12th July 2019, 05:16 PM
What is the educational requirement to apply for Break Inspector post in Indian Railway?
Sir, I have completed my B.Tech. Am I eligible to apply for the post of Break Inspector in the Indian Railways? If yes, then how can I apply? Any entrance requirements? Pay scale?
21st July 2019, 12:34 AM
Educational requirement to apply for Sanitary Inspector in Indian Railway:
B.Sc (Chemistry) plus one year diploma of Health/Sanitary Inspector OR one year National Trade Certificate (NTC) in Health Sanitary Inspector awarded by National Council for Vocational Training, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India, New Delhi. Pay Scale: Rs 9,300 - 34800/- Grade pay: Rs 4200/- Applications are filled online for jobs in Indian Railways through the official website (www.indianrailways.gov.in/). Entrance selection process include 3 steps: 1) Written Examination 2) Document Verification 3) Medical Test |