9th July 2019, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a

What is the eligibility criteria for M.Ed?

I have completed my Diploma in Education (D.Ed). Now, can I apply for Master in Education (M.Ed)? If not, then what should I study to become eligible for M.Ed?

12th July 2019, 07:16 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 6,465
Default Re: What is the eligibility criteria for M.Ed?

The minimum education required to pursue M.Ed (Master of Education) degre course is a B.Ed (Bachelor of Education) degree or equivalent degree course from a recognised university/Institute.

So, having just completed your D.Ed (Diploma in Education) degree course, you are not eligible to pursue M.Ed degree course as D.Ed is not equivalent to B.Ed.
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