31st August 2012, 11:06 PM
Join Date: Mar 2012
Posts: 1

Previous years question papers for SSC/Tele in railways

I have applied for the post of SSE/Tele in railways. Can I get the previous question papers and also solved papers as per the syllabus
i want to previous 5 year exam paper for RRB EXAM Sr. Section engineer for electronics and communication branch

please send as soon as possible on my e-mail [email protected]

20th March 2013, 04:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Previous years question papers for SSC/Tele in railways

I have completed my diploma in Electronics & Communication Engineering. I want last 5 year question papers for preparation in Railway, BSNL/MTNL and other Govt. organisation. Kindly send this question papers at my e-mail address :- [email protected].

with regards

Do you have any question? or have anything to say?

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