14th October 2011, 09:18 PM
Procedure for making a CHA?
dear sir,
i want to knowledge for 'CHA' so, please tell me about what is the proses of making a 'CHA'. i have done graduate with B.COM. THANKS. pareshkumar chauhan |
18th April 2012, 09:38 AM
dear friend,
CHA(customer house agent) is a person who is licensed to act as an agent for transaction of any business relating to the entry. the following are the full list of customs house agents: -->liabilities of CHA -->application for license -->qualification of applicant -->other qualifications as to qualification -->temporary license -->curriculum -->examinations -->regular license -->employement of persons -->service charge -->shedule of rates -->records to be maintained by CHA -->duties and obligations of CHA all the beat........... |
6th March 2013, 01:50 PM
i complete b.com second year. .what is a process of custome housing agent exam, ,where i need matirial for this exam? ? ?
9th February 2014, 12:16 PM
Procedure of becoming a CHA
1. Appear for the CHA exam, written followed by interview, clear both the exams and get your temporary licence and then make it permanent. 2. Exam is conducted once every year on 31 January 3. Course majorly includes customs act and allied laws and acts related to foreign trade policy, narcotics and many more. But for the purpose of passing the exam focus on customs act. 4. Study material is available in the form of law books only on customs, management books only international trade and cha exam guide good one is from bhargava books. All is easily available if one searches on internet. 5. Study for 1 hour everyday else you run the risk of failing in interview because by reading or in other words rattafication of CHA EXAM GUIDE you may pass the written but interview will test more knowledge 6. Next exam date is jan 2015 |
27th February 2014, 11:02 AM
Hello from were I can apply and take admission for cha
[email protected] |
3rd March 2014, 11:02 PM
Hi Sandeepj23
CHA is not a course where you can take an admission. Instead it is a profession which you can practice if you appear for the cha exam and clear it. You can go through various threads in this forum on the topic. Also you can search for Licensed Custom House Agent on google etc. to get more information. |
10th September 2014, 07:06 PM
Respected Sir,
I am practicing advocate for 5 years.May I have information regarding preparation to become C.H.A.?? From where I shall get the form as well as the appropriate materials..?? Guidence for an interview..?? |
7th May 2015, 01:51 PM
![]() Quote:
LLBs are eligible to appear for the CBLR Exam. The upcoming exam is in Jan 2016. Since you are an advocate you can simply pick up the Custom Manual and read it and simultaneously make notes for revision. In addition to that you can buy the CBLR Exam Guide by KR Bhargava. This combination is more than sufficient for you. Best of Luck. |