30th December 2010, 08:42 PM
Recent question with solutions of Capgemini?
I need CAPGEMINI recent questions with solution. I have campus interview next week. Will u please send the questions. ?
14th January 2011, 12:43 PM
i had attached some previous year papers of capgemini .this can be really helpful .so, go through them and prepare accordingly.
22nd January 2011, 08:44 PM
Hey plz sens me recent cap gemini question paper . . plzzzzzz
12th April 2011, 10:44 PM
can anyone send me the recent capgemini placement papers.here is my mail id [email protected] |
23rd July 2011, 10:28 PM
![]() |
11th July 2012, 08:48 PM
I have my placement after two days, I need cap gemini recent placement test papers. Can you help me? Plz Send Me Recent Quations Papers To [email protected]
26th July 2012, 09:33 PM
please send me Capgemini's Recent question papers
mail: [email protected] |
21st September 2012, 05:32 PM
![]() Quote:
28th September 2012, 12:09 AM
Dear Friend ,
Capgemini is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing, and local professional services.Capgemini is headquartered in Paris, France and operates in 40 countries. In their recruitment There are three rounds a)apti b)GD c)PI [HR+Technical] I-Quantitative(25 Ques) II-Analytical Reasoning(25 Ques) There was sectional cut-off i.e 10 from each sections . 1. A man engaged a servant on a condn that he’ll pay Rs 40 and also give him a bag at the end of the yr. He served for 9 months and was given a turban and Rs 55. So the price of turban is i. Rs 10 / 29 / 0 / none 2.How many 4 digit no. can b formed wit digits 1, 2, 3,4,5 which r divisible by 4 and digits not repeated 144 / 168 / 182 / none 3.. If 1= (3/4)(1+ (y/x) ) then i. x=3y ii. x=y/3 iii. x=(2/3)y iv. none 4.There is a rectangular Garden whose length and width are 60m X 20m.There is a walkway of uniform width around garden. Area of walkway is 516m^2. Find width of walkway 1/2/3/4 5. In a race from pt. X to pt Y and back, Jack averages 0 miles/hr to pt Y and 10 miles/hr back to pr X.Sandy averages 20 miles/hr in both directions. If Jack and Sandy start race at same tym, who’ll finish 1st Jack/Sandy/they tie/Impossible to tell 6 Fresh Grapes contain 90% water by wt. Dried grapes contain 20% water by %age. What will b wt of dried grapes when we begin with 20 kg fresh grapes? 2kg / 2.4kg / 2.5kg /none 7. Three wheels make 36, 24, 60 rev/min. Each has a black mark on it. It is aligned at the start of the qn. When does it align again for the first tym? 14/20/22/5 sec 8. Asish was given Rs. 158 in denominations of Rs 1 each. He distributes these in diff bags, such that ne sum of money of denomination betn 1 and 158 can be given in bags. The min no. of such bags reqd 10 / 17 / 15 / none 9. The sum of six consecutive odd nos. is 888. What is the average of the nos.? i. 147 ii. 148 iii. 149 iv. 146 10. 1010/104*102=10? i. 8 ii. 6 iii. 4 iv. None 11). A is 4 yrs old and B is thrice A>when A is 14 yrs, how old will B be? 26 28 24 none 12) Find min value of fn: |-6-x| + |4-x|+|5-x|+10-x|; where x is an integer 10 /17 /23 /none 13) units digit in expansion os 4 raised to 51 is: 2 /4 /6 /8 14) 2 men at same tym start walking towards each other from A n B 72 kms apart. sp of A is 4kmph.Sp of B is 2 kmph in 1st hr,2.5 in 2nd, 3 in rd. n so on…when will they meet i in 7 hrs ii at 35 kms from A iii in 10 hrs iv midway 15) (9*76+10*?-60) / (?*5*12+3-52)=1 7 9 3 none 16) 45 grinders brought @ 2215/-.transpot expense 2190/-.2760/-on octroi . Find SP/piece to make profit of 20% 2585 2225 2670 3325 17) in a 2 digit no unit’s place is halved and tens place is doubled.diff bet the nos is 37.digit in unit’s place is 2 more than tens place. 24 46 42 none 18) if x-y + z = 29 , y + z =30 , x-z=3 , find d value of x+4y-5z 22 38 17 none 19) Find approx value of 59.987/0.2102+1.187*18.02 52 16 86 none 20) If the ratio of prod of 3 diff comp’s A B & C is 4:7:5 and of overall prod last yr was 4lac tones and if each comp had an increase of 20% in prod level this yr what is the prod of Comp B this yr? 2.1L 22.1L 4.1L none 21). If 70% of a no. is subtracted from itself it reduces to 81.what is two fifth of that no.? 108 54 210 none 22). If a certain sum of money at SI doubles itself in 5 yrs then what is d rate? 5% 20% 25% 14.8% 23). If radius of cylinder and sphere r same and vol of sphere and cylinder r same what is d ratio betn the radius and height of the cylinder i. R= H ii. R= (3/4)H iii. R = (4/3)H iv. R=2/3H ………………………………………… >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one question was from conversion of hectare to kilametreReasonings were like this.These qns are based on situations given below: 7 Uni crick players are to be honored at a special luncheon. The players will be seated on a dais along one side of a single rectangular table. A and G have to leave the luncheon early and must be seated at the extreme right end of table, which is closest to exit. B will receive Man of the Match and must be in the centre chair C and D who are bitter rivals for the position of Wicket keeper dislike one another and should be seated as far apart as possible E and F are best friends and want to seat together. 13.Which of the foll may not be seated at both end of the table? i. C &D ii. D&F iii. C&G iv. C&F 14.Which of the foll pairs may be seated together? i. E & A ii. B & D iii. C & F iv. NONE An employee has to allocate offices to 6 staff members. The offices are no. 1-6. the offices are arranged in a row and they are separated from each other by dividers>hence voices, sounds and cigarette smoke flow easily from one office to another Miss R needs to use the telephone quite often throughout the day. Mr. M and Mr. B need adjacent offices as they need to consult each other often while working. Miss H is a senior employee and his to be allotted the office no. 5, having the biggest window. Mr D requires silence in office next to his. Mr. T, Mr M and Mr. D are all smokers. Miss H finds tobacco smoke allergic and consecutively the offices next to hers are occupied by non-smokers. Unless specifically stated all the employees maintain an atmosphere of silence during office hrs. 15.The ideal candidate to occupy office farthest from Mr. B will be i. Miss H ii. Mr. M iii. Mr. T iv. Mr. D 16.The three employees who are smokers should be seated in the offices i. 1 2 4 ii. 2 3 6 iii. 1 2 3 iv. 1 2 3 17.The ideal office for Mr. M would be i. 2 ii. 6 iii. 1 iv. 3 A robot moves on a graph sheet with x-y axes. The robot is moved by feeding it with a sequence of instructions. The different instructions that can be used in moving it, and their meanings are: Instruction Meaning GOTO(x,y) move to pt with co-ord (x,y) no matter where u are currently WALKX(P) move parallel to x-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in –ve if p is –ve WALKY(P) move parallel to y-axis through a distance of p, in the +ve direction if p is +ve and in –ve if p is –ve 19.The robot reaches point (5,6) when a sequence of 3 instr. Is executed, the first of which is GOTO(x,y) , WALKY(2), WALKY(4). What are the values of x and y?? i. 2,4 ii. 0,0 iii. 3,2 iv. 2,3 20. The robot is initially at (x.y), x>0 and y<0. The min no. of Instructions needed to be executed to bring it to origin (0,0) if you are prohibited from using GOTO instr. Is: i. 2 ii. 1 iii. x + y iv. 0 Prepare well best of luck... |
24th October 2012, 10:30 PM
hi friends any 1 having recent papers of capgemini please send to my id..([email protected])
25th October 2012, 03:26 PM
Hello Friend,
Capgemini Is MNC Company And It's Eligible Criteria : 1. 60% Though Out 2. No Back Logs Selection : 1. Written Test 2. GD 3. Technical Interview 4. HR Interview All The Best!!!!!!!!!!! |
28th November 2012, 03:55 AM
Capgemini is a French multinational corporation headquartered in Paris, France.It provides IT services and one of the world's largest management consulting, outsourcing and professional services companies with a staff of 121,026 operating in 40 countries.
Now the eligibility criteria for Capgemini is as follows : 1) 60% marks in the 10th and 12th board exams. 2) 60%/6 CGPA marks in the B.Tech/B.E degree examination without any backlog. And the exam for the Capgemini is being conducted by Cocubes (Web : http://cocubes.com) The question paper pattern is as follows : There are a total of 75 questions all together with 90 minutes time in total. Sections being : 1)English 2)Logical Reasoning 3)Aptitude There is +1 marks for the correct answers and -0.25 marks for the wrong answers. Along with these, there is even sectional cut-offs.So solve very carefully. After written there is Group Discussion and then TI+PI (Technical Interview and personal Interview). Here I have attached a recent capgemini paper 2012. Please go though it, it would be very helpful to all and might even some questions may be matching. Best of luck to all. Hope this would clear your doubts. Regards ![]() ~PRAVIR~ |
8th March 2013, 04:07 PM
hi frdz, i have interview in capgemini, plzz anybody having aptitude papers then to my mail id....([email protected])
16th August 2013, 03:06 PM
hey,can i have the very latest apti paper of capgemini?...Its going to arrive @ my campus by september,2013 1st week,in coimbatore...
please mail me the paper at:[email protected] |
13th September 2013, 03:40 PM
hi...do anybody have the latest apti paper of capgemini
company is arriving in our colg on 18sep 2013 so plzz email it on [email protected] |
14th September 2013, 06:56 PM
CAPGEMINI is the top most MNC company.So they have a placement criteria. THE CRITERIA FOR CAPGEMINI:- 1)Candidate must be score at least 60% in through out career. 2)Pending Backlog are not allowed 3)Maximum 1 year gap are allowed. SELECTION PROCESS FOR CAPGEMINI:- 1)Aptitude Test. 2)Technical Test 3)personal Interview i have attached the placement paper below please download it from below. Capqemini placement sample paper.zip ccaqemini placement sample paper.pdf all the best............... |