19th June 2013, 06:53 PM
Previous years question papers of Himachal Pradesh University
please send me regular bed entrance exam10 years question papers of himachal pradesh university.on my email |
17th September 2013, 08:45 PM
sir please send me the previous year question papers for the clerical exam in hpu
15th October 2013, 01:31 AM
5th November 2013, 12:57 PM
Sir, i need past year B.ED arts paper. If u have please send me [email protected]
9th November 2013, 10:49 AM
sir please send me previous years question papers of apllied maths 1 of btech...if u have question papers plz send it to me at [email protected]
2nd January 2014, 04:53 PM
sir please send me previous years years question papers of MCA entrance exams [email protected]
15th February 2014, 11:25 AM
Sir, Please send Previous paper of Mathematics in B.A 2nd year and please send few tips for rivision of final exams. and plz send it to me at [email protected].
18th April 2014, 11:09 PM
Sir, pls send me the previous years question paper of entrance exam m.sc. mathematic at [email protected]
15th May 2014, 01:30 PM
sir/mam, plz send me Mca question previous year question paper of entrance exam at [email protected]. i will be very thankful
to you |
7th September 2014, 05:27 PM
Sir plz send me previous year btech 1 st year question papers...on [email protected]
11th September 2014, 08:59 AM
please send me previous year paper of MA Economics 1st semister on [email protected]
16th December 2014, 08:59 AM
sir please send me the previous year question papers for the B.sc exam in hpu on [email protected]
18th April 2015, 05:38 PM
Sir plz send me msc mathematics entrance question papers of hpu
On my email.id I.e [email protected] |
11th November 2015, 11:45 PM
Please send me previous year papers / ten year papers of MBBS final i.e. medicine ,gyanae ,obs ,paeds etc. on my e-mail [email protected]
19th November 2015, 03:57 PM
respected sir
please send me the previous year question paper of BA 3rd sem in hpu my email id- [email protected] |
13th March 2016, 01:57 PM
Dear sir..
I want B.A 2nd year question paper 2013. If u have then please send it on my Gmail id([email protected]). |
30th April 2016, 12:08 AM
I want BCA 1st year question paper 2014.If you have please send it on my Email-Id([email protected]) Thank you sir. |
30th April 2016, 12:11 AM
I want BCA 1st year question paper 2014.If you have please send it on my Email-Id([email protected]) Thank you sir. |
30th April 2016, 12:19 AM
I want BCA 1st year question paper 2014.If you have please send it on my Email-Id([email protected]) Thank you sir. |
30th April 2016, 12:19 PM
Plz send me the question paper of b.com 2nd sem of secssion 2014-15... plz
My email address is [email protected] |
6th May 2016, 08:48 AM
I want MCA entrance exam question papers 2011 to 2015. If you have please send it on my e-mail- I'd ( [email protected]
13th September 2016, 07:10 PM
Sir can u please send me math physics and chemistry question paper of last paper on my I'd [email protected]
24th October 2016, 02:39 PM
Sir can you please send me question paper of physics chemistry and math on my email id [email protected]
29th January 2017, 11:17 PM
I want previous year or any model test paper of MA Economics second semester so that i may start my preparation according to style of questions. Please sent it at my mail id ([email protected]).Its very important for me.Please send it if its possible.Thanks....
10th February 2017, 05:06 PM
I want previous year test paper of MA Hindi . Please sent it at my mail id ([email protected]).Its very important for me.Please send it if its possible.Thanks....
9th October 2017, 11:05 PM
Hello Sir, I want previous year or any model test paper of mcom 1st semester that i may start my preparation according to style of questions. Please sent it at my mail id ([email protected]).Its very important for me.Please send it if its possible.Thanks....
11th October 2017, 09:12 PM
I need previous 10 or 5 year solved or unsolved question papers for M.A history (private) Himachal Pradesh University.. Please if you have then send on [email protected]
25th October 2017, 10:07 PM
Sir i want to previous year question paper of BBA managemnt control techniques 5th semester please sent me question paper my e-mail ([email protected])
Its very imporatant to me for the prepared the final examination.. send me if its possible .. Thanks |
14th November 2017, 09:32 PM
Sir. Please send me an entrance question paper of M. A. English. Last two year question paper of hpu on... [email protected] suggest a books for preparation also.
6th March 2018, 09:35 AM
Sir i need previous year question paper of bsc. Mathematics if u have then please semd me ([email protected])
21st May 2018, 02:42 PM
Sir send me questions paper of MA History entrance paper of last 5 year please sir
[email protected] |
14th June 2018, 05:15 PM
I need previous 5 years question papers of Bsc 1st sem. Mathematics. Please send me on @[email protected]
20th September 2018, 06:58 AM
Sir I need previous 3 year question papers of BA lst year English please send me on ( [email protected]
16th January 2019, 03:05 PM
Sir send me a previous question paper of bsc 1st year zoology of animal diversity and comparative anatomy on [email protected]. I will very thankful for this
24th March 2019, 12:23 PM
Sir please send me a zoology 1st year question paper ni [email protected]
18th April 2019, 10:32 PM
Sir please send me previous years question papers of bsc 1st year of organic and inorganic chemistry ( year system ) on [email protected]
18th April 2019, 10:34 PM
Sir please send me previous year question papers of bsc 1st year chemistry on [email protected]
18th April 2019, 10:36 PM
Sir please send me previous year question paper of b.sc 1st year chemistry on [email protected]
24th April 2019, 06:49 PM
Sir please send me last 3 year previous question paper of MCA-Entrance on
[email protected] |
23rd May 2019, 11:20 AM
Sir please send me last 2 years questions paper of mca entrance exam of hpu shimla. [email protected]
22nd October 2019, 08:45 PM
Sir please send me last year question papers of bsc 1st year on [email protected]
3rd November 2019, 07:55 PM
Sir please send me last year question papers of bsc 1st year mathematics on [email protected]