nepal (C) Bangladesh (D) Indonesia (E) Brazil 16. In which one of the following states, more than 2,000 ‘Vermicomposting units’ started by individuals and/or organization in rural and urban centres ? (A) Maharashtra (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Punjab (D) Himachal Pradesh (E) Karnataka 17. Nearly 35 per cent of the total ‘Fish Processing Facilities’ in India is concentrated in this state— (A) Goa (B) Kerala (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Maharashtra (E) Karnataka 18. This is a premier Institute/Board/Authority set up by Government of India for providing technical and financial support for creation of postharvest infrastructure for Horticultural crops in India— (A) APEDA (B) NCDC (C) NHB (D) MPEDA (E) None of these 19. Which one of the following crops you will suggest to a Big Farmer for getting higher yields and good income under the ‘Protected cultivation’ or under ‘Green-House condition’ ? (A) Coloured Capsicum (B) Vegetable Nursery (C) Brinjal (D) Sweet Corn (E) Lettuce 20. Which one of the following Private Corporate Companies in India is a leader in organized sector producing ‘Potato chips’ in India ? (A) ITC (B) HLL (C) Clean Food (D) Pepsi Co. (E) GD Foods 21. In which one of the following Indian states, percentage of total cultivable area under Horticultural crops is only 2•75 per cent ? (A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Rajasthan (C) Jharkhand (D) Chhattisgarh (E) Uttar Pradesh 22. What percentage of ‘All Economically Productive women population’ in India are engaged in Agriculture including animal husbandry and fisheries ? (A) 38 per cent (B) 48 per cent (C) 58 per cent (D) 68 per cent (E) 78 per cent 23. In which year, the ‘Varsha Bima Yojana’ (Insurance against the adverse incidence of rainfall) was started in India ? (A) 2004 (B) 2005 (C) 2006 (D) 2007 (E) 2008 24. Which one of the following states, the extent of financial exclusion is between 50 to 75 per cent ? (A) Bihar (B) Karnataka (C) Tamil Nadu (D) Jharkhand (E) West Bengal 25. A field of work in which people aim to improve the access of rural communities to efficient, sustainable financial services is known as or categorized as— (A) Agricultural Finance (B) Rural Finance (C) Micro Finance (D) Financial Institution (E) Financial Intermediary 26. The Science of cultivation and harvesting of fruits is called ‘Pomology’, however, of the following fruits, this fruit crop presently is not covered under the ‘Pomology’— (A) Water-melon (B) Banana (C) Strawberry (D) Sapota (E) Custard Apple 27. The ‘Productivity of Banana’ (yield per hectare) is highest in this state— (A) Tamil Nadu (B) Kerala (C) Karnataka (D) Maharashtra (E) Gujarat 28. Pepsi Co. started Contract farming in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh for preparation of— (A) Tomato purees (B) Basmati Rice (C) Groundnut Butter (D) Sunflower Oil (E) Chilli Paste for Export 29. At present, how many National Research Institutes are working on Development of Products/cropsunder ‘Agricultural Biotechnologies’ in India ? (A) 20 (B) 25 (C) 30 (D) 35 (E) 40 30. ‘Shifting Cultivation’ is practiced in India covering about 14•66 lakh hectare area, where in this state ranked first with 3•75 lakh hectare— (A) Assam (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Manipur (D) Meghalaya (E) Tripura 31. Which one of the following flower crops is native of India ? (A) Gladious (B) Bougainvillea (C) Tuberose (D) Orchids (E) All these 32. What is the Total Plan allocation (Rs. crores) for development of Rainfed/Dryland Agriculture in the XIth Five Year Plan Period (2007-08 to 2011-2012) ? (A) Rs. 65,000 crore (B) Rs. 70,000 crore (C) Rs. 75,000 crore (D) Rs. 80,000 crore (E) Rs. 85,000 crore 33. As on March 31, 2007, how many of the Public Sector Banks had achieved Direct Agricultural Lending Target (13•5 per cent of Net Bank Credit) stipulated by the RBI ? (A) Eight (B) Nine (C) Ten (D) Eleven (E) Twelve 34. This ‘Mango Hybrid Variety’ is early maturity, dwarf and having attractive colour, suitable for ‘Chotanagpur Region’ for the India— (A) Amrapali (B) Safed Maldah (C) Malika (D) Gulab Khas (E) Ratna 35. Production period in case of tea after gestation period is to the extant of …… . (A) 100 years (B) 50 years (C) 25 years (D) 10 years (E) 5 years 36. Recently, this Public Sector Bank, had launched an innovation called ‘Village Knowledge Centre’ wherein technology is used to help the farmers improve his productivity— (A) Punjab National Bank (B) Central Bank of India (C) United Bank of India (D) United Commercial Bank (E) Union Bank of India 37. As on 31 March, 2008, which one of the following Microfinance Programmes have covered the largest number of BPL/poor families in India ? (A) SHG-Bank Linkage Programme (B) SIDBI Foundation for Micro Credit (SFMC) (C) Rashtriya Mahila Kosh (RMK) (D) Friends of Women’s World Banking (FWWB) (E) Rashtriya Grameen Vikas Nidhi (RGVN) 38. Which one of the following is the name of a fungicide which can move mainly upwards within the plant and kill the pathogen away from the point of application ? (A) Semesan (B) Demosan (C) Cuprosan (D) Tulisan (E) Ceresan 39. As on March 2008, how many ‘No Frill Accounts’ were opened by Banks under Financial Inclusion ? (A) 12 million (B) 13 million (C) 14 million (D) 15 million (E) 16 million 40. This state is the Leading Producer of Vegetables in India contributing around 19 per cent of country’s production from 17 per cent of the total area under vegetable— (A) Maharashtra (B) Bihar (C) West Bengal (D) Andhra Pradesh (E) Karnataka 41. According to the RBI Report (2001-02), this Banking Region of the country has ‘Highest Flow of Institutional Credit for Agriculture’ in terms of amount of credit extended in Rs. per hectare of Gross Cropped Area— (A) Northern Region (B) North-Eastern Region (C) Eastern Region (D) Western Region (E) Southern Region 42. Based on the Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India (RBI, 2007), the number of rural branches of scheduled Commercial Banks in India as on 30th June, 2007, were— (A) 32,303 (B) 32,121 (C) 30,775 (D) 30,500 (E) 30,633 43. At present (2006), the estimated population of Tractors (Number of Tractors) in India is about— (A) 28 lakhs (B) 29 lakhs (C) 30 lakhs (D) 31 lakhs (E) 32 lakhs 44. This being the only country in the world producing all four known commercial varieties of silk viz., Mulberry, Tasar, Eri and Muga— (A) China (B) Brazil (C) Japan (D) India (E) Korean Republic 45. Which one of the following Pearl Millet (Bajra) variety is early maturity, with high yield and suitable for Haryana State under irrigated and rainfed situation ? (A) GHB-757 (B) HHB-146 (C) GHB-538 (D) HHB-94 (E) RHB-121 46. Of the 31 Districts identified in four states as having higher incidence of farmers suicides due to economic distress. How many of the 31 economically distress districts belonged to Andhra Pradesh ? (A) 10 Districts (B) 12 Districts (C) 14 Districts (D) 16 Districts (E) 18 Districts 47. Approximately, what percentage of Total Grape produced in India every year dried for Raising Purpose ? (A) 10 per cent (B) 12 per cent (C) 14 per cent (D) 16 per cent (E) 18 per cent 48. The Head Quarter of ‘National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) which was established on 10th July, 2006 for realizing full potential of Indian Fisheries sector is located at— (A) Rajendranagar (Hyderabad) A.P. (B) Cochi (Kerala) (C) Mangalore (Karnataka) (D) Mumbai (Maharashtra) (E) Bhubaneshwar (Orissa) 49. This Central Cattle Breeding Farm is producing ‘HFx Tharparkar Crossbred Bulls’ for breeding purpose in India— (A) Andeshnagar (U.P.) (B) Dhamrod (Gujarat) (C) Hassergatha (Karnataka) (D) Suratgarh (Rajasthan) (E) Alamdhi (Tamil Nadu) 50. Which one of the following countries, ‘Annual Per Capita Consumption’ of Wine is highest (50 litres) ? (A) China (B) Australia (C) USA (D) France (E) Germany Answers : 1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (E) 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (B) 9. (C) 10. (A) 11. (A) 12. (E) 13. (C) 14. (A) 15. (A) 16. (B) 17. (B) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (A) 21. (B) 22. (B) 23. (A) 24. (D) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (D) 28. (B) 29. (C) 30. (E) 31. (D) 32. (D) 33. (D) 34. (A) 35. (D) 36. (E) 37. (A) 38. (B) 39. (E) 40. (B) 41. (E) 42. (E) 43. (C) 44. (C) 45. (A) 46. (D) 47. (C) 48. (A) 49. (A) 50. (C) thank you....................... |
20th March 2011, 06:53 PM
The BOB Clerical Question Paper consists of following Main Sections:
Some books you can refer for the exam :
hope you find it useful |
21st March 2011, 03:28 PM
here i am attaching previous year Bank of Baroda PO(Probationary Officers) examination question paper. go through the attachment file and download it.
best wishes. |
21st March 2011, 10:46 PM
Here at the attachment section you will some patterns of Bank of Baroda exam...
and also some other banks exam because all bank's PO exam patterns are same. so download it from here.......... |
22nd March 2011, 01:46 AM
![]() Quote:
If you want to download the previous year paper of Bank of Baroda P.O exam then i give you a website name in which you can download the previous year paper of BOB. http://www.studychannel.com This is a good website in which you can download the previous year paper of many exam so please see the website. I have attached some previous year paper of BOB. Please see it. |
25th August 2011, 08:51 PM
Previous year solved question papers of Bank of Baroda PO exam are not available with me. But I know the exam pattern of Bank of Baroda PO exam. In Bank of Baroda exam following subjects are asked. 1. Current Affairs 2. English Section 3. Aptitude 4. General Knowledge 5. Mathematics 6. Reasoning Section Good Luck |
31st October 2011, 04:13 AM
hello friend...
Attached some of the previous year Bank of Baroda question papers and the common pattern papers for PO exam in this post... check it out... hope it helps for your preparation... All the Best... |
22nd December 2011, 09:41 PM
Written Test - Eligible candidates will be required to appear for written test comprising (i) Objective Test on (i) Reasoning (ii) Quantitative Aptitude (iii) General Socio Economic & Banking Awareness (iv) English Language (v) Marketing Aptitude
15th April 2012, 06:59 PM
Previous year solved question papers of Bank of Baroda PO exam are not available with me
But I know the exam pattern of Bank of Baroda PO exam. In Bank of Baroda exam following subjects are asked. 1. Current Affairs 2. English Section 3. Aptitude 4. General Knowledg 5. Mathematic 6. Reasoning Section |
16th April 2012, 12:10 AM
![]() Dear friend, If you are interested in bank Of baroda PO examination Then you should follow these sample papers I think these sample paper are really good and will help you. SAMPLE PAPERS FOR BANK OF BARODA PO : |