6th August 2019, 03:20 PM
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Suitable books in Kannada language to prepare for IAS exam?

Hi, I am from Andhra Pradesh and I am preparing for IAS exam. I want to know about the books through which I can prepare for this exam. I want the books in Kannada language. Please tell me about the books asap.

26th August 2019, 05:44 PM
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Default Re: Suitable books in Kannada language to prepare for IAS exam?

I have listed some of the IAS books in Kannada medium. You can refer these books for your exam preparation.

You can get these books from the nearby book store.

IAS Prelims Previous Question Papers (Paper 1 & Paper 2) With Key Answers In Kannada (Paperback, Kannada, Spardha Jagattu Team)
Author: Spardha Jagattu Team
Price: Rs.140

Indian Economy In Kannada - IAS, KAS, NET, SLET, FDA, SDA, PSI, KPSC ( Group C), PU Lecture Etc (Paperback, kannada, Garani N. Krishnamoorthy)
Author: Garani N. Krishnamoorthy
Price: Rs.299

General Knowledge - Useful For KAS, IAS, PDO, BEd, DEd, FDA, SDA, Police Constable And All Other Competitive Exams (Paperback, Kannada, Spardha Unnati Team)
Author: Spardha Unnati Team
Price: Rs.140
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